Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Makes For a Beautiful Smile?

A smile communicates what a thousand words do not always do effectively.營t can bridge the gap between you and another person.燗 smile can win over a crowd.燗 baby's first smiles capture his or her parent's heart.營n other words, a smile is an important part of a person.燘ut one can ask, what makes for a beautiful smile?

That depends on the person you ask.燬ome people feel the most important thing to a beautiful smile is the confidence and soul of a person.燭he smile reflects the content and happy nature of its wearer.營f the person that smiles is sad or in other ways weighed down, it will reflect in his or her smile.燗 person's smile might be the first communication to a future friend, employer, or soul mate.?/p>

Physical aspects of the smile might make it more beautiful to a person.燬traight teeth might be a feature that a person values.燗nother person might like a smile that displays whiter teeth versus yellow and damaged teeth.燝um size, teeth size, and lip size all might be factors that will make a person choose one smile as beautiful and another as not so beautiful.

Smiles are a universal language that everyone can understand.燩eople often recognize a smile as a means of welcome.營t is an unspoken gesture that communicates.燚ifferent people judge the beauty of a smile in various ways, but one thing holds true for all smiles... it speaks volumes without saying a word.


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