Friday, November 5, 2010

4 Major Ingredients For Over-the-Counter Acne Treatment Products

Don't let Acne have any chance to progress to a more serious disease. It is always preferable to begin the treatment of acne when it is at the Grade 1 or mild stage. In many cases, mile acne can be treated effectively with over-the-counter acne treatment products. What are the major ingredients used in most of these products? Let's explore on the major four of them that are known to treat mild acne effectively.

1. Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Proxide found in many acne cleansers, gels and creams, works by killing the bacteria responsible for acne breakout.?It also helps to unclog pores to reduce inflammation of the skin. It is the most common use ingredients in mild acne treatment products. Generally, those people who just started in getting acne, applying acne treatment products that contain Benzoyl Proxide will help to improve the condition.

One reason for common use of Benzoyl Peroxide in treating mild acne is it is easy to obtain as it can be found in many acne treatment products and it is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it becomes a popular choice especially among teens who suffer acne problem. Another added benefit is the Benzoyl Peroxide products are generally safe to use without any major side effects or problem related to long-term use.

2. Sulfur and Resorcinol

The combination of sulfur and resorcinol usually is used to treat acne and similar skin diseases. It also commonly found in acne treatment products that focus on reducing the excessive oil on the skin to improve acne condition. Most often sulfur and resorcinol are used in combination; they are rarely being used alone. Resorcinol helps to remove the buildup of dead skin cells. Although sulfur has been used for more than half a century in treating acne, no clear reports found on how it works in helping the acne treatment. However, when it combines with resorcinol, they work perfectly to show positive result.

3. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is an important ingredient for many over-the-counter acne treatment products such as cleansers, lotions and treatment pads. It is also the major ingredients for many others skin disorder products. The root cause for Acne is the forming of skin cells inside the hair follicles that shed too fast and clog the skin pore that results in pimples, blackheads or whiteheads. Salicylic acid works in reducing the abnormal shedding of skin cells to prevent the clogging, which leads to the improvement of acne condition. Particularly salicylic acid works well for those with blackheads and whiteheads.

4. Alcohol & Acetone

Acne treatment products that contain alcohol and acetone work best for acne suffers who have oily skin types. They are the key ingredients in products such as toners, astringents, and cleansers. Alcohol and acetone work together, where alcohol works to reduce acne-causing bacteria and acetone removes excess oil from skin. With both in actions, they help to reduce the amount of pore blockages and avoid acne from going worse.


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