Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Are You Ready to Get White Teeth?

Have you ever wondered what makes a perfect morning? It might be your personal life or business life. A big flashy smile does the magic.

All of us wish to dazzle with our shiny white teeth. To get white teeth the prerequisites are time and money. These factors determine whether we can take up natural or chemical methods of getting our teeth whiter.

Unhealthy food habits make us to suffer from stained yellow teeth and the effect of smoking makes it worse. Here is a summary of few researches and proven ways to get white teeth.

Using whitening toothpaste twice daily is cost effective but time consuming for showing up results. Teeth whitening strips are very popular and effective in giving expected results. The whitening strips are coated with bleach on them. When they are in contact with teeth the bleach removes the stains and makes the yellow teeth looks white.

The laser treatment with dentist is a costly method but it is worth the money that is spent. These results will be last longing and does not cause any side effects. Apart from these, many other home made materials are found to be more effective teeth whitening agents.

Mixture of baking soda and strawberry pulp can be applied on the teeth using a gentle brush and left for 5 to 10 minutes. This throws out the stains on the teeth and leaves our teeth with a broader and brighter smile. This easy cost effective method can be used once in a week but continuous usage might damage the enamel.

There is no second thought that these proven methods will give us an impressive smile with white teeth.

Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Shave Pubic Hair - The Best Secrets and Tricks Available

If you have decided that you want to change the look of your bikini area in order to wear a different swimsuit, feel fresher and cleaner, or just to jazz up life a bit, you need to learn how to shave pubic hair and the best secrets and tricks to shaving it correctly so you don't end up with unsightly and itchy red bumps or ingrown hairs or some other problem you didn't bargain for.

The best secrets and tricks for how to shave pubic hair are not all that difficult to understand or hard to do; it will probably take a little longer to shave pubic hair than it does to shave your legs, but a few extra minutes is well worth the effort.

The first secret trick is to make sure that you don't start out shaving with a razor. Before you even go near a shaving implement, you need to make sure the hair is trimmed to a short length. Think long leg hair or whiskers on a guy's face after he hasn't shaved for the weekend. That's as long as you want the hair to be so the razor doesn't get all clogged up.

The second secret is to be sure that you use a good quality shaving cream. Now is not the time to be frugal and buy whatever is on sale in the men's shaving section. Get a good gel or cream that is designed for sensitive skin. Don't slather a ton of it on, either, because you won't be able to see what you are doing.

The third secret trick is to make sure that you hold the skin taut. Guys are used to this; they do it all the time when shaving their faces, but most girls are not used to doing this. The underarm skin and leg skin doesn't require holding the skin all stretched out, but the skin around the pubic hair is looser and needs to be held tight.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Makes For a Beautiful Smile?

A smile communicates what a thousand words do not always do effectively.營t can bridge the gap between you and another person.燗 smile can win over a crowd.燗 baby's first smiles capture his or her parent's heart.營n other words, a smile is an important part of a person.燘ut one can ask, what makes for a beautiful smile?

That depends on the person you ask.燬ome people feel the most important thing to a beautiful smile is the confidence and soul of a person.燭he smile reflects the content and happy nature of its wearer.營f the person that smiles is sad or in other ways weighed down, it will reflect in his or her smile.燗 person's smile might be the first communication to a future friend, employer, or soul mate.?/p>

Physical aspects of the smile might make it more beautiful to a person.燬traight teeth might be a feature that a person values.燗nother person might like a smile that displays whiter teeth versus yellow and damaged teeth.燝um size, teeth size, and lip size all might be factors that will make a person choose one smile as beautiful and another as not so beautiful.

Smiles are a universal language that everyone can understand.燩eople often recognize a smile as a means of welcome.營t is an unspoken gesture that communicates.燚ifferent people judge the beauty of a smile in various ways, but one thing holds true for all smiles... it speaks volumes without saying a word.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Finding Acne Treatments

You should always know and understand acne treatments before purchasing. In the past few years if you have purchased acne related treatments you will have noticed that there is a huge range of different qualities and prices. Certain brands are more affordable while others are very pricey, it seem ridiculous to pay such a price for some. How can you determine what a fair price for acne treatments is? Many things can affect prices of treatments, the one that YOU chose should provide YOU with the most benefits and be at a price YOU consider reasonable.

Acne treatment manufactures occasionally pay advertising agencies very large amounts to create a demand for their particular acne treatments. Manufacturers find advertising necessary so people who are searching for acne treatments will know their available products. Effective advertising often requires a large sum of money since advertising costs seem to have skyrocketed the past few years. Costs for advertising helps determine the price for acne treatments because manufactures want to make sure they are still earning a profit from their treatments. Although an an acne treatment might be a well known brand, that doesn't mean that it is good quality or reasonably priced. This could simply mean the manufactures charge more to make the product better known.

Different ingredients in treatments can cause some to have higher prices that others also. Costly ingredients will typically cause the acne treatments to have higher prices that others normally would. Most people can't usually notice the difference with quality in these different ingredients in acne treatments. Many buyers will choose acne treatments based on how the treatment works for them, as apposed to what ingredients are in the treatment.

Depending on where you purchase your acne treatments will affect the pricing of the treatment as well. Often times upscale stores will only carry the most well known (or most expensive) brands. General retail stores usually carry only the brands that are lower priced because they seem to be considered affordable to most people. Most people tend to prefer brands that are moderately priced and feel the quality meets their necessities. The most important thing to look for when choosing the correct acne treatment for you, is how effective the product works on YOU. There are acne solutions out there that can work for everyone's needs. It shouldn't matter how expensive the treatments are if they do, or don't, work for you.

When deciding what product to purchase, start out with products that are proven effective for a wide variety of people. Research the products...NOT on TV. Search for recommendations from REAL people, not movie stars or advertisements. Try to find out how long the product should take to clear your skin up. Compare products and remember that not everything will work for everyone. This tends to be very time consuming, so I'll give you some extra pointers. Start with natural products, they don't leave side effects, are reasonably priced, and seem to be most effective. The Internet is a good place to look for acne treatments, because advertising costs run lower, and locations don't effect prices. Stay away from sites that wont explain the ingredients or why the products works!

Friday, May 27, 2011

3 Amazingly Simple Natural Remedies That Help Get Rid of Your Acne Fast!


The following tips are just short-term, quick fixes that can only give you temporary relief from your acne. They will NOT guarantee a complete cure of your pimples.

If you're *truly serious* about curing your acne permanently, then check out the link given at the bottom of this article to try out the ONLY natural and holistic online system that's *proven* to completely cure your blemishes - in the shortest possible time.

Moving on...

You're about to discover 3 simple, yet super effective home remedies that control and, to a certain extent, help get rid of your pimples and blemishes - quickly, easily and naturally.

So let's dive right in, shall we?

Home Remedy #1

What you'll need

A clove of garlic

Gently rub a clove of garlic on all acne affected areas, three times daily. Although it won't eradicate your acne completely, garlic is still a powerful natural remedy that helps control pimples and blackheads.

Home Remedy #2

What you'll need

Epsom salts

A hot Epsom salt bath is excellent for clearing up those unsightly pimples and blemishes. So the next time you take a hot bath, add in some Epsom salts in it and then soak for 30 mins. Relax and cool off after your bath. You'll instantly notice a dramatic improvement in your skin condition.

Home Remedy #3

What you'll need

Milk of Magnesia

The regular application of Milk of Magnesia has been proven to be an effective way of keeping your acne under control. Carefully apply it on all acne affected areas, and leave on for approx. one hour before rinsing off with cold water. Repeat this procedure twice a day for up to 2 weeks for visible results.

