Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Truth About Fish Oil and Wrinkles

Ever wondered how fish oil and wrinkles go together. Well, there are many different creams and lotions on the market these days to help reduce the signs of aging.?/p>

However, many people do not realize that fish oil can help your skin look and feel younger by helping to smooth out lines and wrinkles. In addition, it can also help prevent them too, by keeping the skin smooth.?/p>

Technically, it is the Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil that helps keep the skin looking younger.?/p>

Lines and wrinkles are a definite sign of aging; however, we do not simply have to accept them!?/p>

Using fish oil to help reduce wrinkles is just one of the many benefits of this popular supplement. Some of the more notable benefits include reducing the chances of a heart attack, controlling inflammation and 'feeding' the brain.?/p>

Omega 3 fatty acids are what make fish oil so effective.?/p>

The one benefit that is not as widely known is the ability to create a wrinkle resistant skin. In essence, it gives you much healthier skin and it is really just another way to allow you to fight back at the signs of aging.?/p>

Most people will combine a good fish oil and wrinkles reduction creams. If you are using an anti aging cream along with your Omega 3 fatty acids, then use a natural product instead of a chemical based product.?/p>

Natural skin care products are much safer and more effective as well. A cream that is rich in antioxidants is essential at healing your skin and reducing lines, wrinkles and sagging.?/p>

As we get older, it is also harder to keep the skin moisturized as well. Fish oil is also good at keeping the skin hydrated.?/p>

As well, use a natural skin cream that contains natural oils and not synthetic oils such as mineral oil.?/p>

Some of the better oils include Macadamia oil, Avocado oil, Grapeseed oil and Jojoba oil. These oils penetrate deep into the layers of skin to help heal and moisturize from the inside out. In addition, they do not leave an oily residue on the skin.?/p>

Usin! g this s upplement as part of a wrinkle reduction routine will take some time. Once your body becomes accustomed to the Omega 3 fatty acids along with a regular anti aging routine, then you should begin to notice a reduction in the lines and wrinkles on your skin.?/p>

Now, that you have the knowledge that fish oil and wrinkles reduction is related, what are you going to do about it?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

8 Steps to Natural Beauty from the Inside Out

Have you ever noticed people that possess a "radiant glow" about them? It is the type of beauty that goes beyond the surface. If you would like to reflect your best without pricey "miracle" products, risky procedures or fad diets read on:

1. Follow a natural detoxification program for 3 days once per month. drink plenty of purified water, meditate, drink herbal cleansing teas, fiber rich foods and eliminate processed foods, dairy, alcohol,tobacco, etc.

2. Perform skin brushing to improve circulation and maintain a youthful appearance.

3. Bathe in in relaxing herbs and soothing essential oils. Try dried rose petals, lavender buds, clary sage or patchouli.

4. Moisturize skin with plant based ingredients. (avoid mineral oil) * Beautiful skin is the secret to aging gracefully* Weekly home spa treatments with Indigofera's Body Polishing Scrub and Silken Body Butter reveal smooth glowing skin.

5.Create positive affirmations and repeat them throughout the day.
"I am light, I attract health, wisdom and beauty"

6. Wear authentic gemstone jewelry like, amber, amethyst, citrine, & garnet.

7. Pay special attention to the colors you where, try to avoid dark colors. Study the Seven Chakras and learn about the energy of color.

8. Smile and laugh more often! Unmanaged stress contributed to premature signs of aging.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Discover The Secrets of Hair Coloring - Color Your Hair Like The Pros

If you have any hopes of being a professional color technician then you really have to know your colors. To begin with there are three colors that every other color is based on. You may remember these from your school years, as they are the primary colors, red yellow and blue. All the rest of the colors as we know them are comprised of various mixtures of these colors. The best way to understand color is to purchase a simple color wheel.

By knowing your primary colors and what happens when you mix them gives you good insight as to what will happen when you mix hair colors. For example if your client has yellow tones in her hair and you apply a color, that has a blue base to it then you are going to get a cast of green to the newly colored hair.

When it comes to using the products for coloring, they have specific characteristics that the colorist has to be aware of. When color is applied to the hair, it takes a specific amount of time for the natural hair to grab the color. This is called the development time and each specific color has its own developing time. The quickest is red followed by orange, yellow, purple, blue, and green.

A tint is a mixture of color so if the development time doesn't get to its full potential then the results will not be consistent. On the other hand, you don't need to worry about over development. Once the color reaches its maximum potential there is no further development.

Colors also have varying capabilities to hold onto the hair and remain there. This is called tenacity. The strongest being green/purple, then yellow/blue and finally orange/red. Almost the opposite sequence for development. You must be able to analyze the texture of the hair because fine textured hair absorbs color better that coarse hair.

You will also need to familiarize yourself with tones and shades.

Tones are variations of a color and shades denote how intense the color is.

A good colorist will fully understand the potential damage that can be caused from the various chemicals in their coloring products.

Another point, on which I feel strongly about, is that you should have a basic knowledge of the chemical substances in the products being used. The professional colorist must be aware of the damaging effect they could have on the hair if used incorrectly.

You need to have a good understanding of the pH scale which simple refers to something being to acid or too alkaline. The neutral point is pH7. Anything below this is acidic, and anything above it is alkaline. In regards to the composition pH of the hair this is based on the amount of sebum and sweat that is present in the hair. This attributes to the acidity. The average for the hair is around 4.5-5.5.

Any of the tints and bleaches that the colorist will used is always alkaline and must penetrate the hair shaft in order to be successful. This is the reason they have to be alkaline because that's what gives the color the ability to open the hair shaft so the color can penetrate.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Learn More About the Teeth Whitening Technology

Under this teeth whitening procedure, your stained teeth are bleached to make them shiny. It is a very trusted process, which is totally safe even to sensitive teeth. This treatment is done by most licensed practitioners in their dental clinics.

A specially developed whitening gel is applied on the teeth under this method of treatment. This gel is quite effective but does not cause any side effect. It is safe and the gums remain unaffected due to its usage. Since this method of treatment is more organized you do not need to use mouthpiece trays. The gel is non-toxic in nature and thus patients do not suffer from tooth sensitivity once the treatment is done.

The doctor after applying the whitening gel will point the light on the teeth to activate the whitening solution. Remember that they do not use laser lights. This procedure continues for 40 minutes and is considered as one of the safest and fastest treatment available in the market.

