Monday, September 6, 2010

Does the Oral B Triumph 9900 Toothbrush With Smart Guide Live Up to the Hype?

Look around the internet, the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide is by far the most popular toothbrush available and gets the highest electric toothbrush ratings around. 40,000 pulsations per minute along with 8,000 oscillating strokes per minute really help to clean your teeth but its the added features which have gotten much of the public's attention. It's wireless LCD screen which tells if too much pressure is being applied, how much longer you have left in your brushing session, and when to replace your brush head, helps to improve the brushing experience.

But my main concern is, are those extra features just added decorations to attract customers or are they truly useful add-ons? I decided to do a trial run with my girlfriend to determine whether or not it was effective. I was going to use the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide with all the added features, the variable, while she would use just the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush, the control.

We decided to make it a 5 month experiment, a couple months after Oral B recommends to replace the brush head. We got examined by our dentist friend before the test and after the 5 months we were to go back and determine who had a better bill of health.

Understand this is a difficult experiment being that we are two different people and eat differently from each other so that may have effected the results. But the results showed that the added features truly did prevail. Our dentist friend said my girlfriend had a bit more plaque build up which he determined might have come from using an expiring brush. As for the pressure sensor, he didn't notice any kind of wear on the enamel of our teeth or gums, which may be because we have proper brushing habits already.

Overall, I feel if you have proper brushing habits and a clean oral health bill, the added features of the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide might not be necessary. I'd discuss with your dentist first, unless you just have poor habits, then I'd just get right to using the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide.


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