Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Reverse the Skin's Aging

We're all going to age, but some of us will do it much more gracefully than others. What if you could reverse the signs of aging and get rid of wrinkles? What if you could melt the years away? It's not nearly as difficult as you might think.

Wrinkle Cream

Anti aging cream products are very popular because they promote such radical results, which can end in disappointment if you don't understand what you should be looking for. First, you should never have to wait 30 days to see results. You should see results right away and then there can be long term benefits too. Look for anti wrinkle cream products that have a money back guarantee, that way you know you won't be out any money. There are many different creams and some work very well, although it can take a little experimenting.

Dr Perricone Diet

Dr Perricone's diet is all about reversing wrinkles and preventing the development of new wrinkles. Certain foods cause inflammation and water retention which leads to premature aging. The 28 day diet is designed to reduce your intake of glycemic carbs, refined sugars, and saturated fats.

Low Glyecemic Diet

Low GI Diets are designed to eliminate that glucose spike that can cause you to age very quickly. With the Low GI Diet you can expect to have healthier, younger skin in no time. It's a great wrinkle reducer.

Raw Food Diet

The Raw food diet has become quite popular. You will eat only foods that are unprocessed and uncooked. For example, vegetables, sprouts, grains, nuts, beans, and fruit will make up most of your diet. If you eat at least 75% raw you will begin to notice the fine lines and wrinkles disappearing.

Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important. Your body needs to rest in order to regenerate. It also helps you to deal with stress which can cause wrinkles. If you want healthier, younger looking skin, make sure you get your regular 8 hours of sleep every night.


When you exercise the muscles of your body they become tight and firm. The same goes for your facial muscles. There are plenty of exercises that strengthen the facial muscles and around the eyes, reducing those fine lines and wrinkles. Exercise is a very effective option for reducing facial wrinkles.

Antioxidant Foods

Antioxidants are powerful taking care of free radicals in the body. That means you'll have fewer fine lines and wrinkles since free radicals cause them. There are many foods high in antioxidants including fruits and vegetables. A healthy choice for a healthier, younger, complexion.

Makeup & Cosmetics

Makeup can also help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, plus choosing the right colors will make your skin shimmer and make you look years younger. Choose a foundation that's designed for skin that's for over age 40. It will moisturize and hide wrinkles.

Sure you can opt to have a face lift, but why would you want to when there are so many options available to you that are not invasive. Explore all your options before you make your decision on reversing signs of aging on your skin.

With the top anti wrinkle products as well as these natural tips, you can now reverse skin aging in minutes. So try them out and see for yourself.


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