This method is time consuming and the result might vary depending on the nature of your eating and drinking habits. The stains on the teeth are basically caused by the ingredients of food and beverages. You have to repeat the entire treatment procedure once the stain on your teeth comes back. Moreover, the teeth fillings, porcelain or crowns remain unharmed after this treatment. It helps to get the original color back.

This technique provides lots of advantages. It is 100% safe and does not cause any side effects or teeth sensitivity. As the gel is non-toxic in nature, your gums remain totally safe. This teeth whitening treatment is fast and less expensive and is conducted in most of the modern clinics.

It is more preferable to use this solution than those easily available over the counter whitening and bleaching kits. Most whitening solution contains hydrogen peroxide, which is harmful for the gum. The mouthpiece trays does not cover the entire gum, thus you can have irritation when the whitening solution comes in contact with the gum. American Dental Association has not approved this messy procedure. This method is quite expensive and does not work on false teeth, tooth fillings and dentures. The bleach used in this method contains high amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is harmful for the gum.

Before visiting your dentist for this whitening treatment, you need to eat and brush your teeth properly. Refrain yourself from consuming tea, coffee, red wine and colas for at least a day post treatment. Daily flossing is highly recommended after treatment.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Best Tooth Whitening Products

Looking at yourself in the mirror at that reflection which has an awful set of yellowed teeth is quite a depressing experience. You remember nostalgically at this point the wonderful white teeth of childhood snapshots, and wonder wistfully, where did they go?

With the passing of time in your life and the constant and continuing use of tobacco, soda pop, tea and coffee and other discolouring substances, your teeth can and will get quite badly stained.

With the growing popularity of the processes of teeth bleaching and whitening there is now a solution to the yellow teeth that are staring you in the face! Either a home remedial kit or the services of a dentist can most certainly bring the brilliance back to your smile. Kits to be uses in the home for the purpose of tooth whitening, as well as toothpastes containing tooth whitening agents are plentifully available today.

Of the tooth whitening products available for usage at home one of the most frequently used in the tooth whitening method which uses a tray. If you decide to make use of this technique, the procedure you will use is to apply whitening gel on your teeth with the aid of a tray filled up with the substance and inserted into your mouth. This tray is then worn for some hours each day. This could either be at night while you sleep, or even during the daytime. The point to make a note of is that the results of this technique may not be apparent to you immediately but rather would generally take a number of weeks to show through.

Whether you decide to do your own teeth whitening at home are have the dentist do it for you, your sparkling smile can be restored to you. A low percentage in the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide and a dentist's recommendation will be qualifying features of the acceptable tooth whitening products. Another factor to be aware of is that several bleaching products for teeth are found on the shelves today which eventually cause more damage to the teeth than otherwise.

Systems for Tooth Whitening

It is always the most advisable route to take to have a consultation with a dentist prior to commencing any treatment for the whitening of your teeth. They will be able to guide you to the suitable method for you, in accordance with the level of discolouration found in your teeth at the time. For example, yellow hued teeth tend to respond well to the process of teeth bleaching as a solution, while the grey hued teeth do not respond in the same manner.
Stuff like bonding material in your teeth, as well the porcelain veneers you have got, cannot be affected by the process of teeth bleaching or teeth whitening. Therefore it is a waste of your time to even attempt it. If those items are severely discoloured, the only recourse you would have is to have them changed.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Multivitamins May Help You Live Longer

Shortening of DNA ends linked to rate of aging

So how can multivitamins help you live longer? Well, in order to answer this question we need to get into a little bit of genetics. Vitamins don't only protect us against deficiency related diseases, but also prevent the ends of our DNA from shortening, says a study by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Aging & Neuroepidemiology Group).

DNA strands make up chromosomes at the end of which are telomeres, areas of repeat DNA sequences that serve the purpose of protecting the chromosomes from damage. In essence, telomeres prevent chromosomes and their DNA from duplicating all the way to their ends during cell division, which would otherwise lead to the loss of the ends of chromosomes and the information contained in it. As biologist and researcher of telomeres, Elizabeth Blackburn, explains, a telomere is like the plastic tip on the end of shoelaces that prevents the laces from unraveling at the ends.

Why is this important? Well, throughout our lives, our cells are continuously dividing and news ones are created. In order to keep the same genetic information (this never changes in our lifetime), our chromosomes along with their DNA get duplicated in each cell. Now, with every cell division, telomeres get progressively shorter, which researchers believe determines aging. Inevitably, our telomeres will shorten with age, but it is the rate at which they shorten that seems to be linked to how fast we age. In other words, the slower the shortening of telomeres, the slower we age.

So now for the really good news: A study conducted this year shows that taking multivitamins daily may help us live longer by slowing down the rate of telomere shortening. Telomeres are very vulnerable to oxidative stress caused by free radicals and this makes shortening much faster. This would explain why most people with higher levels of oxidative stress are more prone to chronic disease and generally have shorter life spans. Researchers believe that vitamins, especially the ones with antioxidant properties like vitamins C and E, can slow down telomere shortening by counteracting oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.

I certainly won't be forgetting to take my daily multivitamins!


Chen, H. & all. "Multivitamin use and telomere length in women." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. February, 2009.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Are You Looking to Buy Resveratrol Online?

Before buying Resveratrol Online, you need to realize the full benefits Resveratrol has to offer and what products are the most effective in clinical trials. To preface this article, let me give you a little history on Resveratrol.

Discovered more than fifty years ago, Resveratrol is a compound that is produced by plants as a defense mechanism to avert bacterial and fungal infections. Until the early 1990's, it remained in text books as a product that was still under research. At the dawn of the new century, scientists further explored the benefits of resveratrol and discovered its miraculous properties of weight reduction which is accompanied by youthfulness. It was in 1991 where the Resveratrol Benefits made its debut on CBS where doctors and research developers spoke of a few interesting facts about the product.

Originating in France, Resveratrol is found to be present in the tannin of grapes. This led to the vast production of red wine that is manufactured on a large scale, especially in France. Consumers of red wine realized the immediate benefits of Resveratrol as their levels of cardio vascular symptoms diminished gradually.

Over the years, after the diagnosis of red wine and a more detailed study of Resveratrol, researchers found the product to be abundant in more benefits than one. Here are some of the overall health benefits of Resveratrol:

Maintains Energy Levels

The high quantity of nutrients help exhausted individuals to regenerate themselves after a long day of work or physical exercise. Resveratrol helps boost up the liveliness and adds oomph back into the consumer's life.

Improves Metabolism

Rich in the quantity of antioxidants, Resveratrol helps improve the rate of metabolism to a higher level and thereby increases the process of digestion.

