Friday, November 12, 2010

Anti Aging Supplements - Secrets Showing You How to Fight Wrinkles From Within!

Recent studies from a group of scientists found that women taking vitamins C and E, in addition with beta carotene had nearly 25% less wrinkles than those that weren't. Antioxidants like these prevent elastin and collagen from breaking down and will be a welcome addition to your regular skin care routine.

The above mentioned antioxidants can be found in common foods such raisins, blueberries, prunes, raspberries, spinach, broccoli and plums.

In addition to vitamins C and E, vitamin A is also very important to the promotion of healthy skin. Furthermore, a vitamin A deficiency can result in various skin treatments being less effective. Vitamin A promotes growth and renewal of skin cells and helps prevent skin damage.

If you are deficient in vitamin A, you will have symptoms such as fragile, dry and rough skin, wrinkle prone skin and poor texture.

Another excellent and important beauty antioxidant is vitamin C. It has been proven that low levels of vitamin C have a direct correlation with aging skin and UV damage. Additionally, vitamin C helps build collagen which is very beneficial in repairing of the skin.

Alpha lipoic acid is a highly recommended supplement. ALA has two main benefits. In addition to being an antioxidant, it also has the ability to recycle the previously mentioned antioxidants. ALA helps prevent the cross linking of fibers, which in many cases leads to wrinkle development and aging of the skin.

ALA is produced naturally by our body, however, only in small quantities. Our cells need ALA for normal functioning which means we can only benefit from the antioxidant effect of ALA if we have more than needed for our cells.

Using these supplements in addition with a good anti-aging cream can be extremely beneficial.


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