Sunday, September 19, 2010

Discover Cosmetics For Younger Looking Skin

Did you know that if you buy cosmetics for younger looking skin, the effect will only be "cosmetic"? In other words, they want make any real, long-lasting changes in your skin's health or appearance. Assuming you're like most people, you would like to do more.

You may have noticed that some people look younger than their peers. Often, it is the person that has spent the least amount of time in the sun that appears to be youngest. But, for those of us that like to be outdoors, there are ways to prevent and counteract the damage that the sun can do.

Many experts recommend the use of sunscreen. That's fine, as long as you are careful about which sun-screening compound you use. Many of today's sunscreens were never tested for safety or effectiveness.

Minor sun-screening agents, with low SPF ratings, provide very little protection. All of them must be reapplied regularly, in order to remain effect. Scientists have found an increased incidence of malignant melanoma, a very serious form of skin cancer, among regular sunscreen users. Either they didn't follow the directions or the sunscreen caused damage that led to the cancer.

There are some brands of cosmetics for younger looking skin that contain the sun-block called zinc oxide. It is the safest and most effective. Companies can combine it with natural pigments for women to use as foundation and other types of makeup.

Many companies include oxybenzone or benzophenone in their makeup. Those sunscreens have been shown to cause damage to DNA strands. That damage will make the skin look older and can lead to skin cancer. Points to remember:

1.Look for zinc oxide
2.Avoid oxybenzone and benzophenone

So, cosmetics for younger looking skin can help prevent the damage that contributes to an aged appearance, if it contains zinc oxide, but that's all. The regular use of anti-aging creams can do a great deal more. They can repair damage that has already occurred. They can support the skin's health and natural rejuvenation processes. They can reduce redness and inflammation, prevent blemishes, reduce scarring and reverse wrinkles. The ingredients to look for include:

1.Coenzyme Q10, shown to reverse sun damage and wrinkling
2.The active form of the protein keratin, shown to improve firmness and moisture content, reduce inflammation and stimulate the production of new cells
3.Avocado oil, shown to increase the skin's collagen content
4.Shea butter, shown to reduce wrinkles, stretch marks and scars

In the future, there may be cosmetics for younger looking skin that contain some or all of those ingredients. Right now, they are only found in the best anti-aging creams Some of the ingredients, like avocado oil and Shea butter, work best as night creams. Others, like Coenzyme Q10 and the protein keratin, should be in any cream that you put on your face.

So, now you know that cosmetics for younger looking skin have certain limitations. There's only so much they can do. But a good day or night cream can do much, much more.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.


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