Heart Improvement

Cardio-vascular improvement is an another added advantage of the Resveratrol Benefits, where the proteins supply strength to the immune system to fight off any attacks that may occur on the heart.

Weight Loss

With the gradual but consistent use of Resveratrol, the body will continuously begin to burn fat when accompanied with physical labor. This will help individuals lose weight in a safe environment without any side effects.

Age Reduction

The antioxidants present in Resveratrol help in supplying the much needed vitamins to the body for losing weight. This weight reduction is accompanied by fat loss that reduces the pore content levels thereby maintaining the youthfulness of the individual. The nutrients and vitamins help in the amalgamation of the fat loss tissues to avoid any wrinkle formation and thereby aids in age reduction.

These are just a few Resveratrol Benefits that have been mentioned. To state a few more, Resveratrol has been proven to help in fighting cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's. With continuous research, the lists of benefits seem to be growing every day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Understanding the Benefits of Facials

Facials are treatments of the epidermis designed to enhance the look and texture of facial skin by cleansing, hydrating, removing dead skin cells, unblocking clogged pores, and/or tightening the facial skin. Facials can be as simple as using an old-fashioned recipe at home or as elaborate as a full day spent being pampered by a professional aesthetician at a fancy spa. The benefits of facials can go more than skin deep, though, providing a sense of relaxation and peace while enhancing self confidence and promoting a general feeling of well being. Here I will explain some of the different types of facials and the processes involved in them, and I will give you a few tips on making the most of your facial experience.

A facial can be a one step process or can involve multiple different applications. Each type of facial application has a different purpose and result. The first step in a facial, after routine cleansing, is the application of a facial rinse, or astringent, also called toner, which is used to clean excess oil and dirt from the tiny pores of the skin. In addition, to cleansing, the astringent tightens the facial skin. Most astringents contain some type of harmless acidic compound which draws the pores closed, resulting in a firmer skin texture. Popular recipes used in home facial washes include lemon or orange juice mixed with a small amount of mineral water and applied with a cotton ball to the face. Many name brand facial toners are available at most drug and retail stores and work on the same principle using a variety of natural or synthetic astringents.

A facial scrub is another form of the facial, usually used after the toner. The scrub's main purpose is to remove dead skin cells, allowing the fresher, softer skin underneath to show through which gives the face radiance and a more youthful look and feel. Sugar scrubs are popular at home and are can be made simply by mixing some sugar (brown or white) into a small amount of olive oil, applying to the face in a gentle circular motion and rinsing with plain water.

A popular image when thinking of a facial includes a person lying down with a thick coating on the face and cucumber slices on the eyes. The coating on the face is called a mask, for obvious reasons, and there are many different types of masks for a wide variety of desired results. There are masks for deep pore cleansing, for firmer skin, for intensive hydration or for removing excess oil, among others. Some masks harden and peel off, mostly for the purpose of removing dirt and oil from deep within the pores, while others remain soft and are rinsed off, such as deeply moisturizing or exfoliating masks. And the cucumber slices on the eyes actually do serve a purpose by slightly tightening the skin around the eyes through the astringent properties of the cucumber!

The last step in a full facial is to moisturize. Moisturizers are chosen depending on skin type and add the finishing touch by further hydrating the skin for maximum softness and radiance. A moisturizer is generally applied sparingly and left to soak into the skin. A facial moisturizer should really be used every day, but no facial experience is truly complete without this last step.

Whether you pay for the full experience at a luxury spa or pamper yourself at home, you'll feel the benefits of a facial long beyond the time it takes to have one. Soothing music, flickering candles and a subtle scent in the air will enhance your experience even further. Enjoy the lasting effects of rejuvenation and renewed self confidence that a facial can bring.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Acne Solutions - Five Ways to Control and Kill Your Acne With Home and Over the Counter Product

Acne is no fun for anyone at any age. If you have (or had) acne as a teenager, chances are you will have at least a few breakouts as an adult. Sometimes even the best acne solution isn't enough to completely get rid of your acne by the time you turn 21. The same productions going on in your body when you were going through puberty will often come back to torment you as an adult, and it can be worse the second time around.

I know first-hand how frustrating this can be. As an acne victim, I have found many of the best acne solutions are sometimes found at home in the fridge or the cupboard, not just at the doctor's office or the dermatologist. Here I will give you five best acne solution options you can choose from to help you conquer your acne for good.

1. Zinc: I buy a 100-count container of zinc tablets at Target or Wal-Mart and take one 50 mg tablet each day at lunch. The bottle usually costs less than five dollars, and it lasts for over 3 months. This is one of the wisest ways to spend your money on acne solutions, and it works from the inside-out, helping your body control the acne before it gets to your skin.

2. Peach pulp: Mix two tablespoons of peach pulp with one tablespoon honey, apply it to your face, and let it dry for 20 minutes or so. Wash it off with warm water and dry with a clean, soft washcloth.

3. Toothpaste: People who don't have too sensitive of skin can use toothpaste in small, topical amounts as necessary to heal zits. If you have sensitive skin like I do, however, you might find the toothpaste dries out your zits, but it dries out the rest of your face pretty harshly, too.

4. Aloe vera: Applying fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe vera leaf is a great way to soothe zits. If you don't have access to fresh leaves, simply use the gel that comes in the container that you would store in the fridge for your sunburn. This will relieve redness, itching, and help calm the swelling of your zits.

5. Proactiv: This three-step cleanser really does work as well as advertised on the TV and in magazines. While I didn't find it to be a miracle necessarily, I've used it for over a year and wouldn't switch to any other cleanser.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Unseen Impact of Acne

Besides the well-known, undesired and very-hard-to-get-rid-of physical effects of acne, of course there is a lot more. A lot more all these people have to endure and cope with on a daily basis: the emotional side of the story, the so called 'quiet' or 'unseen' impact of acne.

During our whole lifetime we own a special private 'visit card' - our face, look or appearance. With predilection in the young adulthood, we all express ourselves through our looks, and if by 'looks' we sadly refer to a face full of pimples and red spots,'s not quite as outgoing and pleasant for others to gauge at our 'attractiveness'.

Those who suffer from acne usually blame no one else or nothing else but themselves, because they simply don't understand their condition. Busting the myths about acne may help you understand the causes of this disease and take precautious measures to control it.

