Thursday, April 14, 2011

Acne - Natural Cures Are Available

Whether you are young or old there is a chance you can still be dealing with the issues of acne. After having tried many of the popular store treatments like Clearasil or blackhead removers you still have acne. You're out of ideas for what to do next, you have had your mind on some natural remedies but you're not sure which ones you should try. You will find plenty of natural remedies if you do a quick search on the internet, but I am going to share with you some effective natural remedies that can help you clear some of that acne right up.


Toothpaste has been said to help cure acne, but its application has been overused. That doesn't mean that the method doesn't work. The method has been said to be very effective by many people who have used it. All you have to do is add a spot of toothpaste to your face on the infected parts of your skin.

You should wash your face before applying this technique. Making sure your skin is as clean as possible will make it easier for the toothpaste to work. You may want to ask around a bit as certain types of toothpaste have been said to be more effective than others, some people also believe that leaving the toothpaste on overnight is the best approach to see results.

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil has been said to be more effective than some antibiotics when it comes to cleaning up the bacteria that causes acne. You can find tea tree oil in several products, but it is better you buy it from a health food store or an online merchant so you can get the best value for your money. Taking tea tree oil will help with the other problems associated with acne as well like redness and inflammation.

Fruit peels:

Fruit peels, especially the peels of oranges and apples are a wonderful source of natural juice that can help clear that acne right up. You want to make sure you apply it the right way though. You can try to be creative and take the peels of several fruits and blend them together to make a thick paste that you can apply to your face.

Doing this will make your skin healthy and supply you with a lot of the vitamins you need naturally without having to take them in pill form. Fruits are said to have most of their nutrients in their skin so you can see how this would make sense. Also consider the skin of watermelon, the skin of lemons, and the skin of grapefruits. These types of fruit have the most nutrients in the skin.

Natural remedies are a good way to combat acne problems you may be having. If you apply them correctly you should see some of the benefits. You can always keep looking for more natural remedies if the ones listed do not work for you, but these should help you get started.


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