Well, that's it folks. I hope you found these tips useful!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lines in My Forehead - How to Effectively Eliminate Them

When I began to see lines in my forehead, I blamed my Mom. She had them, too. The experts say that genetics may, in fact, play a role in wrinkle formation. But there are other causes, too and we can do something about them. One of the causes of wrinkles is free radical damage. It may be the biggest cause. Free radicals are molecules naturally present in the skin's cells, but their number and activity increases greatly when we are exposed to UV rays from the sun and some kinds of environmental toxins.

Cigarette smoke, for example, causes increased activity of free radicals. In young, healthy skin, there are large amounts of antioxidants to prevent the free radical activity from doing any damage. But, even when we are young, overexposure to the sun can deplete the skin's level of antioxidants. Only a little bit of damage is done at a time. But, eventually, that damage can add up. The next thing you know, you are over 40 and you see those first few lines on your forehead.

Protecting your face from things that increase free radical activity (cigarette smoke and sunlight) and using an antioxidant-rich cream on a daily basis are the recommended steps. The latest studies have shown that some antioxidants can actually repair sun damage. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the antioxidants produced by the cells of the human body. Researchers originally noted that the level of Coenzyme Q10 in the skin decreased drastically during sun exposure.

They began to experiment with different forms of the antioxidant, searching for the right emulsion, one that would penetrate deeply. They found that a nano-emulsion form worked best and could reverse sun damage by as much as 30% in six weeks. I decided to buy a cream that contained the nano-emulsion form of coenzyme Q10. It took less than six weeks for me to notice a reduction in the lines in my forehead. But, I also made an effort to protect the area from sunlight and the cream that I decided to buy contains other nourishing ingredients, too.

The protein keratin is one of them. It has been shown to stimulate the production of new cells and fibers. Decreased production of those things is one of the other causes of wrinkling and sagging. If you want to get rid of the lines on your forehead, I would suggest the regular use of a day cream, a good zinc oxide sun-block and a rejuvenating night cream. Ingredients like avocado oil and Shea butter have been shown to increase the skin's collagen content, improve firmness and improve the skin's moisture content.

With just a couple of good skincare products, you and I can look as young as we feel, without resorting to expensive and painful cosmetic surgery. Those options aren't that effective anyway. Lots of women are disappointed in the results. I don't blame Mom for the lines in my forehead, anymore. I gave her one of the creams and she's starting to look younger, too.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

7 Steps to Treat Mild Acne Condition

Once people suffer from acne condition, although it is just a mild one, they are likely to try their best and put a great effort to get rid of them. We can see people wasted a large amount of money with over-the-counter products that are not really help improving the condition at all. Well, actually it is because, in order to treat acne, medications and chemical products alone are not enough.

In fact, if you want to get rid of mild acne, all you need is concentration and responsibility as the effective of the treatment is depending on each individual. Daily routine is definitely one of the most effective influences to the improvement of acne treatment procedure. Therefore, the following are what can be considered as "magical" 7 steps to the best result of acne treatment possible:

  1. Do not squeeze or pop the pimples This is as simple as because the inflammation will spread to the other area. In other words, squeezing pimples is the easiest way to damage your own skin and make things worse. It causes the widespread of bacteria, as well as the increasing of risk in getting a permanent acne scar.
  2. Washing your face at least twice a day For the long term result, washing your face gently twice a day as a routine is truly recommended. Remember, using soap instead of cleanser will cause things worse, due to the fact that normal soap has pH level higher than that of our face, which means our skin can be dried out much enough that body system will automatically produce amounts of oily substance to moisturize the face. Scrubbing the face with towel too hard also worsens the condition, since it can cause irritation and the widespread of the bothersome bacteria
  3. Using cosmetics, shampoo and soap which labeled as "noncomedogenic" This can be used as the primary observation that the product is proved and safe to use. However, you also have to consider at the details of the ingredients again for the best product that suits your need best.
  4. Washing your hair often, and avoid using oily chemical products Oily hair is one of the reasons why one acne condition hardly shows any sign of improvement. Thus, wash your hair at least three times a week is suggested. Also avoid using oily -based products as hair wax, hair spray and hair gel.
  5. Be patience Do not rush for the results of treatment. Give them some time by asking dermatologist for the exact time before the obvious improvement will be noticed.
  6. Follow the prescription using medications and treatment products within the suggested dose. Overdo the limit cannot cur the acne faster. In fact, it makes things worse with the irritation and inflammation. Therefore, read the prescription or follow the instruction of dermatologist thoroughly is always the be! st way f or the best results.
  7. Avoid direct contact with fluorescent light and sunlight It has been mistaken that tanning can cure acne. Actually it is not, tanning just change the skin color so that acne is less noticeable. Confronting with sunlight too long can not only damage the skin but also increase the risk in skin cancer. Thus, in order to cure acne, protecting the skin from direct contact with sun light is surely one of the most important points to follow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Acne Prevention Methods and Medications

Acne prevention is a better strategy than acne treatment, as it will work to prevent the issue from beginning in the first place. There are a variety of prevention methods, including managing your diet, exercising and maintaining a skin care program. When these more basic methods are not effective for the prevention of acne, there are also a variety of medications worth a try.

Diet and Exercise

Many health professionals point to an individual's diet contributing to their overall skin's appearance. Eat a well balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein weekly to maintain healthy skin. In addition to a healthy diet, work to incorporate 3-5 cardiovascular routines into your weekly routine, as this can help your skin to purge dirt and grime caught in its pores.

Maintain a Healthy Skin Care Routine

Be sure to cleanse your face at least daily with an approved facial cleanser for acne prevention. In addition to traditional facial cleansers, you may want to consider toners and mild scrubs to keep your skin clean and clear.

You will find several common acne prevention ingredients in most facial cleaners. The most common medications include:

•Benzoyl Peroxide - This substance has been proven effective for the prevention of acne, particularly with mild cases. It is the most common ingredient in facial cleansers.

•Salicylic acid - For more severe acne, utilize Salicylic acid. This substance has been proven to cleanse and dry pores, working effectively as an acne prevention tool.

When you utilize facial cleansers in combination with maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will proactively working toward the prevention of acne. And after all, acne prevention is the best course of action when managing your skin's health. In the event that you do not experience a positive change in your skin's appearance, speak with a dermatologist to evaluate all of your available options.

Olu Jatto

Monday, May 23, 2011

Liposuction - Are You a Good Candidate?

Many individuals choose to get liposuction's to get rid of unwanted fat around the midsection of the stomach. If you have tried to diet or exercise, yet you still have an undesirable amount of fat around the stomach, then you may want to consider liposuction.

Millions of people choose to undergo liposuction as a way to get rid of unwanted fat. Perhaps the individual just had a baby and wants to regain a youthful appearance again. Or maybe the individual has tried to diet and exercise yet they are unable to lose some weight in a section of the body. If so then liposuction can be considered an alternative. Most individuals who choose liposuction are only trying to lose ten to twenty pounds in a certain area.

If you are considering liposuction, then your first step should be to choose a surgeon who has experience performing the procedure. Many will state that they can perform the procedure however your goal should be to choose one that has experience doing liposuction. If you know of any friends who have gotten the procedure done, then your first step might be to ask around to see if they can refer anyone. Remember that just because a friend refers a doctor does not mean you should choose that one.