Acne has an important impact on the way people perceive 'life': they understand that they have to step aside from any social environment, by isolating themselves as much and often as they can, their self-esteem and self-respect get very low, they are depressed, angry, anxious. Most times these feelings of rage and worthlessness lead to suicidal tendencies. When a treatment is given to them, they feel confused and frustrated, they feel their social life is being limited by force, and they tend to find themselves in or to create difficult and awkward relationships with the rest of their family.

These effects are often related to each other and form a powerful impact on the patients, discouraging them when they try to pursuit some social opportunities, either it is at work or at school. An article written by Sulzberger and Zaidems in 1984 said the following: 'there is no any other disease that could cause more psychical pain, more misunderstandings between parents and children, more general insecurity and more feelings of inferiority and also more psychical sufferance than acne vulgaris is causing'.

The implication is quite obvious; acne hurts more in the inside than on the outside. It is crucial that patients understand that it is not their fault. Contrary to the popular belief, acne is not caused by what a person does, eats, washes his/her face, but by a lot of combined factors that have their origins in the skin.

Many times people who should consider themselves lucky they do not have to confront with acne tend to wrongfully underestimate the emotional and social impact of acne. It is a serious matter and we should all have more consideration for those suffering. Sometimes the mental stress of those affected by acne is greater than the stress associated with other chronic diseases, such as asthma, back pains, hearts diseases or diabetes.

The results of a study have shown the fact that 18 percent of acne patients reported serious depression and 44 percent reported anxiety. These people live in a real 'depth of despair', properly illustrated by another study reporting that 6 percent of patients thought about putting an end to their lives.

The social impacts of acne are also very likely to affect one's ability to earn his or her living. There are studies that indicate the fact that those who suffer from this skin condition are prone to unemployment more than those who do nor have to deal with this shameful disease, and also there is a Canadian study that shows the fact that people with more severe acne are more likely to be unemployed than those with lesser involvement; nevertheless, the exact cause of these findings is rather uncertain: we do not know if these are due to the fact that the employer might find it difficult to hire someone whose face is covered in pimples, or because of that person's psychosocial impairment.

Acne may cause a deep emotional sufferance, but, if you have acne, the idea that you are not facing this horrible skin condition alone, by your own, and that the related treatments have seemingly evolved and there is a way to find a solution even for you should keep you going.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Best Natural Acne Treatment - 3 Secrets to Eliminate Acne Today

It is no surprise these days that many acne sufferers want to know what the best natural acne treatment for their skin type is. Acne is embarrassing and sometimes very painful. Although doctors don't agree on exactly what causes acne, most people realize that natural cures are a much better option than harsh chemicals.

Some of the over the counter drugs and prescriptions for acne can actually do more harm to your skin than good. It's great to be able to get rid of your pimples but not if your face looks worse afterwards then before you started treatment. The rest of this article will look at three things you can do to start getting rid of your zits now. One dietary change and two topical treatments will be discussed.

1. You must drink plenty of water- You have been hearing all your life that you should drink at least 64oz of water each day. This advice has never been more important than if you are a acne sufferer. This one thing alone will go further towards elimination your acne than anything else you can do.

If you can't stand the thought of drinking that much water each day, I don't blame you. I like to drink green tea which is mainly water and a great cleanser itself. I also like to add a couple lids full of lemon juice to my water to give it a little flavor.

2. Tea Tree Oil- There has been a lot of talk lately about the use of tea tree oil as a acne cure and for good reason. Tea tree oil contains an amazing bacteria fighting element called terpinen-4-ol. Tea tree oil is for better for the skin than benzoyl peroxide products. Pure tea tree oil should be diluted with water with a mixture of about 5% tea tree oil and 95% water. Apply the solution directly to the irritated spots on your skin.

3. Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is truly one of natures miracle cures and can be used to treat numerous problems including acne. Coconut oil contains both capric and lauric acids which are very similar to the infection fighting elements found in mothers milk that protects newborn babies.The beauty of coconut oil is that it can be applied directly to the face and body and can also be ingested.

Finding the best natural acne treatment is going to differ a little from person to person but the three things listed above will give you a great start on eliminating your acne forever.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Discover Cosmetics For Younger Looking Skin

Did you know that if you buy cosmetics for younger looking skin, the effect will only be "cosmetic"? In other words, they want make any real, long-lasting changes in your skin's health or appearance. Assuming you're like most people, you would like to do more.

You may have noticed that some people look younger than their peers. Often, it is the person that has spent the least amount of time in the sun that appears to be youngest. But, for those of us that like to be outdoors, there are ways to prevent and counteract the damage that the sun can do.

Many experts recommend the use of sunscreen. That's fine, as long as you are careful about which sun-screening compound you use. Many of today's sunscreens were never tested for safety or effectiveness.

Minor sun-screening agents, with low SPF ratings, provide very little protection. All of them must be reapplied regularly, in order to remain effect. Scientists have found an increased incidence of malignant melanoma, a very serious form of skin cancer, among regular sunscreen users. Either they didn't follow the directions or the sunscreen caused damage that led to the cancer.

There are some brands of cosmetics for younger looking skin that contain the sun-block called zinc oxide. It is the safest and most effective. Companies can combine it with natural pigments for women to use as foundation and other types of makeup.

Many companies include oxybenzone or benzophenone in their makeup. Those sunscreens have been shown to cause damage to DNA strands. That damage will make the skin look older and can lead to skin cancer. Points to remember:

1.Look for zinc oxide
2.Avoid oxybenzone and benzophenone

So, cosmetics for younger looking skin can help prevent the damage that contributes to an aged appearance, if it contains zinc oxide, but that's all. The regular use of anti-aging creams can do a great deal more. They can repair damage that has already occurred. They can support the skin's health and natural rejuvenation processes. They can reduce redness and inflammation, prevent blemishes, reduce scarring and reverse wrinkles. The ingredients to look for include:

1.Coenzyme Q10, shown to reverse sun damage and wrinkling
2.The active form of the protein keratin, shown to improve firmness and moisture content, reduce inflammation and stimulate the production of new cells
3.Avocado oil, shown to increase the skin's collagen content
4.Shea butter, shown to reduce wrinkles, stretch marks and scars

In the future, there may be cosmetics for younger looking skin that contain some or all of those ingredients. Right now, they are only found in the best anti-aging creams Some of the ingredients, like avocado oil and Shea butter, work best as night creams. Others, like Coenzyme Q10 and the protein keratin, should be in any cream that you put on your face.

