Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lumineers - The Painless Alternative to Veneers

Looking for a perfect smile? With today's modern technology, flawless-looking teeth have become a reality for more people than ever. Whether you've always hated your teeth or are looking to reverse damage caused throughout your life, innovative dental procedures are making it easier to correct dental problems and get the pearly whites you've always dreamed of.

With so many corrective dental options on the market, how do you decide the best one for you? After all, each has its benefits and disadvantages. And some are targeted at certain problems. For example, if you're looking to straighten your crooked teeth, a whitening procedure is certainly not what you're looking for.

One innovative dental procedure that you may have heard of is the application of Lumineers. More and more dentists are offering Lumineers, and they are becoming a popular choice with those who don't want the wait or pain associated with veneers. Unlike traditional veneers, Lumineers are applied painlessly to correct a number of tooth imperfections, and may even be less expensive.

Could it be true- no pain and lots to gain? Here's the scoop.

What are Lumineers?

Lumineers is a super-thin (approximately 0.2 mm) porcelain veneer that is placed over your existing tooth by a dentist. Lumineers is made from patented Cerinate porcelain and can only be applied by a Lumineers-certified dentist. The veneer is fitted to your tooth structure and may be as thin as a contact lens. Lumineers fits to mold to your tooth or teeth to correct the appearance of dental imperfections.

The Lumineers procedure is usually complete with two visits. During the first visit, a precision mold is taken of the tooth or teeth that will be covered with Lumineers. The desired shade of veneer will also be chosen for a bright but natural look. During the second visit, the customized Lumineers will be checked for fit and shade before being applied to the teeth.

Who Needs Lumineers?

Because Lumineers correct a versatile range of problems, almost anyone who is dissatisfied with the appearance of their smile may want to consider Lumineers. Lumineers correct the appearance of chips, stains, gaps, discolorations, and more. Lumineers can also be applied to give old bridgework or cosmetic dental procedures a new, brighter appearance. Even those who have no real dental problems may consider Lumineers for a straighter or more attractive smile.

People who are looking to correct a cosmetic dental issue quickly (for example, before an upcoming event) may turn to Lumineers because the process can be completed in just two visits.

Because the process is painless and doesn't require any shots, Lumineers may be an especially appealing choice for those who don't deal well with pain, or are adverse to needles.

Lastly, those who are unsure about whether they want or need a cosmetic dental procedure to correct their smile may choose Lumineers. Because the original tooth structure remains unchanged throughout the application, Lumineers are reversible and can be taken off.

What are the Benefits of Lumineers?

One of the major benefits of Lumineers is that they are much less painful than traditional veneers, because they fit over your teeth and don't require a reduction of the actual tooth structure as regular veneers do. Lumineers are applied painlessly. This means no shots and no drilling.

The two-visit process of getting Lumineers is also much quicker than the usual veneer process, which can take months and involve the installation and sometimes painful removal of temporary crowns before your actual veneers are ready.

Lumineers are proven to whiten for over twenty years, and are reversible. Also, while costs vary from dentist to dentist, Lumineers are usually more affordable than traditional veneers.

What are the Risks and Disadvantages of Lumineers?

Because the Lumineers process is so simple, and the teeth are not reshaped or prepared prior to the application of Lumineers, dentists have less of an opportunity to personally design the perfect smile. In some cases, a dentist might encourage his or her patient to go with traditional veneers in order to get a customized desired look. This is especially true in cases where the patient has a particular look in mind, or has problematic dental issues.

Also, because of the lack of tooth preparation, there is likely to be a small bump between the Lumineers and the gum that wouldn't occur with a traditional veneer. In some cases, this small bump may lead to gum irritation, staining issues, or even tooth decay.

The Bottom Line:

If you're looking for fast, lasting results without any pain, Lumineers might be the perfect choice- just don't forget to ask your dentist about the possible risks.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with an appropriate health care provider.


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