Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Would You Like to Be Young Forever?

I Wanna Be Forever Young

Back in the eighties, people were belting out the tunes to Alphaville's Forever Young. The song talks about enjoying life for as long as you can and making sure that you get the most of your experiences. Little did the young ones then realize that this could be the theme to their lives right now.

They now moan about turning another year older and looking as weathered as their leather moccasins back then. Age is an inevitable part of life, and if you just learn to embrace it, you'll realize that feeling old is just a state of mind. How you feel deep down is a major factor that interferes with your health and youth. If you want to defy the aging process, you must be in sync with your body's needs. Basically, your body, mind, and spirit must be harmonious with your desires. When your physical, mental and spiritual states are congruent with what you want, you often achieve those desires effortlessly.

The secret for better aging is to feel good about yourself and treat the symptoms that come naturally when you grow older. You don't have to just live with these symptoms and feel bad. You have to embrace what you have and feel good about yourself. Avoid your obsession with aging, and you'll be surprised just how much weight you've lifted off your shoulders.

You should feel that same person 20 or so years before. What matters is not how you look on the surface, it is who you truly are deep down. This may sound like too much of a clich? but then again, this became a clich?for good reason. Inside, you still have the same dreams and many of the same interests. In fact, aging has only had its rewards. The years should have taught you to be more confident and happier in your own skin. You may constantly obsess about the fine lines and deep crevices you see in front of the mirror, but has this done anyone good?

Here are just a few things to remember every time you see your age go higher:

1.Feeling beautiful is not about the age. In fact, it's 99% attitude. You are a unique person, and there is so much about you to love.

2.Do not believe in what the media portrays as beautiful. If you read through each and every fashion publication there is, you'll soon realize that no woman is good enough.

3.Never think you're too old to do anything. Enjoy those rock concerts and go to parties with friends. Don't let other people's opinions or your own fear of looking silly change you in any way. Let them knit sweaters while you make your mark on society.

4.Learn to express your emotions and get over them as soon as you've gotten the chance to blow off steam.

5.Find love through your friends, partners, and family. Share good times with them and establish connections. Never surround yourself with people who think less of you. They can only be toxic to your existence.

Life is an adventure. Be bold enough to enjoy whatever life throws your way. The secret is to reclaim your life and enjoy yourself more. This is the only way to look and feel forever young.


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