You should also do your own investigation. You might also want to look around on the internet or in medical magazines. Before undergoing the procedure, you will also want to take a trip to your primary physician to see if he or she thinks you are in good shape to get the procedure done. If they believe that you should wait, then listen to the advice.

Remember that your heath is at stake. From there, you will usually be required to have a consultation with the plastic surgeon. He or she will ask you to fill out many forms in regards to your health history and your desired results. They will also make a determination to see if you are healthy enough to have the surgery.

This is the time for you to ask the doctor questions about the procedure because many times the doctor has his or her unique way of preparing and doing the procedure. The doctor will also talk to you about ways to pay for the procedure, and will go over the cost of the procedure.

Afterward, the doctor will give you clear instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. It is very important that you follow these instructions. This means that if you are a smoker you should stop months before the procedure. Remember that those who smoke can lose elasticity in their skin which means that your skin may not recover like it is supposed to. The doctor will also give you advice on other medications that you should stop taking.

Ultimately, if you follow the instructions for the doctor, liposuction can provide you with positive results. If you read up on the procedure and follow the advice of the doctor, liposuction will help you regain a youthful body.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Teeth Whitening - Wonder of Cosmetic Dentistry

Do you feel that your teeth have lost the natural glow and require a cosmetic update? Do you wish to get the whitening that you have seen in celebrities and other people? Then it is time you go for teeth whitening! With advanced technology and science, teeth whitening techniques in dentistry has improved over time. So, you can count on the procedures and expect a long effect of the process. You can keep the whitening of teeth long lasting if you take care of it after getting it cosmetic treatment.

The following are the two teeth whitening processes that can really bring in effective results.

ZOOM-2! Chair side Whitening System: This is a modern and very much effective teeth whitening process which takes less than one hour time to do it. More than that, it is safe, effective, and very fast method to dramatically change the color of your teeth. This ZOOM-2 method is ideal for all and those who are looking forward for a safe and wonderful teeth whitening procedure. You can have immediate and effective results. Hydrogen peroxide is effectively used in this process by dentists to whiten your teeth and at the same time it will also increase oral hygiene of your teeth.

The Chair side whitening system is effective on most teeth - discolored teeth, stained teeth, and other marks which are usually caused by antibiotics. The whitening system can even remove stubborn stains which are difficult to remove by other process. The degree of whiteness varies from person to person and depending on the type of stain on your teeth.

Bleaching: Bleaching is another common and popular procedure of teeth whitening! This has been in practice for long in dental cosmetics and it brightens your teeth effectively all the way. The procedure is good for stained, discolored and dark teeth due to drinking. All teeth in your mouth can receive the bleaching treatment for teeth whitening. A tooth even the one which has root canal surgery can be whitened by this process of bleaching. This is done by dentists in dental clinics or at home. But it is better if you go to an expert dentist for bleaching to protect your teeth from any harm. The bleaching can enhance your smile and at the same time brighten your teeth the most natural way.

Thus, if you wish to increase the cosmetic look of your teeth, you can go for any of the above mentioned procedure of teeth whitening techniques. All the best!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lose Weight in No Time - 3 Powerful Steps That Work Like Magic

Being big in size is a reason for embarrassment for people of any age, sex, class or race. Being overweight is like a curse for some people and most people just cannot go about making a concrete plan to lose those extra pounds and look much cooler. It is about time that you get up from the couch and go for it. Make it a point that this summer you will hit the beach with no t-shirt on. The only way to do this is carry out a fixed daily regime and follow it religiously. Read further to know exactly what to do and how?

The first thing is to stop taking in any more fat. Stay away from that delicious junk food and those chocolates. You must substitute your fat with low calorie stuff or even fat free stuff. Sugar adds a lot of calories to the body so you must avoid any form of sugar intake and start using sugar substitute pills. Furthermore, stay away from sodas and stop adding mayonnaise to everything that you eat.

It is important that you monitor your daily intake and reconsider the previous day's diet in case you had something wrong. Keep a weekly chart of calorie intake with you all the time and make sure you abide to the guidelines with complete faith and loyalty.

Now just changing your eating habits is not enough. Getting into some physical activity for 20 minutes to half an hour a day will add on to your slimming efforts. Go play a sport which you loved when you were young. You can also try joining aerobics classes or any similar activity. No matter what you do, remember to shed a lot of sweat everyday and in no time you will have to buy new clothes.

Friday, May 20, 2011

When Whitening Whitens Not

Teeth whitening, tooth whitening, and laser teeth treatments -- everybody seems to be after whiter teeth. From teenagers who can't even afford the treatments to baby boomers who've had too much smoke and drink, whiter teeth seem to be the order of the day. The variety of teeth bleaching options available today only serves to heighten the hype. While there are those that are dentist-dispensed, more are available in drug stores without prescription. Consequently, anybody can buy and use them. But despite the availability of these whitening systems, there are restrictions and people who are not fit to use them.

Children aged below 16 are not advised to use these bleaching products. Their gums are still soft and the nerves of their teeth are very sensitive due to the enlargement of their pulp chambers. Bleaching or undergoing any teeth whitening, tooth whitening, and laser teeth treatments may do their teeth more harm than good. Also, pregnant women and those who are lactating should avoid teeth bleaching. Chemicals used in these preparations can cause unforeseen effects on the unborn babies and the ability to produce milk. People with sensitive or delicate teeth should avoid the procedures as well. Undergoing bleaching can aggravate the problem of their teeth and increase sensitivity. Most of these preparations contain peroxide and other like substances as bleaching agents, therefore, people with allergy to peroxide should avoid using teeth bleaching agents. Due to the risk that these bleaching agents may irritate gums and teeth nerves, individuals suffering from gum disease and tooth decay are discouraged.

If there are people that should avoid whitening treatments, there are also those who undergo treatments which have diminished efficiency. Dentists generally agree that most whitening systems work best for people with yellowish teeth. Dark or excessively stained teeth manifest little or no improvement at all after undergoing teeth whitening, tooth whitening, and laser teeth treatments. Dark stains are usually classified as being brown, gray, or purple tinted teeth. These are usually caused by excessive smoking and consuming staining food and drink. People with teeth colored like these may opt for other procedures other than whitening. Less success is also observed in individuals who have had their teeth restored, either by filling or crown restorations. Substances used in these restorations have no enamel content which don't whiten like teeth. Therefore, attempts at whitening systems only result to uneven and patched coloring. There is even the chance that the chemicals may discolor or weaken the restoration.

But there are still hope for persons who are not suitable for the newer teeth whitening, tooth whitening, and laser teeth treatments. They can still have lighter teeth by undergoing the more traditional veneers, crowns, and bonding procedures. Discussing these options with the dentist open new, practical, and more effective whitening solutions for stained teeth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anti Aging Face Creams - Discover the Best in the Market

In this age of added stress, when we don't have the time to work out and take a good care of the metabolism; we are bound to get old earlier. Our skin may get wrinkle seven in the early thirties. There can be laugh marks and eye bags; dark circles under the eyes.

The easiest way out of this scenario for many women is the application of anti-aging creams.

But there is a huge variety of anti aging creams in the cosmetic market it is really a Herculean task to select the product that suits your skin. But there are certain anti ageing face creams which are suited to everyone's skin type and tone.

It has been proved in numerous researches that the best anti-aging face cream is the one which has antioxidants as well as polyphenols. One of the best products in the market is Dermapril.