So, now you know that cosmetics for younger looking skin have certain limitations. There's only so much they can do. But a good day or night cream can do much, much more.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Homemade Acne Treatments - All You Need to Know About Remedies to Cure Your Acne Fast

The advantage of using homemade acne treatments is that you can chose one that works best for you without spending a ton of cash that you would on over the counter drugs or prescriptions. They are also much safer to use because they have a reduced risk of side effects that you can easily get form the various chemical constituents in drugs and pharmaceuticals. As long as you understand your skin and know the severity of your acne condition then finding and effective home remedy to treat your acne is not a difficult task.

Homemade acne treatments have been applied in several ways; you can apply some directly to your skin while you will have to take some orally. It is a fact though that not all types of skin will respond in the same way to the same skin treatment. Therefore regardless of the type of remedy you use, you should practice good eating habits as well a good skin cleansing regimen.

There are different herbs, fruits, and some foods that you could choose from if these are obtainable in your locality. Not all recommended materials may be easy to get a hold of and so you would have to use whatever is available to you. One way to start of is to rub lemon on your skin to detoxify the areas and unclog your pores. Clogging of pores is one of the main contributing factors that causes acne due to an over production of the sebum oils. This is why it is important to wash your face at least twice per day with a gentle face wash to remove the excess dirt and oils from the surface of your skin.

Using garlic is treat your acne can be very effective. Garlic is considered to be one of the best homemade acne treatments due to it's richness in antibacterial properties that will kill the acne causing bacteria on the surface of your skin. You simple need to make a paste of the garlic, apply it to the affected areas for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Other remedies include the use of cumber, castor oil, sweet potato and many other herbs to rub on your skin.

Drinking a lot of water every day is also a good and natural way to detoxify your body and keep your skin hydrated. This should be done in conjunction with taking a multivitamin daily to build your immune system to ward of infections. You should also understand that you should not wait until you are thirsty before you drink water. Thirst is a symbol that your cells are dehydrating and that is why experts recommend that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Regardless of the homemade acne treatments you use, you should have a sense of judgment and not expect a miracle overnight. So you should be dedicated to a strict set of rules and stick to it over a period of time to get the desired results of a clear and beautiful skin.

Friday, September 17, 2010

4 Tips on How to Prevent Sagging Skin - Act Now, Don't Wait to Buy Expensive Treatment and Surgery

Having saggy skin is a common problem that comes with age. Our facial skin loses its elasticity and the muscles on our face can no longer hold the facial skin in place. Thus, we develop wrinkles and fine lines. What's more, lines and wrinkles become deeper as we age.

The aging process usually begins with our expression lines, the ones found on our brow, and then crow's feet, which later on develop as sagging skin on our face. In the past, the best way to deal with this problem is to undergo expensive treatments that not all of us can afford. What's more, treatments like cosmetic surgery, chemical peels and painful injections usually have serious side effects.

So the question is, is there an affordable and reasonable approach to solving this problem? The answer is yes. First, you need to have a proactive approach in caring for your skin. You can follow these simple steps to maintain your skins elasticity and prevent the early signs of aging.

1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day and make sure you finish a full glass. Water helps your skin's cleansing system by flushing toxins away. With ample amount of water, your skin will always be soft, healthy and not to mention, hydrated.

2. Smoking is a big no-no! Smoking can increase aging and not to mention, this will help the skin sag.

3. It is important to wash your face thoroughly before going to bed. If you wear make-up, make sure to remove them completely as it can clog your pores and may infect your skin. It is important to clean your face every day. And remember to be gentle on your skin, don't rub too hard, as it will only make the problem worse.

4. Sun also contributes to premature skin aging. That is why it is important to use an SPF 15 or above sunscreen. Sun cream or sun block is very important since it's your most powerful defense against aging.

Getting old is inevitable, but we don't really have to look old. We dread having sagging skin, but by simply following those simple steps and by carefully choosing the best skin care products. We can all battle the ugly signs of aging skin.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rectangular Face? Advice to Make You Look Stunning!

If you have a squarish chin together with a long and narrow face then you have a rectangular shaped face. If there is little difference in width between the top, middle and bottom of your face and your face is more rounded than square then this also points to having a rectangular face. By skillful use of make-up and by choosing the right hairstyle for you, you will be able to give the illusion of a shorter and wider face as well as a softer jawline.

Make-up for a rectangular face should be aimed primarily at adding width and fullness to the sides of your face and around your eyes and cheeks. Also, to minimize the fuller look of your forehead, basic make-up skills can be employed by adding some blusher near your hairline. To do this use horizontal lines by emphasizing your eyebrows, cheeks and lips. For your eyebrows, use a sharp brow pencil to slightly extend the outer ends of your brows and for your cheeks add blusher just below your cheekbones by following the line of your cheekbones. For fuller lips make sure that you line them carefully to keep them looking natural. Any eye shadow that you apply should be in the correct color tone for you and you should layer these toning colors horizontally working outwards from the center of your eye.

Hairstyles for your face shape should aim to give the impression that your face is rounder than it actually is. A softly layered style will add fullness near your ears and a fringe will also help to make your face appear shorter. You must avoid long, straight styles at all costs.

When choosing earrings, apply the same rules as you do to choosing your hairstyle. In other words, avoid long earring designs and opt instead for curvier shapes. Glasses or sunglasses should have a wide frame and be lightweight and you should avoid any angular frames since these will emphasize not detract from your face shape.

If you are still unsure about how to apply the right make-up and which shades will flatter you most or if you need advice on hairstyles that will complement your face shape best you can always consider obtaining the assistance of an image consultant.

Make-up lessons or an image makeover from an image consultant can help if you are confused.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is Your Face Wrinkle Cream Dangerous? Read This Before You Buy!

Your face wrinkle cream is unhealthy for your skin. Let me prove this to you now. Go and grab your creams, lotions and moisturizers. Look at their ingredients. I can almost guarantee you that they have alcohol or parabens in them. Why are these two bad? Well alcohol irritates your skin and can cause problems down the road, and parabens, wow, parabens can cause cancer and disrupt some of your body's internal systems. Parabens can also cause allergic reactions.

Another ingredient that is usually better hidden is dioxane. Dioxane is known by the state of California to cause cancer. I can't believe that people are actually paying money for these kind of products. The worst thing is that most of the products out there contain ingredients that are harmful for your health, it doesn't have to be these three, there are plenty of other ingredients that you do not even know about. This is shocking, I know, but the truth has to come out, and I am glad that you are reading this, because you are taking steps towards improving your skin.

