Friday, May 13, 2011

Does a Bad Breath Natural Remedy Work?

There was a time when, if you had bad breath, you just lived with it. You limit your contact to people you absolutely have to speak to, and talk to people from a safe distance. And, on the off chance you do have a date lined up for Saturday night or have to lock lips with your date, you load up on the mouthwash in the hopes that it will drown whatever foul odor your mouth emits.

But wait just a minute! You may want to rethink that strategy right now. Instead, try a bad breath natural remedy. There are several and all of them could help you fight mouth odor.

1. Sage. If you cook, you may have used sage at one point to add flavoring to a dish. What you may not know is that sage has essential oils that contain antibacterial properties. Try chewing on sage - you're bound to be amazed how effectively this bad breath natural remedy neutralizes mouth odor!

2. Parsley or mint leaves. Mint leaves and parsley work incredibly well in reducing intestinal gas production. In other words, these two plants can help promote better digestion. Try chewing on parsley sprigs that have been dipped in vinegar. You may swallow the leaves after you've chewed them up. If you do, the leaves will then be digested and will continue to freshen your breath for a while.

3. Lemon. Sprinkle salt on a lemon wedge, and then suck it. You'll be surprised how quickly this bad breath natural remedy works!

Will these three natural remedies work? Of course! Many have tried them, and many have been amazed by the almost instantaneous results. However, if you have tried any or all of the three remedies given above with no results to show for it, then maybe it's time to try something else. It's either your problem is much more advanced than average or it's caused by something that lemon, parsley, mint leaves, and sage cannot fix.


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