Friday, April 1, 2011

4 Tips on How to Minimize Bad Breath Potential

You and I both know that bad breath cannot be gotten rid of overnight. While there are many proclaimed cures and treatments out there in the market, why not try to lessen that problem while you still can. And you can definitely do just that!

Firstly, drink lots and lots of water. Water is the number 1 liquid or your body and of course for your mouth too. Water is especially to those suffering from Xerostomia, which means critically dry mouth, as a dry mouth leads to halitosis. Water helps in the production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is needed in the mouth to dilute the effect of bacteria and its wastes, that causes the breath odor. Hence if there is more saliva in the mouth, bad breath is kept to its minimal.

Secondly, rinse your mouth regularly. By rinsing your mouth frequently, the bacteria and the waste that is produced gets flushed out of the mouth. In doing so, the less amount of bacteria in the mouth produces less wastes and hence, lowers your potential of having halitosis breath.

Next, stimulate the flow of saliva in your mouth. As said in the first tip, by increasing the amount of saliva in the mouth, breath odor is then kept to a minimum. It is relatively easy to increase the amount saliva in the mouth. Just chew on something. By doing so, the body is tricked into thinking we are eating something and hence produce more saliva. The best is to choose foods like chewing gum, but of course, sugar-free types as the sugar increases bacteria growth.

Lastly, clean your mouth well. It is important to keep your mouth clean as it inhibits bacteria growth. You should do this after each meal, but do so especially after eating food stuffs which are high in protein, as protein promotes breath odor. Doing so would ultimately decrease the time duration and the amount of food present for the bacteria.


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