Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Do I Start My Body and Back Acne Treatment?

Body acne treatment and back acne treatment, what to do and what to not. How is body acne different from facial acne? There are no difference at all. Acne on all parts of the body also forms the same way as facial acne, through overactive sebaceous glands which produces excess oil, grime, and dirt which clogs up the pores and thus forming acne just like on your face. Body acne is usually found on people's chest, shoulders, arms, and back mainly, but they do happen everywhere too. Your neck, abdomen, legs, and even BUTTOCKS can have them.

The worst of body acne are on backs. Our backs are very pore sensitive just like our face. Every time we sweat, the sweat irritates our skin with all the oil and dirt and that is why we bath asap after doing sports to keep ourselves clean. One way to minimise or prevent perspiration when / when-not doing sporting activities is to wear light clothes so that your body especially your back can breath! Minimise on the leather jackets haha. Also, you have to bath properly with soap or many other problems can happen other than acne, such as fungal infection, rashes, scabies (this is very scary, tiny mites burrow into your back), and more!

Although personally, I feel that facial acne is the worst of them all, body acne is also quite serious if you are a swimming or beach kind of person who likes to be topless (for guys) or wearing bikini (for girls) etc. So take note of the above about wearing breathable clothing and having good hygiene! When the weather is warm, wear lighter clothes and get yourself into cooler environments such as places with fans blowing or air-conditioners best.

Ok, right now how to treat body acne if you failed in preventing them. The same methods for facial acne applies here too. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid products are excellent but do not use them together as they are not meant to. Use either at a time, you can switch them around if you want to experiment for the better one but chances are salicylic acid probably works better with lesser side effects too.

Treat your body acne just like your facial acne, if you want to prevent scarring on your body, do not scratch your acne or whatsoever too! Let it go down by itself without all the popping or anything else.


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