Monday, November 1, 2010

Resveratrol Aids in Anti-Aging

Resveratrol aids in anti aging in the easiest of ways; eat it, drink it or take it as a supplement! As an added bonus, you'll also receive some other wonderful healthful benefits.

We all know if we want to avoid signs of aging we should stay hydrated, use sunscreen faithfully, avoid smoking and use a moisturizer. Great steps to take but now research has given us one more in the form of a naturally occurring antioxidant, resveratrol.

This remarkable antioxidant was actually probably discovered thanks to the "French Paradox." For years it was observed that the French have a very low mortality rate from coronary heart disease even though they continuously indulge in high saturated fats. Finally the idea formed that perhaps there was a connection to that low heart disease rate and the red wine the Frenchmen love. Surely enough, our powerful antioxidant was found in the wine.

We know as we age our cells slow in their response to protect us from stressors found in the environment, bacteria, viruses and multiple other factors. We start to develop age related diseases such as adult onset diabetes, Alzheimers or Parkinsons. Now researchers are hoping to prove without a shadow of a doubt that this powerful antioxidant can manipulate the activation of爐he protein that helps our cells protect us and therefore keep them working longer.

All of the life forms tested so far such as worms, mice and fruit flies, have had their life spans dramatically lengthened. In addition, it helps to reduce the risk of strokes, clots and heart attacks.This is why this remarkable antioxidant is being touted as the best anti aging supplement you can take.

So while research continues on, be sure to get your share of resveratrol. It's most abundant in red wine, grapes, peanuts, Japanese knotwood?and, of course, as a supplement.


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