Friday, May 27, 2011

3 Amazingly Simple Natural Remedies That Help Get Rid of Your Acne Fast!


The following tips are just short-term, quick fixes that can only give you temporary relief from your acne. They will NOT guarantee a complete cure of your pimples.

If you're *truly serious* about curing your acne permanently, then check out the link given at the bottom of this article to try out the ONLY natural and holistic online system that's *proven* to completely cure your blemishes - in the shortest possible time.

Moving on...

You're about to discover 3 simple, yet super effective home remedies that control and, to a certain extent, help get rid of your pimples and blemishes - quickly, easily and naturally.

So let's dive right in, shall we?

Home Remedy #1

What you'll need

A clove of garlic

Gently rub a clove of garlic on all acne affected areas, three times daily. Although it won't eradicate your acne completely, garlic is still a powerful natural remedy that helps control pimples and blackheads.

Home Remedy #2

What you'll need

Epsom salts

A hot Epsom salt bath is excellent for clearing up those unsightly pimples and blemishes. So the next time you take a hot bath, add in some Epsom salts in it and then soak for 30 mins. Relax and cool off after your bath. You'll instantly notice a dramatic improvement in your skin condition.

Home Remedy #3

What you'll need

Milk of Magnesia

The regular application of Milk of Magnesia has been proven to be an effective way of keeping your acne under control. Carefully apply it on all acne affected areas, and leave on for approx. one hour before rinsing off with cold water. Repeat this procedure twice a day for up to 2 weeks for visible results.

Well, that's it folks. I hope you found these tips useful!


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