Monday, April 25, 2011

Maybe She's Born With It - Or Maybe It's Latisse

Ever found yourself wishing you had longer, fuller eyelashes? Lashes that were dark and luxurious, and powerful enough to make people gaze into your eyes, instead of just look at them? If you're answer is yes, then you're not alone. In fact, you've got more than 6,000 years' worth of company. The obsession with eyelashes dates all the way back to the ancient Egyptians of 4000 BC. These fashion-forward predecessors created a powdery mix of soot and metal called "kohl" that they used on their eyes, lashes and eyebrows to give them more definition. And though we're no longer smearing soot and metal shards on our eyes, cosmetic eyelash enhancement hasn't progressed much in 6,000 years. Mascara? It's a temporary fix at best, and tends to clump and run even when it promises not to. False lashes? Also a temporary solution. But what if there were a way to go beyond temporary painting and gluing, and truly transform your lashes - permanently? That way has just arrived. And if you're reading this, you're one of the first people in the world to know about it.

It's called Latisse, and it's a cutting-edge treatment that's been proven to actually grow your eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker than they've ever been. No glue, no fake extensions, no illusions. Just your own, real eyelashes - only better.

I know what you're thinking. This sounds like every infomercial you've seen when you can't sleep and you've got the TV on at 2:00 in the morning. About a pill that makes you lose 50 lbs. in two weeks. Or a serum that turns rolls of fat into rippling muscles - no exercise required! And you're right to be wary, there are a lot of false claims out there. But did you ever notice the fine print at the tail end of those commercials? Way down at the bottom of the screen, in ultra-light, teeny-tiny print - messages that read, "Results not clinically proven," or "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA."

That's what makes Latisse different. Latisse is the first FDA-approved treatment for growing longer, fuller, darker lashes. Most people who have used Latisse noticed a visible difference in their lashes in the first four to six weeks, and continued to watch their lashes grow to their full potential in sixteen weeks. Latisse is a story best told by the people who've tried it, and rave about its effects. But there's another version of the Latisse success story, too - and it's told by numbers. 78% of Latisse patients experienced an improvement in overall eyelash prominence after 16 weeks. Their lashes were 25% longer, 106% fuller and 18% darker.

So how does Latisse actually work? It's believed to affect the growth phase of the eyelash hair cycle - actually increasing the length of the growth phase - which gives an increased number of eyelash hairs the opportunity to grow. Just as incredible as the results is how easy Latisse is to use. Put a tiny amount of Latisse solution on a sterile applicator and apply it to the base of your upper eyelashes once a night - just like applying eyeliner. And if you happen to get a little bit in your eye, don't worry. Latisse hasn't been determined to cause harm to your eyes, so there's no need to rinse it out. It is important to make sure that you keep the applicator sterile, the same as you do for your mascara, and don't touch it with your fingers or lay it on non-sterile surfaces. And speaking of mascara, yes you can wear it if you're using Latisse. It's a great way to get the most out of your Latisse-enhanced lashes.

A couple things to keep in mind: If for some reason you forget to apply Latisse one day, don't try to play catch up by applying it twice the next day. Instead just apply it normally - using Latisse more than once a day simply won't increase the growth of your eyelashes any more than daily use. Make sure you ask your doctor for all the safety information when you go in to talk about Latisse. Only 4% of participants in the clinical trials reported itchy or red eyes, and the safety and effectiveness of Latisse is backed by the FDA.

You are now in the know about one of the newest, most cutting-edge cosmetic treatments there is. Ask your doctor about Latisse, and get ready for lashes that are truly stunning - because they're your own.


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