Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lines in My Forehead - How to Effectively Eliminate Them

When I began to see lines in my forehead, I blamed my Mom. She had them, too. The experts say that genetics may, in fact, play a role in wrinkle formation. But there are other causes, too and we can do something about them. One of the causes of wrinkles is free radical damage. It may be the biggest cause. Free radicals are molecules naturally present in the skin's cells, but their number and activity increases greatly when we are exposed to UV rays from the sun and some kinds of environmental toxins.

Cigarette smoke, for example, causes increased activity of free radicals. In young, healthy skin, there are large amounts of antioxidants to prevent the free radical activity from doing any damage. But, even when we are young, overexposure to the sun can deplete the skin's level of antioxidants. Only a little bit of damage is done at a time. But, eventually, that damage can add up. The next thing you know, you are over 40 and you see those first few lines on your forehead.

Protecting your face from things that increase free radical activity (cigarette smoke and sunlight) and using an antioxidant-rich cream on a daily basis are the recommended steps. The latest studies have shown that some antioxidants can actually repair sun damage. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the antioxidants produced by the cells of the human body. Researchers originally noted that the level of Coenzyme Q10 in the skin decreased drastically during sun exposure.

They began to experiment with different forms of the antioxidant, searching for the right emulsion, one that would penetrate deeply. They found that a nano-emulsion form worked best and could reverse sun damage by as much as 30% in six weeks. I decided to buy a cream that contained the nano-emulsion form of coenzyme Q10. It took less than six weeks for me to notice a reduction in the lines in my forehead. But, I also made an effort to protect the area from sunlight and the cream that I decided to buy contains other nourishing ingredients, too.

The protein keratin is one of them. It has been shown to stimulate the production of new cells and fibers. Decreased production of those things is one of the other causes of wrinkling and sagging. If you want to get rid of the lines on your forehead, I would suggest the regular use of a day cream, a good zinc oxide sun-block and a rejuvenating night cream. Ingredients like avocado oil and Shea butter have been shown to increase the skin's collagen content, improve firmness and improve the skin's moisture content.

With just a couple of good skincare products, you and I can look as young as we feel, without resorting to expensive and painful cosmetic surgery. Those options aren't that effective anyway. Lots of women are disappointed in the results. I don't blame Mom for the lines in my forehead, anymore. I gave her one of the creams and she's starting to look younger, too.


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