Monday, November 8, 2010

An Esthetician Or a Dermatologist? Know Where to Go to Effectively Treat Your Acne

You have been consistently irritated by the acne on your face and no matter what you do they do not seem to go away. So you want to seek the assistance of a professional but you do not know whom to approach first, should you go to an esthetician or should you visit a dermatologist?

An Esthetician is different from a dermatologist. They offer different services. So it depends upon your need before you can decide whom to consult.

Ordinarily, Estheticians are those whom you go to for the performance of cosmetic procedures like the facials and the body treatments. They are trained to do these procedures and are often referred to as skin care therapists. Unlike a dermatologist, they are not medical doctors who have gained expertise in the field of skin care. So if your concern is mild acne and you just need assistance for getting the right skin care products, then you can go to an esthetician. If you are not suffering from any major breakouts or blackheads, you may request a skin care specialist to assist you in removing these blemishes from you face. If you have consulted a dermatologist and he has prescribed a facial that would provide relief from your problem, a regular visit to your skin care therapist is more than enough already.

Consulting a dermatologist is sensible when treatments over the counter have failed you. When you have been consistently getting treatments but your acne problem continues to worsen and if you are suffering from acne that are inflammatory, then you should really consider visiting a medical doctor. It is also about time that you get professional help when your skin care specialist has suggested that you should go to a doctor.

Sometimes it is up to you to determine where you should bring your concern. However, you should be keen on the treatments that are being offered to you so that your condition will not worsen.


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