Saturday, September 18, 2010

Homemade Acne Treatments - All You Need to Know About Remedies to Cure Your Acne Fast

The advantage of using homemade acne treatments is that you can chose one that works best for you without spending a ton of cash that you would on over the counter drugs or prescriptions. They are also much safer to use because they have a reduced risk of side effects that you can easily get form the various chemical constituents in drugs and pharmaceuticals. As long as you understand your skin and know the severity of your acne condition then finding and effective home remedy to treat your acne is not a difficult task.

Homemade acne treatments have been applied in several ways; you can apply some directly to your skin while you will have to take some orally. It is a fact though that not all types of skin will respond in the same way to the same skin treatment. Therefore regardless of the type of remedy you use, you should practice good eating habits as well a good skin cleansing regimen.

There are different herbs, fruits, and some foods that you could choose from if these are obtainable in your locality. Not all recommended materials may be easy to get a hold of and so you would have to use whatever is available to you. One way to start of is to rub lemon on your skin to detoxify the areas and unclog your pores. Clogging of pores is one of the main contributing factors that causes acne due to an over production of the sebum oils. This is why it is important to wash your face at least twice per day with a gentle face wash to remove the excess dirt and oils from the surface of your skin.

Using garlic is treat your acne can be very effective. Garlic is considered to be one of the best homemade acne treatments due to it's richness in antibacterial properties that will kill the acne causing bacteria on the surface of your skin. You simple need to make a paste of the garlic, apply it to the affected areas for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Other remedies include the use of cumber, castor oil, sweet potato and many other herbs to rub on your skin.

Drinking a lot of water every day is also a good and natural way to detoxify your body and keep your skin hydrated. This should be done in conjunction with taking a multivitamin daily to build your immune system to ward of infections. You should also understand that you should not wait until you are thirsty before you drink water. Thirst is a symbol that your cells are dehydrating and that is why experts recommend that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Regardless of the homemade acne treatments you use, you should have a sense of judgment and not expect a miracle overnight. So you should be dedicated to a strict set of rules and stick to it over a period of time to get the desired results of a clear and beautiful skin.


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