Monday, September 20, 2010

Best Natural Acne Treatment - 3 Secrets to Eliminate Acne Today

It is no surprise these days that many acne sufferers want to know what the best natural acne treatment for their skin type is. Acne is embarrassing and sometimes very painful. Although doctors don't agree on exactly what causes acne, most people realize that natural cures are a much better option than harsh chemicals.

Some of the over the counter drugs and prescriptions for acne can actually do more harm to your skin than good. It's great to be able to get rid of your pimples but not if your face looks worse afterwards then before you started treatment. The rest of this article will look at three things you can do to start getting rid of your zits now. One dietary change and two topical treatments will be discussed.

1. You must drink plenty of water- You have been hearing all your life that you should drink at least 64oz of water each day. This advice has never been more important than if you are a acne sufferer. This one thing alone will go further towards elimination your acne than anything else you can do.

If you can't stand the thought of drinking that much water each day, I don't blame you. I like to drink green tea which is mainly water and a great cleanser itself. I also like to add a couple lids full of lemon juice to my water to give it a little flavor.

2. Tea Tree Oil- There has been a lot of talk lately about the use of tea tree oil as a acne cure and for good reason. Tea tree oil contains an amazing bacteria fighting element called terpinen-4-ol. Tea tree oil is for better for the skin than benzoyl peroxide products. Pure tea tree oil should be diluted with water with a mixture of about 5% tea tree oil and 95% water. Apply the solution directly to the irritated spots on your skin.

3. Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is truly one of natures miracle cures and can be used to treat numerous problems including acne. Coconut oil contains both capric and lauric acids which are very similar to the infection fighting elements found in mothers milk that protects newborn babies.The beauty of coconut oil is that it can be applied directly to the face and body and can also be ingested.

Finding the best natural acne treatment is going to differ a little from person to person but the three things listed above will give you a great start on eliminating your acne forever.


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