Dermapril is a compound which is available in the form of a cream. You can apply it twice daily according to your convenience. The soothing effect of this cream makes you feel mesmerized about the cream. You can at once notice the results because it lightens the skin tone there and then. Dermapril improves the circulation of the blood capillaries under the skin layer. It also revitalizes the collagen padding of the skin. But wait for the actual magic to begin only after a week or so. Although the results may vary from person to person, it is sure to give you results.

Well if you ask me, I would go with Dr.Oz suggested an use of Resveratrol along with this Dermapril cream for better results. Reveratrol is an extract of red wine, the secret to good skin in the middle ages. Resveratrol triggers the manufacture of collagen and other essential enzymes to make the skin look younger. Dermapril along with Resveratrol can do wonders to the texture of the skin.?/p>

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Miracle Wrinkle Creams Don't Exist

There are definitely some very effective wrinkle creams and anti aging products on the market today, but none of them can work actual miracles. What does this mean for you? Well, it means that there are definitely some products on the market that can help reduce dryness in skin and that can also help to reduce fine lines.

But what wrinkle creams cannot actually get rid of are, well, actual wrinkles, the kind of wrinkles that are more than just fine lines. This is why people should not get their hopes up too high or think that these skin care products can make a radical difference.

This is not to say that anti aging creams and similar products are not worth purchasing, because they can certainly help to make skin look and feel smoother and more radiant. They just cannot undo the deeper wrinkles that are a natural part of the aging process.

As long as people keep their expectations reasonable and educate themselves about each specific anti aging product that they buy by reading a combination of professional reviews and customer reviews, everything will be okay. The danger lies in raising one's expectations too high because when people expect a "miracle in a jar" or the "fountain of youth in a bottle," that's when they are bound to be experience disappointment.

So, the next time you go to the store to pick up an anti aging cream or lotion, remember what you are reading here: these products can help, but they cannot perform miracles, and we therefore must not expect that they will. That's usually the best way to avoid disappointment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saving Face - Low Impact Face Lifts That Avoid Knives

Face it. Time and ageing create wear-and-tear lines, wrinkles, sun damage, sagging skin and unruly lumpy fat deposits on what was your taut and smooth skinned youthful face in your teens and 20s.

Yes, you can "go radical"...reverse gravity's pull...and submit to the surgeon's knife for a full-blown skin tightening and feature-altering face lift. But tuck-and-lift procedures, although delivering dramatic and instant results, carry no small element of psychological unease along with very important health risks related to scarring, healing, infection, down time from work, to name just a few. And, virtually unspoken, is the fear "what if my surgeon makes a mistake...and I don't like the way I look? What then?".

There's no one simple solution, nor any guaranteed technique that works uniformly on all women and men. However, the "buzz" in many conversations concerns the growing advance of "virtual" face lift technologies, treatments that you can undergo which deliver skin tightening results, yet avoid the surgeon's knife altogether!

Face Lift Option #1: High Tech Laser Skin Tightening. OK, laser seems to be popping up everywhere, from guiding satellites to performing precision engineering. However, the gradual sideways advance of laser from general surgery into skin care has been a marvel in technology evolution.

Offering sophisticated calibration for energy control, new laser-light face lift therapies, such as the Titan treatment, carefully "heat up" the interior collagen tissue layers of the patient's skin...stimulating a bio-chemical response that "tightens up" the skin. Except for a faint sense of "heating up", the laser face lift is pain-free. Sun spots or surface unevenness or rough dry skin are unaffected by laser.

Most people need two to three treatments, spaced about 1 month apart in order to get to a point where the maximum face lift results are created. This multi-treatment strategy, which allows for the body to react, then stabilize, does confer a benefit in that you can clearly control the incremental changes to your appearance, unlike a surgical face lift where "you're stuck" with whatever face the surgeon lifted. At $1,000 or more per session, laser face lifts like the Titan are not cheap.

Face Lift Option #2: Cosmetic Fillers. The simple matter of laughing, smiling, talking, eating, smoking, whatever over years creates an unique facial imprint...your looks with the stamp of time. Sometimes this is good...mostly it results in fine lines, crinkles, crows feet or even deep furrows which increasingly defy creams and cosmetics.

Women and men have a range of effective options to create face lift like results. Collagen fillers or even fat fillers (harvesting your own fat, no less) constantly prove their effectiveness in filling-in low volume facial skin wrinkles. You can also choose synthetic fillers including Hylaform, Radiance, Restylane, Sculptra and others. Benefits? Lines and wrinkles can be filled-in. Treatments are lunch time quick. Costs are low, in the hundreds of dollars. But, your body will eventually re-absorb these fillers, so you'll need future repeat treatment "in order to hold your results".

Option #3: Contour Threads And Thread Lift. Thread lift has popularized itself as a half-step alternative...sitting midway between the laser and radio frequency face lifts techniques on one extreme and full-blown face lift surgery on the other. It's true that a contour thread procedure requires a surgeon specialist. But this sort of procedure is as close to non invasive as you'll get...yet it offer results that can hold for 3 to 5 years.

Here's what's involved in a typical thread lift face lift. Take a pin-prick size hollow-nose needle entry into one part of your face, near the upper cheek bone. Anchor a wee tiny thread to this location. Work the thread carefully "under your skin" to a second point about 4 inches away. Carefully extract the end of the thread. Now gently pull on the thread. Presto! Your skin lifts...smoothens. Repeat this simple procedure about 4 times on each side of your face and your done.

Option #4: Acupuncture, Botox And Others. Here we go again. The needles come out, yet you're looking for face lift results with as little pain as possible. For a number of women, undergoing acupuncture is virtually pain-free. The treatment concept, evolved over thousands of years in Asia, concerns carefully placement of very fine needles...at key body "energy points". Result and theory? The release of "blocked energy" can result in skin smoothening...a softening and skin tone improving result that is subtle, yet may be just the level of "face lift" needed by some women and men.

Last but certainly not least is Botox and its rapidly expanding universe of applications. Injections of Botox can help to relax facial muscles, thus releasing the underlying muscular tension that causes deep furrows and scowl-lines to appear with ageing. Botx treatments are relatively quick, economic and results can hold for many months until re-treatment is necessary.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Taking Care of the Cellulite Problem

If you have a cellulite problem then you know that there is very little that you would not do to take care of it. This of course means that a person will have to develop a plan that is suitable for the cellulite reduction with exercise, diet and a good cellulite cream. There is little more that you can do other than the very expensive medical treatments that can leave you scarred and broke to say the least. So it will take some planning to ease the cellulite problem but that is completely normal and may be something that requires you to find the time in your day for some new things. Cellulite reduction with exercise has proven to be very effective to say the least, but there are very few people who actually stick to the plans that are set down and they end up with more of a cellulite problem then they started with. This is something that you do not want to happen to you for any reason. People are finding that the cellulite problem that they have is much more stubborn then they believed it to be and they have taken the last recourse that they thought possible. This is of course going to see the doctor who tells them that there is no magic pill that he or she can prescribe so go on a diet. This can be very hard on a person to say the least and it is at this point that they realize that they are on their own to take care of the cellulite problem. Cellulite reduction with one of the many medical procedures is not the answer to say the least. You need to formulate a home based plan that you can live with each and every day.

The bulk of the people that have a cellulite problem also have a weight problem though that is not a hard and fast rule. This means that the person could actually benefit in more than one way from the cellulite reduction with exercise, diet and cellulite creams more than someone without a weight problem. When you start to lose the weight that you have put on you will notice that you start to feel better. The better that you feel the more energy that you will have and so on. When the energy that you have reaches a good point you will know that you are at the point when you are helping the body with the fight against cellulite.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Do You Know About Your Anti Aging Skin Treatment?

