Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Forehead Frown Lines - How to Make Them Fade Away

Forehead frown lines must bother a lot of us. You can tell by the name we call them!

If you have them and they annoy you, no need to frown. This article will tell you how to get rid of forehead frown lines.

There's no difference between lines on your forehead and lines anywhere else. All fine lines and wrinkles will fade away successfully if you give your skin the right nourishment.

It's true that for many of us, the forehead develops lines sooner and more visibly than the rest of your face and neck. There are two reasons why this is common: our foreheads are fairly large flat areas, so that lines on them stand out; and some of us inherit the tendency of either raising our eyebrows to crinkle our forehead into lines, or scrunching our eyebrows to create lines between our eyebrows when we're puzzled -- or just concentrating.

So what does it take to get rid of them?

Effective skin care creams will do it. Unfortunately, most creams and lotions are not effective. They either don't bother to carry the ingredients proven to work, or they don't carry enough of those quality ingredients to be effective.

The simple trick is to get a skin care product that contains ingredients proven effective in clinical trials, and in the same concentration that proved effective in those trials.

I'll name my favorite, because it reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves the strength and elasticity of your skin, reduces inflammation and give you a smoother, creamier complexion.

It's a foundation ingredient in the skin care products I use myself. The name is Cynergy TK, which can...

...Stimulate your skin to boost its own production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that give skin strength and elasticity. It increased growth of new skin cells by 160 percent in a clinical trial. It can do this because it contains zinc and copper complexes bound in proteins, which restore the skin's ability to heal itself.

...Cause a 14 percent improvement in skin moisture retention and a 42 percent improvement in skin elasticity -- both in just 18 days.

...Reduce inflammation, a cause of skin damage, by blocking production of the inflammatory molecule PGE2.

...Destroy free radicals in the skin which are one of the biggest causes of skin aging and wrinkles, because it contains powerful antioxidants and also because it stimulates the body's own production of antioxidants.

Of course, this is just one powerful ingredient, being tested on its own. But any good skin care product must have a combination of ingredients that work together.

My website names such combination products that will help you get rid of forehead frown lines.


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