Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Makeup Can Make You Look Great at Any Age

Women all want to look the best they can. It doesn't matter if a woman is 13, 30 or 80, she still wants to look her best. Everyone has flaws to deal with and makeup is the tool of choice. Women's makeup has been a girls best friend for centuries. The Egyptians, Romans and Elizabethans all had their makeup secrets. Americans from the early settlers to the flappers and housewives of the 50s all used one form of makeup or another to look their best. Each generation of women has it's own special look to aspire to.In modern times that special look changes more often, and women need to change with it.

A woman's face changes every few years as she goes from adolescent to young adult to mature woman. The texture of skin, blemish type, skin firmness and pore size all change from stage to stage of life. A woman's skin care routine and makeup regimen need to change accordingly for her to look her best. A woman needs to change her look to match current style and stage of life. You can't look 20 forever, but you can look your best at every age. It is not easy to determine the most stylish, best look for yourself without help.

There are good cosmetic companies around the country that have makeup consultants willing to help women find the best look for them. Women's makeup has made great strides in the last few years. Makeup can do what it took surgery to do a few years ago. Though makeup is not a replacement for all plastic surgery, it can delay the need. A good makeup consultant can guide one through the different products available, what they can do and how to use them for best effect. Some consultants come to your home, others have in home parties and some you see at a department store or beauty parlor.

Where ever you go to see a beauty consultant, make sure she knows what look you are after. Look at the consultant. Do you like the skin care and makeup choices she has made for herself? A mature woman might do better with a mature consultant rather than a 20 something girl with spiked hair. Shop for the beauty consultant who you feel will best understand your needs and wants. Specify the budget you have for your skin care program before she starts advising you, because it makes a difference. There are different products for a $30.00 budget than for a $200.00 budget.


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