When the first anti aging treatments appeared, people were excited to hear that some of them actually work. Hundreds of creams have appeared since, but this doesn't mean that the aging process can be stopped by any product. Does your anti aging skin treatment really work?

The problem with finding out if a treatment that can prevent wrinkles works or not is time. With other skin conditions, you will simply test a cream and see if your problem disappears. In the case of wrinkles, you might end up using a prevention treatment for years and you will see that it is actually ineffective when your first wrinkle appears. Because of this, everyone who uses an anti aging skin treatment should make sure that the strategy works. How can you do this?

It's not that complicated if you have a little patience. All you have to do is spend a few minutes learning more about the treatments that work. Unfortunately, most of the anti-aging products will fail, but this also means that you will be able to narrow down your search easier, based on the ingredients.

After several tests and many years of trial and error, anyone can be sure that the following substances will give amazing results in anti aging skin treatments: Phytessence Wakame, Coenzyme Q10 and Cynergy TK. Each one of these ingredients will work great for preventing and reducing wrinkles, but top skin care creams will use a formula based on all of them. This way, you won't have any doubts that your anti aging treatment actually works.

Now that you know this, you should make sure that your anti aging skin treatment has the potential of giving great results. Some people think that their affordable cream is good enough for them, but they have no idea that some of the best products that work against wrinkles come at a reasonable price. Just because you get a better cream, it doesn't mean that you will have to pay more. It means that you have made a rational decision and bought a better and stronger treatment at the same price.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Stop The Signs of Aging Skin Now!

Let's face it. No one wants to see the signs of aging skin, but we often think of them as inevitable. But, the latest information indicates that preventing aging skin is possible, if we are consistent and follow a healthy skincare routine. The factors that are most important include striving for good nutrition and using only the best skincare products.

When it comes to good nutrition, a number of studies have been conducted recently concerning how different foods may contribute to, prevent or even reverse the signs of aging skin. Let's start with fish.

Fish, particularly salmon, is recommended by popular anti-aging doctors and nutritionists, alike. Fish provides the protein necessary for building new skin cells and fibers. What many people don't realize is that the skin's epidermis is continuously regenerating throughout our lives. The process just gets a little slower as we get older.

Eating fish is also recommended, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Those nutrients fight free radical damage and chronic inflammation, which are two of the causes of cellular aging. One study showed that taking a daily fish oil supplement improved the skin's firmness by 10% after three months.

Another showed that taking a soy-based supplement, which included fish protein and antioxidants from tea, grape seed and tomato, improved the skin's structure and firmness after six months. Yet another indicates that the antioxidants found in green tea and some kinds of chocolate improved circulation and hydration, making the skin look smoother.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is recommended for preventing aging skin, because of all of the different antioxidants they provide. Research has shown that the skin's level of naturally occurring antioxidants gets lower and lower as time goes by. We need to give it all of the help that we can.

Many of the creams and lotions that reduce the signs of aging skin contain antioxidants and other nutrients found in the foods mentioned above. When you apply these nourishing lotions, you are feeding your skin's cells directly.

The antioxidant coenzyme Q10 has proven benefits for reversing wrinkles and should be helpful as well. Certain proteins, like keratin, but not collagen or elastin, are known to improve the skin's moisture content and firmness, while reducing inflammation and stimulating the production of antioxidants within the skin's cells.

Moisturizing oils like avocado and grape seed provide the essential fatty acids necessary for lubrication and protection. Extracts from plants like kelp and algae have been shown to help reduce the signs of aging skin, as well.

Many experts say that avoiding overexposure to the sun is a big part of preventing aging skin, but the use of sunscreen is not that helpful. It really depends on how much time you spend out of doors and how many antioxidants are present in the skin's layers to counter free radical damage.

So there you have it. If you do spend a great deal of time outside, use a broad-spectrum sun-block that contains zinc oxide. Other sun-screening compounds are simply not that effective. Sunscreen won't do anything to counter the signs of aging skin, but that's okay. Other ingredients will.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Does a Bad Breath Natural Remedy Work?

There was a time when, if you had bad breath, you just lived with it. You limit your contact to people you absolutely have to speak to, and talk to people from a safe distance. And, on the off chance you do have a date lined up for Saturday night or have to lock lips with your date, you load up on the mouthwash in the hopes that it will drown whatever foul odor your mouth emits.

But wait just a minute! You may want to rethink that strategy right now. Instead, try a bad breath natural remedy. There are several and all of them could help you fight mouth odor.

1. Sage. If you cook, you may have used sage at one point to add flavoring to a dish. What you may not know is that sage has essential oils that contain antibacterial properties. Try chewing on sage - you're bound to be amazed how effectively this bad breath natural remedy neutralizes mouth odor!

2. Parsley or mint leaves. Mint leaves and parsley work incredibly well in reducing intestinal gas production. In other words, these two plants can help promote better digestion. Try chewing on parsley sprigs that have been dipped in vinegar. You may swallow the leaves after you've chewed them up. If you do, the leaves will then be digested and will continue to freshen your breath for a while.

3. Lemon. Sprinkle salt on a lemon wedge, and then suck it. You'll be surprised how quickly this bad breath natural remedy works!

Will these three natural remedies work? Of course! Many have tried them, and many have been amazed by the almost instantaneous results. However, if you have tried any or all of the three remedies given above with no results to show for it, then maybe it's time to try something else. It's either your problem is much more advanced than average or it's caused by something that lemon, parsley, mint leaves, and sage cannot fix.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The 10 Commandments of Fitness

If you've ever tried to get fit, you know there's more than one way to get there. There's the hard way and the even harder way, right? Unfortunately, far too many people approach fitness with the mindset that it's pure agony from start to finish. The fact is, if done properly, it doesn't have to be that way at all. On the other end of the spectrum, if it were up to me, there would be a law against using the word exercise and easy in the same sentence because there's no such thing.

The point is, exercise is WORK but it doesn't have to be excruciating. If you talk to a dozen hard-bodies, you'll likely come away with a dozen different workout routines and eating regimens - all of them challenging. But delve a little deeper and you will invariably find that, despite the differences in workouts and food, people who are successful at achieving their fat burning goals share some very important similarities in their approach to fitness.

In a documentary film entitled Body+of+Work, fitness guru and best-selling author Bill Phillips chronicles the 12-week experiences of 10 finalists in the very first Body-for-LIFE Challenge back in 1995. Phillips, a 30 year veteran of the fitness industry, admits even he was amazed at the degree of physical change these 10 champions achieved while competing in his now world-renowned contest.

Phillips explained that it wasn't so much what they did, but how they did it that interested him most. He asked the 10 finalists to compile what they believed were the 10 Commandments of body transformation. Just as he expected, not one of the 10 Commandments had anything to do with a certain type of food or a specific kind of exercise. Here's what they came up with:

#1 - You must have a deep burning desire to change.
#2 - There must be a reason behind that desire.
#3 - You must have a vision of exactly who you want to become.
#4 - You must have a role model to look up to for inspiration.
#5 - You must acquire the knowledge you need to get the job done right.
#6 - You must have faith that you can achieve your goals.
#7 - You must be ready and willing to experience a certain level of discomfort as you move toward your goal.
#8 - You must have perseverance and consistency together - one without the other doesn't work.
#9 - You must take responsibility for everything you do.
#10- You must live to thrive, not merely survive.

