Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rating Collagen and Elastin Enhancers - Consumer Facts

When you read articles by people that rate the collagen and elastin enhancers do you take what they tell you as gospel, or do you take it with a grain of salt? If you answered that you were skeptical of believing every word that they tell you then you are a good consumer. To err on the side of caution when dealing with cosmetics products is a smart thing to do.

Your decision to maybe take more of a consensus over the advice of just one source is wise. In many cases the product reviews that you will find in magazines and over the internet are nothing more than marketing forums for the companies that are developing these products. With this in mind you of course have to be cautious with what you believe.

Articles and websites that claim to rate the collagen and elastin enhancers are doing little more than persuading you to choose certain products over others so that there is personal gain by both the spokesperson chairing the forum, and for the sponsoring company. Whether or not a product is right for you, or whether it is even healthy, is not taken into consideration.

For whatever reason they seem to choose, the major cosmetics companies have no real concern about either your satisfaction, or your health. If they did then they would not continuously throw products at you that contain useless ingredients such as collagen, and elastin. They sell millions of dollars worth of collagen products per year, and the active ingredient cannot even be absorbed by your skin.

So, you know now that the typical collagen and elastin product is useless to you, but there is more that these corporations do not tell you about their products when they rate the collagen and elastin enhancers. This would include the fact that many of the ingredients that they commonly use in their products have been proven to be toxic to humans.

Of course, they wouldn't want to let you know these things, because they know that once you find out you will stop buying their products. If you were smart you would stop buying their chemically laden products anyway, and begin the switch over to the healthy, effective products that are being made using nothing but all natural ingredients.

If I was to rate the collagen and elastin enhancers that are available containing natural ingredients, then I would have to say that the winner would be the one that a company from New Zealand has manufactured that contains a mixture of proteins that will cause an increase in the production of your own collagen, and elastin. The change that this product will make on your appearance is dramatic to say the least.

You have probably never heard of this company, or their products before. This is because they won't stoop to play games where you falsely rate the collagen and elastin enhancers that you sell in order to draw business. That is because their products are actually effective, so they don't have to.


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