Sunday, May 1, 2011

Steer Clear of Wrinkles - Use the Best Anti Aging Cream

Do you hide your age? Well, you will say who doesn't? Right from celebrities to common people, everyone feels they should stay forever young and therefore keep telling lies about their age. But have you seen the twinkle of suspicion in the eyes of people around after you lie? If yes, it means that your skin is saying the truth. Whatever you do, you are going to age. The difference may be either you are good at your skin or you are not! If you are not, it's time to live up to your own expectations and start on an anti aging cream regimen!

Thanks to the various beauty contests those have started growing the beauty quest among common people alarmingly. Well, is it good or bad is a controversial issue and we will not step into that terrain. But it is true that one should strive to look good if one wants to stay ahead in this corporate culture. The best anti aging cream does just that for you.

Little research online shows us that there are certainly some good products on the shelves. However there are more bad or harmful products in the beauty market those claim to have beneficial anti aging effect on the skin but when used give rise to hoards of side effects. Therefore, it is a wonderful idea to have a consultation with your doctor before embarking on the right regimen.

Some of the natural anti aging ingredients one should look for in an anti aging cream are as follows:

(1)Anti-oxidants: do not drive away anti oxidants saying this is just the hype about them. The anti oxidants are truly the best anti aging ingredients any cream should have. They drive away the free radicals that damage our skin and other body parts. Usually these anti oxidants are derived from natural food sources and prevent harmful effects of sun, smoking, and aging on the skin. Green tea is one of such anti oxidants present in skincare formulations. It is a free radical fighter and drives away the toxins from skin.

(2)Alpha hydroxyl and beta hydroxyl acids: the job of alpha hydroxyl and beta hydroxyl acids is to slough off the dead skin cells effectively. They also stimulate production of new collagen and elastic skin tissue that adds elasticity to skin. It also enhances water retaining capacity of the skin. Just remember not to use creams that give these mild acids in higher concentrations. They may irritate your skin.

(3)Biotin: if your skin is excessively dry and therefore leading to wrinkling, use the anti aging creams that contain biotin. It helps to retain moisture and prevents dryness. Also Hyaluronic acid and ceramides help restore moisture in the skin.

(4)Pro vitamin B5 or Vita Niacin: this is useful ingredient if your skin is dulled by the aging effect. Also they have anti inflammatory properties that help to grow new skin cells and bring a fresher glow to your face by bringing healthier nutrient value to facial tissues.

It is necessary to consider these ingredients before you buy an anti aging cream. Remember that the women's health and fitness does include their skincare too. So, try to be optimal in its maintenance!


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