Not bad for a bunch of former couch potatoes!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Treating Cystic Acne in 5 Simple Steps

Cystic acne is one of the worst acne types that causes painful in both physically & psychologically on the sufferers. It may take significantly time & efforts in order to get rid of the disease, and incorrectly treating it may scar you for life. Anyone who suffers from Cystic Acne need to take the right treating steps in order to cure it effectively. Here are 5 effective simple steps in treating cystic acne that you can apply immediately and be able to see positive result in a few days.

Step 1: Immediately stop eating food that may worsen your condition

Researches show that the three types of foods that most people with cystic acne are allergic to and may worsen the acne conditions are:

  • sugary food such as cake and colas;
  • dairy foods such as milk and cheese;
  • and, foods contain trans fat such as pizza and waffles

Therefore, you should stop these types of foods in your daily meals.

Step 2: Keep yourself relieve from stresses

Stress makes cystic acne worse. Avoiding yourself from stressing out is important in improving the condition. There are many ways to relief from stresses such as Yoga and meditations. Or, take a simple deep breathing exercises daily help to eliminate stress completely and help to treat this skin disease effectively.

Step 3: Wash your face with gentle pH balance cleanser

Many cleansers in the market are alkaline pH, which is not consistent with acid mantle of the skin. The alkaline pH tends to stimulate production of sebum results in more oily skin and makes your cystic acne worse. Therefore, use only the pH balanced cleanser to wash your face twice a day, once before you go to bed and once in the morning.

Step 4: Eat more fruits and vegetables

Healthy acne diet helps our body to maintain healthy skin and improve our immune system that indirectly helps in cystic acne treatment. Start a diet high in fiber such as salad, whole wheat bread, bran or multi grain to improve your body's digestive system. Eating daily meals that focus more on fruits and vegetables help to get rid of toxins in our body, one of effective acne preventive steps. You definitely will see the positive result by implementing healthy acne diet continuously for some time.

Step 5: Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water

Water is the main component in our body. It helps the transportation of the required nutrients to every part of our body, while getting rid of toxin from our body. Therefore, you should drink a lot of water at least 8 to 10 glasses of purified water a day to ensure your body have enough water to perform its function. Skin that has enough nutrients and without toxin is healthy and acne can be prevented.


The above 5 steps in treating cystic acne is simple and easy to be followed. You definitely will see positive result in improving your cystic acne condition if you consistently following these steps.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Anti Aging Skin Creams Rated - The Truth About Skincare Reviews Revealed

Anti aging skin creams rated might sound like a good concept, but you never know who's behind those reviews and if they are being sponsored by the big skincare companies or not.

You see, the big skincare companies have huge budget for marketing and advertising, and they often pay people to endorse their products.

This is why you see many celebrities promote different skincare products, when in fact, they often do not even use them personally. They are getting paid to do it, it's just another job for them.

The reason skincare companies use celebrities is because we like them, and we like to believe what celebrities say. Popular figures in our society are trusted more, that is just how the human brain works.

When you're looking at anti aging skin creams rated, you have to be aware, and judge for yourself if the products are good or not.

The first thing you want to look for is if the product can help your body produce more collagen and elastin naturally. These are two skin proteins that are vital for our body, and if you do not understand how they work, you could be missing out on something big.

The next thing you want to look for is if there are any harmful ingredients in the anti aging skin creams that were just rated and reviewed.

Look for things like dioxanes, parabens, alcohols, sulfates, and fragrances. These irritate, dry, and clog up your skin. Dioxanes and parabens can even cause cancer, so pay special attention to those.

They can sometimes be cleverly hidden in the ingredients label under different names, so you really have to educate yourself and be on your toes when you're looking at these skin creams.

In the end, it is worth it, if you find a really good natural product, your skin will become younger, just like min has after using a natural product daily for awhile now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chemical Peels Over the Counter - Can Chemical Peels Rejuvenate Your Skin Without Side Effects?

Chemical peels are one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in the world. It works by removing the damaged outer layers of the skin. The chemical peel procedure is growing in popularity in the cosmetic field as many people are looking to alternatives to expensive surgical procedures as a means of revitalizing their skin.

Many people opt for this peel in conjunction with a surgical procedure but all depends on the financial budget of a person. Chemical peels are useful for acne, pigmentation, melasma and facial rejuvenation. It is a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied directly to your skin.

The peel includes a mixture of diluted acid along with sugarcane, vinegar and fruit extract. This mixture has to be applied on the affected area for some time to treat it well. These are used to fade dark marks, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improves acne, smooth the rough texture of the skin, reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and vanish depressed scars.

There are some cases in which chemical peels may harm your skin.Some of the side effects of Chemical peel are as follows

?TCA Peels -This chemical peel may increase sensitivity to sunlight and avoidance of sun exposure is advisable for several months after the treatment. There may be a risk of hypopigmentation which means loss of color in the skin due to reduction in melanin.

? Phenol Peels - It may include risks such as infection, scarring, cancer and pigmentation. These may increase the high level of risk, but still some highly experienced doctors provide this treatment.

? AHA and Glycolic Peels - There is a high risk involved in this peel and have many side effects to the skin. It is a milder treatment but is usually have some mild redness and irritation on your skin after the treatment. These peels tend to be very effective for acne breakouts as well as some rejuvenating affects.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Get Rid of Acne in Less Than One Week

I wonder why most people in this world believed that the only efficient way to get rid of acne is to use the "over the counter" products. This is where you are all wrong! Acne cannot be treated with only medications it must be treated according to a person's conditions. A positive change in lifestyle, eating habits, exercises, good hygiene etc will help the person to more easily fight his acne problems.

If you are an acne sufferer there are things you must try to find out and understand the matter before deciding to use any product. Firstly, you must find out why you continue to suffer from acne breakouts after using the "over the counter" treatments during months. The "over the counter" treatments are made for the LAST result only that is to only get rid of acne. With that way of treatment you can assure that your acne will always come back. So it is better for you to know the natural treatment which is also the best acne prevention.

The most important is not just to get rid of your acne problems but to treat your skin first. Know that treating your skin is to prevent from future acne breakouts. The reason for your breakout is usually caused by the skin type you have. Either oily or dry skin, these types of skin are more likely to have acne problems. There are many natural ways to make your skin normal and healthy.

By adopting a healthier eating habit you will already notice significant changes in your acne conditions within few days.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fast Removal of Acne Scars - How to Get Rid of Acne Marks and Scars

When you deal with acne you likely also deal with the permanence of acne scars and while there is no absolute way to remove acne scars, there are many forms of treatment to help reduce the appearance of acne scarring to help you feel more confident and beautiful. You are bombarded everyday with advertisements offering you perfect skin free of acne and scarring, but the reality is no one can guarantee this to you. There are as many forms of acne and types of skin as there are acne sufferers and therefore can be no one quick solution. The treatments and methods you see advertised are often expensive; the treatments can be painful and embarrassing to have performed. Instead, consider one of the many natural remedies for acne scars that can be done in the privacy of your own home, by you at little or no cost.

One such way to quickly "remove" acne scars is to treat the area with a paste made of salt and vinegar. Considering the ingredients are likely in your kitchen right now, this is free for you to try with no worry of failure. If it doesn't work for you specifically, you simply move on to another natural treatment remedy. Take the paste and apply it to the affected areas and leave for ten to twenty minutes. Since these items are slightly abrasive, they may sting a little on super sensitive or broke out skin. Rinse with warm water and continue with your daily skin care routine of toner and moisturizer. Whenever you are working with products, over the counter or natural, to change your skin it's important to protect it from the sun and other damaging environmental factors. A good moisturizer with a high SPF can go a long way in protecting your skin.