Not long ago when I started researching different face wrinkle creams, my jaw dropped at all the ingredients these companies were using. You see, most companies put a lot of money into advertising and marketing, so they don't really put effort into creating high-quality skin care products that actually work.

So I started looking for companies that produced completely natural, high-quality face wrinkle creams that worked. It took me awhile to find, but I finally found one recently.

I have been using their products daily, and my wrinkles are reducing more than I have ever experienced with other products. All I can say is that I will be using this face wrinkle cream for a long time. So if you really want to find a good face wrinkle cream for yourself, I suggest that you do your research, and learn more about what to look for in a good product. You can visit my website for more information.

The funny thing is that the best products aren't the ones that are the most popular. You have to search to find high-quality companies. They do not put their money on advertising, instead they focus on creating the best products, and I admire that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Does the Body Produce Collagen and Other FAQs

Ever wondered how does the body produce Collagen? What does its deficiency do to our skin and how we can reverse those effects? In this article I will answer these and other frequently asked questions related to Collagen, wrinkles and anti aging skin care. Let's get started now.

How does body produce Collagen?
Our body has the natural ability to produce Collagen and Elastin using Vitamin C and amino acids. This is an ongoing process that replenishes the damaged and worn out fibers and keeps the skin firm and elastic.

Why does our skin wrinkle with age?
As we age, our body's ability to produce these two essential proteins keeps on decreasing gradually. This makes the skin loose and saggy and fine lines and wrinkles start appearing on it.

Is Botox the solution? What about Collagen injections?
Botox ix one of the common ways of removing wrinkles from the face. Before you think about using this method, be warned that this is an invasive procedure and not a long term solution to the problem.

The way Botox works is it paralyzes the facial muscles for some time. This gives the face a relaxed appearance and the wrinkles become less prominent. The downside is, this treatment can cause side effects like bruising, pain and double vision. Do you really want to go around with a bruised and reddish face?

Not to forget, the effects of this treatment last for a few months only. Then you have to undergo it again and again to keep your skin wrinkle free. Not an ideal situation, really.

Collagen injections, though not so harmful, are also temporary solutions only. They do not give lasting benefits to the skin.

So what's the best way to remove wrinkles from my skin?
The optimal way to make your skin wrinkle free and smooth is to naturally increase Collagen and Elastin levels in it. This can be done by using some natural ingredients like Active Manuka Honey.

This honey has the ability to enhance Collagen and Elastin regeneration in the skin. This helps in maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Its anti bacterial properties help in protecting the skin from bacterial infections too.

Cynergy TK is another natural ingredient that helps in keeping the skin wrinkle free by stimulating Collagen and Elastin production in the body.

Phytessence Wakame, a Japanese sea kelp, also helps in keeping the skin youthful and firm by preventing the breakdown of hyraluronic acid in it. It also keeps the skin healthy by nourishing it with plenty of minerals and vitamins.

So the question how does body produce Collagen, is effectively answered by these amazing natural ingredients. Make them a part of your skin care regimen and you will never have to worry about wrinkles again!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Give Your Body the Anti-Aging Nutrients It Needs

We all know that taking care of our bodies will help us to live longer and enjoy life more, but sometimes it seems like such hard work! At every restaurant and grocery store, we find food that tempts us to eat, eat, eat, and forget about things like fat and calories and sugar. What we need to do is take things like fat, calories and sugar in moderation along with a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals, in order to keep our bodies healthy and combat the aging process.

It's good to remember, too, that every grocery store and almost every restaurant offer us delicious, healthy, nutrient-packed alternatives to the jelly doughnuts and double cheeseburgers we crave! The next time you go shopping, add some healthy choices to your grocery cart; things like berries, leafy greens, veggies, lean meat, whole-wheat bread, and low-fat dairy products.

Sometimes, even if we are trying to eat healthy foods, our diet doesn't provide us with the amount of vitamins and minerals that we need. This is when we need to look to vitamin supplements. There are a number of anti-aging vitamins on the market, and one of them is right for you. If you need some help deciding which anti-aging vitamin you should buy, ask a pharmacist or your doctor. Your doctor can also tell you if you should be taking a multi-vitamin along with your anti-aging supplement in order to make it more effective. If you have always thought that vitamins were only for older people, give them a second chance! You'll feel energized and healthier if you make them part of your daily routine.

The types of foods we eat and the vitamins we take are very important in providing our bodies with anti-aging nutrients. But there is another important part to the anti-aging strategy: exercise. This may actually be the most important part, because when you exercise, your body is able to process and use all of those healthy foods and supplements you have been providing it with. Exercise not only makes anti-aging vitamins more effective, it helps to burn extra calories and fat that your body has stored up. If you currently don't exercise, just start with simple activities like walking for five or ten minutes a day. Once your body gets used to this, you can walk for longer, or add another activity such as bicycling, aerobics, yoga, or swimming. Exercise will help you feel healthier, and will slow your body's aging process.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to Get the Best Anti-Aging Products That Work

There are many anti-aging products that proliferate in the skin care market today. Almost all of them are claiming to be the best in the industry and proven to make your skin shine and look younger. Which of them are true? And which of them is the best anti-aging products that work best for you.

There are many things that you should look for in a product; and one of them is the ingredients used to make product; and this greatly affects its quality. When choosing a product, always check its ingredients. There are some people who prefer to use non-organic products and they usually look for nano-lipobelle H-EQ10 as part of the ingredients. Other people prefer to use organic products and they usually for the ones containing avocado oil, phytessence wakame, active manuka honey, and shea butter.

The next thing you should also consider when selecting the best anti-aging products that work is to check is the quantity used in each ingredient. When a certain company successfully advertises a certain ingredient which should form part of the product, many people will tend to look for it when shopping for the anti-aging product; hence, some companies will place that ingredient in their products and advertise their products to be the best because it contains this particular ingredient. However, don't be misled by their ads because, although their product really contain that ingredients, but the amount needed to make it fully effective may not be sufficient enough; hence, still giving you a poor effect on your skin.

I believe that you deserve to get the best product for your total skin care in order to give you a fresh look and younger looking skin because this will further boost your morale and self-confidence. Having given some useful insights on how to select the best anti-aging products that work well for you, I am sure that you shall be able to finally get the best product for you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Does an Anti-Aging Workout Consist Of?

First off our Anti-Aging programs can be adapted to any fitness level, no matter how long you have been stuck in the Downward decline of aging, or how hard it has been on you. It might not be your fault you're getting fat, but you do have the power to take back control of your body and health.