Another natural remedy for this purpose is a mixture of Rosewater and Sandalwood which can be used in place of your normal cleanser and toner used during each of your skin care routines. These items can both be found at most natural and health product stores as well as in many pharmacies now. Once the mixture is created you can store it in the refrigerator for several weeks for the ultimate in convenience.

There are many different ways you can work to treat and soften the appearance of acne scarring without harsh chemicals, expensive treatments and embarrassing procedures. You can work with a few simple products in your own home to achieve the results you are looking for and can feel confident about.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Are Breast Enlargement Pills a Good Investment?

Are you interested in breast enlargement but fear surgery and doubt the effectiveness of a breast enlargement pill? If so, you may want to break thins down into pros and cons or dollars and cents before making any rash decisions.

The first thing you need to understand is that neither the breast enlargement pill or breast augmentation surgery promise absolute results for every woman every time. This is important to remember. Augmentation surgery is not the sure thing that many women believe it to be. It is often a "quicker fix" when it works well but there are times when it won't work or will make matters worse than they were to begin with. The same holds true with pills. There are many women that various pills, creams, and products work wonders for. There are other women that one will and one won't and some women seem immune to the effects of all natural breast enlargement products.

You will never really know if it will work for you or not unless you decide to give it a try. Another thing you will want to keep in mind is that while breast surgery doesn't offer a money back guarantee, there are many breast enlargement pills that do make this offer. In fact, you might want to look for this guarantee when comparing products. You do not want to take the risk of going with a breast enlargement pill from a company that doesn't stand behind their product. If they don't believe in their product, how can you after all?

You should also compare the costs. The costs of a quality natural breast enhancement system (including pills, creams, instructions, and recommendations) for one month will be a little less than $100. The cost of a surgery for breast enhancement will run into the range of several thousands of dollars. You will also find that many companies offer a discount for bulk orders of creams, pills, and other natural breast enhancement products.

Time is one matter that it often comes down to for many women. Once the decision is made women tend to be impatient to move the process along. This is one place where some women may feel that surgery is the better option. However, by the time you make the appointment, consult with a surgeon, and decide to go through with the surgery, one month has generally passed and the surgery hasn't even been performed.

With the breast enlargement pill you could have been taking the pill for the entire month and already increased the size of your breasts by one full cup size during the time you were waiting on surgery. Time is relative but when you look at the big picture, you may find that you will spend less time waiting for results with the breast enlargement pill than with surgery. In the end, only you can decide if the breast enhancement pill is a good investment. If you are sitting on the fence, it costs far less to give the pill a try than to dive right into a surgery that carries many risks.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - 5 Ways to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight Faster

There are three things that you must have if you want to achieve permanent weight loss. They are: good nutrition, regular exercise, and the right mind state. What you eat and how you eat affects, to a large extent, your weight gain/loss. In this article, I present? habits that make for healthy eating for weight loss. Gradually, but steadily, make each of them a habit that you live by each day. Before you know it, you will have developed a much healthier eating lifestyle. Healthy eating for weight loss has a lot to do with forming the right habits.

1. Breakfast is Your Most Important Meal of the Day

You've probably heard this before, and it's true. After about 10 hours of fasting, your body needs fuel to get you going through the day. Breakfast is a way to supply your body with the energy it needs to function for the rest of the day. You will have more energy and will be more alert after eating breakfast.

So, before you rush out each morning, take a few minutes and give your body the treat it so much deserves - have a healthy breakfast. Your body will thank you for it.

Also, make your children eat breakfast as well. They will be more alert in school and they will concentrate better.

2. Don't Miss Lunch

it sounds logically correct that when you skip lunch, you lose weight faster right? Wrong. When you skip lunch, your blood sugar levels drop, your metabolism slows down to compensate for the missing fuel and when you finally get home you are starving so you eat anything in sight. That's a perfect recipe for weight gain.

One of the requirements of healthy eating for weight loss is; never skip your lunch or any meal for that matter.

Have small, but frequent meals each day. That way, your body doesn't run out on energy, and you don't eat too much. Savvy?

3. Snack Frequently

As a rule of thumb, never allow yourself to go hungry at anytime. You need to have something in your stomach at all times. Your body needs energy to burn more fats so you need to supply it with the energy it needs. Yes, you can't eat whole meals frequently. So, snack - not on junks though. You can have healthy snacks: Apples, Oranges, Nuts, Pretzels etc. Eat anything you want (in small quantities), just make sure you have something in your stomach at all times. Don't go hungry.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

70% of your body is water, so it is only natural that water becomes your natural source of refreshment. To perform at its best, your body has to stay well hydrated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Water contains no calories; so your body uses up more to raise it to your body temperature. This increases your metabolism and elevates your weight loss progress. In fact, research has shown that you can speed up your metabolism by 1/3 just by drinking several glasses of ice water each day.

5. Don't Eat Late

Having an early dinner gives your body time to digest most of the food before you shut down for the 7 hours. But we are so busy that we are always tempted to put off dinner until the last minute.

Remember, you need to make each of these tips part of your daily habits to succeed. Now, it takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit. So when you slip, don't kick yourself - you may, just don't do it hard - know that you need to pick yourself up, and continue. You will be doing this probably for the rest of your life so you can as well get used to it.

Finally, healthy eating for weight loss is not complicated or difficult at all. One step at a time brings you closer to your goal. All the best.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Professional Pedicures at Home

Tired of paying way too much for a pedicure? Not to mention the potential health issues (the spread of fungus in some salons). Pedicures can cost upwards of $85. Why pay the money when you can do it yourself in just a few steps?

There are a few simple tools that you'll need for the job.

#1?Nail Polish Remover

#2 Nail Polish (a deep red is my favorite color)

#3 Nail Clippers and an Emory Board

#4 Soaking Foot Massager to soak feet (spoil yourself).

#5 Moisturizing Lotion (Quality Counts)

The first step is to completely remove all the existing nail polish. Use a lint free cotton pad rather than cotton balls to avoid leaving lint on your nails. Thoroughly remove all the nail polish paying close attention to the creases where the nails meet the toes.

Next clip your toenails. IMPORTANT: Make sure your nail doesn't extend over the tip of your toe. Long toenails are not attractive and can inadvertently damage your partners legs at night. Use an Emory Board to clean up the nails and remove pointy edges. Shape the nails to your liking.

After clipping your toenails and shaping them. It's time to spoil yourself. Grab your Soaking Foot Massager and fill it with warm water. Throw in some bath salts, Epsom salt, and/or aromatherapy oils. Soak your feet for at least 10 minutes. The more cracked & calloused your feet, the longer they need to stay in.

Trick of the Trade: Add a quarter cup of milk to your bath along with the essential oils & salts. The lactic acid in the milk loosens dead skin.

After soaking your feet, pat dry with a soft towel leaving your skin still moist, not completely dry. The use of a cuticle remover is recommended. A cuticle remover helps remove excess tissue to give your nails an even, attractive outline. Leave on for a minute, use an orangewood stick to gently push with a circular motion everywhere where skin meets the nail (including the sides). Be careful to remove skin only on top of the nail, don't touch the toe flesh.

Apply an exfoliating body or foot scrub to a foot file or wet pumice stone to slough away the dead skin on the balls & heels of your feet. Scrub the balls, bottoms & sides of your heels & around the toes. Remember smooth, don't remove. You'll want to stop if your foot turns bright red, which means you've scrubbed to hard damaging the skin.

Massage your feet with a high quality moisturizing lotion or foot cream. Pay attention to the rough areas of your skin and in between the toes. Take your time and moisturize thoroughly.

HINT: Most men know that women love foot massages. Try asking your partner to give you a foot massage while moisturizing your feet. It'll feel great and help relieve stress. You can also rub in a little cuticle oil to rehydrate your cuticles.

Apply a thin base coat using 3 strokes, one down the middle, and one on each side. Don't paint the cuticle. Wait a minute before adding two coats of your favorite polish, then finish with a thin top coat. Clean up any errors with an orangewood stick wrapped in cotton & dipped in nail polish remover. It's good to paint any polish remaining on the brush over the front nail edge to prevent chipping.

Wait at least 40 minutes to allow your nails to dry. To make your pedicure last longer apply a clear topcoat.

Now that your feet have had a fresh pedicure, grab your digital camera and take a few snapshots of your pretty piggies. Then get on your computer and go to www.WorldsPrettiestFeet.com?and enter in the World's Prettiest Feet contest. Who knows you might just win a professional pedicure kit.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Reverse the Skin's Aging

We're all going to age, but some of us will do it much more gracefully than others. What if you could reverse the signs of aging and get rid of wrinkles? What if you could melt the years away? It's not nearly as difficult as you might think.

Wrinkle Cream

Anti aging cream products are very popular because they promote such radical results, which can end in disappointment if you don't understand what you should be looking for. First, you should never have to wait 30 days to see results. You should see results right away and then there can be long term benefits too. Look for anti wrinkle cream products that have a money back guarantee, that way you know you won't be out any money. There are many different creams and some work very well, although it can take a little experimenting.

Dr Perricone Diet

Dr Perricone's diet is all about reversing wrinkles and preventing the development of new wrinkles. Certain foods cause inflammation and water retention which leads to premature aging. The 28 day diet is designed to reduce your intake of glycemic carbs, refined sugars, and saturated fats.

Low Glyecemic Diet

Low GI Diets are designed to eliminate that glucose spike that can cause you to age very quickly. With the Low GI Diet you can expect to have healthier, younger skin in no time. It's a great wrinkle reducer.

Raw Food Diet

The Raw food diet has become quite popular. You will eat only foods that are unprocessed and uncooked. For example, vegetables, sprouts, grains, nuts, beans, and fruit will make up most of your diet. If you eat at least 75% raw you will begin to notice the fine lines and wrinkles disappearing.

Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important. Your body needs to rest in order to regenerate. It also helps you to deal with stress which can cause wrinkles. If you want healthier, younger looking skin, make sure you get your regular 8 hours of sleep every night.


When you exercise the muscles of your body they become tight and firm. The same goes for your facial muscles. There are plenty of exercises that strengthen the facial muscles and around the eyes, reducing those fine lines and wrinkles. Exercise is a very effective option for reducing facial wrinkles.

Antioxidant Foods

Antioxidants are powerful taking care of free radicals in the body. That means you'll have fewer fine lines and wrinkles since free radicals cause them. There are many foods high in antioxidants including fruits and vegetables. A healthy choice for a healthier, younger, complexion.

Makeup & Cosmetics

Makeup can also help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, plus choosing the right colors will make your skin shimmer and make you look years younger. Choose a foundation that's designed for skin that's for over age 40. It will moisturize and hide wrinkles.

Sure you can opt to have a face lift, but why would you want to when there are so many options available to you that are not invasive. Explore all your options before you make your decision on reversing signs of aging on your skin.

With the top anti wrinkle products as well as these natural tips, you can now reverse skin aging in minutes. So try them out and see for yourself.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cosmetic Dentist - What to Look For

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist to whiten your smile or perform some other cosmetic dental surgery or procedure? It is important that you choose a cosmetic dentist carefully, because your smile is one of your most important assets. The things that you should look for when choosing a cosmetic dentist are: proper training and education, good patient success rate, and that you are comfortable with them.

In order to practice any type of dentistry, technically all you need is a dental license. But, there are professional dental organizations which provide additional training and certification for the various dental professionals-such as a cosmetic dentist. When you are choosing a dentist you should make sure that they have the professional training that is required and that they are in good standing with the State Licensing Board. If there are any complaints against the dentist of your choice, check to see if they have been resolved and how they were resolved.

You should definitely find out if the cosmetic dentist you are looking at has experience in performing the procedure you are going to have done and if the experiences have been successful. One way to do that is to ask to see an album of before and after pictures of patients who have had your procedure done or a similar procedure done. You can also ask for references to contact. Friends and family may also be a good resource for cosmetic dentist referrals. Ask if they would use the dentist again and what they liked and didn抰 like about the dentist if anything.

Sit down with any dentist that you are considering and ask any questions that you may have. Some sample questions include: How long will the procedure take? How many visits will it take? What discomfort can I expect, if any? What is the recovery time? Make sure that the dentist is aware of your goals and expectations for the procedure and that they agree with them. They should be honest with you about the outcome. Almost any dental procedure will cause some pain and discomfort even if it is just momentary.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Steer Clear of Wrinkles - Use the Best Anti Aging Cream

Do you hide your age? Well, you will say who doesn't? Right from celebrities to common people, everyone feels they should stay forever young and therefore keep telling lies about their age. But have you seen the twinkle of suspicion in the eyes of people around after you lie? If yes, it means that your skin is saying the truth. Whatever you do, you are going to age. The difference may be either you are good at your skin or you are not! If you are not, it's time to live up to your own expectations and start on an anti aging cream regimen!

Thanks to the various beauty contests those have started growing the beauty quest among common people alarmingly. Well, is it good or bad is a controversial issue and we will not step into that terrain. But it is true that one should strive to look good if one wants to stay ahead in this corporate culture. The best anti aging cream does just that for you.

Little research online shows us that there are certainly some good products on the shelves. However there are more bad or harmful products in the beauty market those claim to have beneficial anti aging effect on the skin but when used give rise to hoards of side effects. Therefore, it is a wonderful idea to have a consultation with your doctor before embarking on the right regimen.

Some of the natural anti aging ingredients one should look for in an anti aging cream are as follows:

(1)Anti-oxidants: do not drive away anti oxidants saying this is just the hype about them. The anti oxidants are truly the best anti aging ingredients any cream should have. They drive away the free radicals that damage our skin and other body parts. Usually these anti oxidants are derived from natural food sources and prevent harmful effects of sun, smoking, and aging on the skin. Green tea is one of such anti oxidants present in skincare formulations. It is a free radical fighter and drives away the toxins from skin.

(2)Alpha hydroxyl and beta hydroxyl acids: the job of alpha hydroxyl and beta hydroxyl acids is to slough off the dead skin cells effectively. They also stimulate production of new collagen and elastic skin tissue that adds elasticity to skin. It also enhances water retaining capacity of the skin. Just remember not to use creams that give these mild acids in higher concentrations. They may irritate your skin.

(3)Biotin: if your skin is excessively dry and therefore leading to wrinkling, use the anti aging creams that contain biotin. It helps to retain moisture and prevents dryness. Also Hyaluronic acid and ceramides help restore moisture in the skin.

(4)Pro vitamin B5 or Vita Niacin: this is useful ingredient if your skin is dulled by the aging effect. Also they have anti inflammatory properties that help to grow new skin cells and bring a fresher glow to your face by bringing healthier nutrient value to facial tissues.

It is necessary to consider these ingredients before you buy an anti aging cream. Remember that the women's health and fitness does include their skincare too. So, try to be optimal in its maintenance!