At the start of every workout you will want to start with a standard warm up. And, I'm not talking çˆ"alking or jogging for 5 minutes like you see a lot of people do. What you want to do is start with a dynamic bodyweight circuit incorporating all of your major muscle groups. As an example: Prisoner Lunges (to get your legs and upper back), a pushing exercise (often push-ups due to the adaptability to individuals fitness level), a pulling movement (a Bodyweight row, or lying T). We also want to make sure we are bracing our abs during each exercise. This makes all movements "ab exercises".

Next, it is we move right into our strength training, using the scientifically proven Anti-Aging strategies. We pair non-competing supersets to increase our Life Hormones most effectively. The rep ranges that we use have also been scientifically proven to increase the main Life Hormones; testosterone and growth hormone better than other rep ranges or and other forms of exercise.

To be honest the best anti-aging workouts revolve around the basics. Heavy weights and low reps are increase your Life Hormones, which in turn help you lose more fat, build more energy, and recover the vitality of your youth.

To finish it off we move into some form of interval exercise right after our strength training. Again, Sprint type exercises have been show to increase Life Hormones over 450% compared to a steady paced cardio group, in as little as 10 minutes. So whether you jump on a bike, head to the track, or even hit the elliptical machine (even though I think it is way over rated) make sure you complete a set of high intensity (9/10) then recover for a time at least twice as long at low intensity (3/10). For example: 1 minute interval time then a 2 minute recovery time, then back into another set of the same. I don't often recommend more than 6 intervals, or less than 3 in one workout. ?/p>

At this point after the intervals we will stretch any muscles that are tight. But, we won't be over aggressive in stretching on muscles we trained hard during our strength workout or muscles we are going to train hard the next day. We really just want to give a light stretch to our tight muscle.

Remember, Aging is Inevitable, but Looking and Feeling Old is Optional.

Friday, September 10, 2010

You Have to Work Hard to Keep Your Strength

As scientists continue to probe the secrets of how we age, they continue to find what influences our health and quality of life. While we can't turn back the aging calendar we can do things to help reverse and prevent the toll the years take on your body and your health.

Your lifespan - how many years you live - is important, but perhaps not as much so as your health span: that period of your life when you are strong, functional and able to perform everyday life tasks for yourself. Isn't that what most of us want more of in our lives - not merely years but healthy, independent, enjoyable years?

Although our knowledge on how the body ages increases the bottom line remains the same. Proper exercise has a strong positive health impact and is the key to a healthy and rewarding life. A proper exercise program containing strength training is the best strategy for retarding - even reversing ç'ƒhe effects of aging.

Here are some of the benefits:

Prolong vitality by slowing or even reversing the biological deterioration processes that people typically start to suffer after about age 40, such as declining strength, glucose intolerance and metabolism slowdown.

Postpone disability by reducing your risk of such chronic conditions such as the "big three" heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Prevent "sarcopenia" a common problem caused by a sedentary lifestyle causing a weakening of the body's muscles, particularly in the legs, with a loss of muscle mass. The ultimate price of this condition is weakness causing loss of balance, reduced mobility and frailty. A crucial first step toward making the lifestyle changes essential to extending your health span is under-standing there is an area that is crucial to how fast or slow you age.

Your Muscle Mass - The average adults problem is not excess weight as much as it is excess body fat coupled with too little muscle tissue. Simply losing weight is the wrong goal; the key is changing your ratio of body fat (inactive tissue) to muscle (active tissue).

People with a greater ratio of muscle to body fat enjoy a higher metabolism (your body's engine) and don't have to worry as much about gaining weight or about how much they eat - that active tissue burns more calories.

Most people's muscle mass declines with age accelerating after age 40. The amount of muscle tissue you have - and that you retain - is determined in part simply by how much you use your muscles. As you age, you lose whole "motor units" - sets of muscles and nerves that work together to make your body move. For example, between ages 30 and 60, it's been estimated, people typically experience a 20% decrease in the number of motor units in the thigh. This slows you down and partially accounts for age-related loss of strength.

To check this out stand side on to a mirror and have a good look at your upper thigh width. Does it look thinner? If it does this is a loss of muscle mass. This decline in muscle strength and size is not inevitable. So don't ever think that you are "too old" for strength training exercise. The fact is that you can regain muscle mass and strength, no matter what your age, 18 or 80, or whatever shape you are in now.

If you use your muscles frequently with proper strength training exercise, you can maintain their strength. And if you push your muscles to the limits of their capacity with the right exercise, you can actually increase their strength - no matter your age. Strength is youth and the longer you keep it the more youthful you will be.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to Deal With Blind Pimples - Stop Blind Pimples Quickly and Easily

Have you ever experienced a painful bump in your skin that does not seem to show much redness and pus formation compared to an ordinary pimple? Have you tried ignoring it only to find the pain growing worse by the day? Then girls (and boys), you have on your hands a blind pimple. Blind pimples are different from your ordinary pimple because they have no head. This makes them especially hard to remove. But read on and get simple and easy tips on how to reduce the pain caused by these blind pimples and how to avoid them for good!

First off, since blind pimples do not have a head, it is impossible to know if they have reached maturity- which is usually the ideal time to prick the pus out from the skin. Without the head, you wouldn't know what area to prick. Merely pricking the painful area may solve nothing but break the skin surface and introduce more germs and infection into the area. So this leaves pricking out of the picture.

The easiest remedy for removing a blind pimple is to apply toothpaste on the red and painful area. This may sound a bit unusual but toothpaste actually has certain chemical ingredients that help reduce the redness and the pain caused by the pimple itself.

But if you want to stop blind pimples from erupting for good, then the best remedy is simply to maintain a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Keep away from acidic foods. Naturally, what you eat will show in your overall appearance. Hence, a healthy diet produces a healthy acne-free skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Water is very essential in helping your body wash out harmful toxins and chemicals and preventing acne.

Aside from these tips, you can also opt for anti-pimple creams that you can easily find in your local pharmacy. Benzoyl Peroxide cream in particular works as an anti-microbial agent that kills pimple-causing bacteria in the skin. There are also many good home remedies that can be found by a search on the internet. Just be certain that the acne remedy comes from a reputable source.

May your blind pimples be a thing of the past.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are There Any Laser Teeth Whitening Side Effects?

Having whiter teeth is something many people envy. At home whitening kits line the shelves at the supermarket. Almost every dental brand carries a whitening product of some kind. These home treatments can seem like a good idea, but the results may not be long lasting. The only way to guarantee the ultimate results is to visit a dentist to have laser whitening done. The procedure is very safe. Laser teeth whitening side effects shouldn't deter you from having a brighter smile.

Whether you whiten your teeth at home, or at the dentist, there may be some side effects. Hydrogen peroxide is placed on the teeth to remove stains. At the dentist office, they will use a laser to speed up the results. Laser teeth whitening side effects can include mouth sensitivity if the guard is not properly in place. Patients are not numbed during treatment so they can let the dentist know if they are experiencing increased sensitivity. This way, the patients mouth and teeth are not over aggravated during the procedure.

Should a patient experience a high amount of pain during the whitening procedure, the dentist may decide to cut the treatment short. This ensures that the laser teeth whitening side effects don't include nerve damage to the teeth or gums. Dentists are able to neutralize the PH balance of the peroxide to have the procedure be as comfortable as possible. Some dentists may recommend that their patients take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen before they undergo the whitening process.

Once the procedure is completed and the patient is at home they still have to take some precautions. The results of laser whitening will last as long as the patient keeps up with their dental hygeine. They must be careful what to eat and drink as staining foods may reverse the results of the whitening. Stay away from staining foods such as red wine and coffee for at least a few weeks after the treatment is completed. Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold beverages and foods may be a side effect of the whitening. Laser teeth whitening side effects should only last a few hours to a few days. If the pain continues past that time the dentist should be contacted.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dental Care - How Early Should You Take Your Child to the Dentist?

Many people are waiting too long to begin dental care for their children. Twenty percent of children have their first cavity before age five, and many have more than one cavity-50 to 70 percent of children will have at least one cavity in their grade school years. We, as adults, know the importance of proper dental care, but it is important that we apply this information to our children as well. Proper dental care can begin before an infant gets his/her first tooth. Here are some guidelines:

Infant Dental Care:

1. After a baby drinks a bottle or eats food, even before they have teeth, you should wash their gums with a wet washcloth to keep the gums clean. Decay can start before the teeth come in.

2. Do not ever put a baby to bed with a bottle of milk or formula because the milk stays on the gums and teeth.

3. Once the infant gets their first tooth, you can practice proper dental care by brushing their teeth with a soft tooth brush and infant toothpaste.

4. Soon after the baby gets their first tooth, make an appointment to see the dentist. Most dentists recommend that babies come in around their first birthday. However, if you have concerns before that, you should take them in sooner. This will also help them to feel more comfortable getting dental care in the future.

5. Brush the infant抯 teeth at least twice a day, making sure to brush before bedtime.


1. Once all of the child抯 baby teeth are in, if you have not been to the dentist, go as soon as possible.

2. Supervise your child抯 brushing until they are at least 6 years old.

3. As your child starts getting permanent teeth, they should begin flossing with adult assistance.

4. If a tooth gets knocked out, take the child and also the tooth if you have it, to the dentist. Putting the tooth in a cup of cold milk may allow it to be put back in.

5. Orthodontic care can begin as young as age seven or eight.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Does the Oral B Triumph 9900 Toothbrush With Smart Guide Live Up to the Hype?

Look around the internet, the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide is by far the most popular toothbrush available and gets the highest electric toothbrush ratings around. 40,000 pulsations per minute along with 8,000 oscillating strokes per minute really help to clean your teeth but its the added features which have gotten much of the public's attention. It's wireless LCD screen which tells if too much pressure is being applied, how much longer you have left in your brushing session, and when to replace your brush head, helps to improve the brushing experience.

But my main concern is, are those extra features just added decorations to attract customers or are they truly useful add-ons? I decided to do a trial run with my girlfriend to determine whether or not it was effective. I was going to use the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide with all the added features, the variable, while she would use just the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush, the control.

We decided to make it a 5 month experiment, a couple months after Oral B recommends to replace the brush head. We got examined by our dentist friend before the test and after the 5 months we were to go back and determine who had a better bill of health.

Understand this is a difficult experiment being that we are two different people and eat differently from each other so that may have effected the results. But the results showed that the added features truly did prevail. Our dentist friend said my girlfriend had a bit more plaque build up which he determined might have come from using an expiring brush. As for the pressure sensor, he didn't notice any kind of wear on the enamel of our teeth or gums, which may be because we have proper brushing habits already.

Overall, I feel if you have proper brushing habits and a clean oral health bill, the added features of the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide might not be necessary. I'd discuss with your dentist first, unless you just have poor habits, then I'd just get right to using the Oral B Triumph 9900 toothbrush with smart guide.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Anti Aging Foods - Oprah's Top Tips From the "Secrets of the Blue Zones"

Oprah recently reviewed some of the best anti-aging foods as reviewed by Dr Oz on his analysis of the "Secrets of the Blue Zones" which was a National Geographic piece of reporting conducted by Dan Buettner after more than 7 years of research.

What he uncovered was that there were four places in the world where living to 100 was the norm. Of these four regions, two where said to hold the key to what doctors really new already, except they had not had the opportunity of studying these diets on such a large scale.

Two of these communities were found in Sardinia and Costa Rica. The Costa Rican foods are said to be extremely rich in calcium, mainly due to the fact that they have some of the hardest water in the world. Stacked with minerals and extremely high in calcium, this was the all important ingredient which attributed to their longevity. Calcium relaxes the arteries and is essential for keeping your bones strong.

So many individuals in the U.S are injured in later life by a simple fall or trip which with having brittle bones can be fatal. Yet here in Costa Rica and Sardinia, this is not an issue. The Sardinians also eat extremely rich calcium foods with their staple diet of goats milk and Pecorino cheese. Many men work outdoors well into their hundreds and this is by no a simple stroll.

Many continue there professions of goat herding or farming throughout their life and these low impact professions will build an extremely strong physique as well as a powerful heart. It's not just the calcium in the foods that doctors argue attributes to this anti aging.

The key they say is in there daily habit of drinking one or two glasses of red wine. Sometimes one for breakfast and one around 6pm. What the essential ingredient is in red wine is not so much the grape, but the grape skin which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol fungi which protects the plant from bacteria.

Unfortunately in the west there is very little ResV in the wine due to pesticide farming techniques, but here in Sardinia what percentage may be found in he U.S is three times as higher here.

Fortunately resveratrol is now sold in the bottle, and each bottle contains 60 capsules which is the equivalent to roughly 1000 bottles of Sardinian red wine so the concentration is obviously high!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Anti Wrinkle - Essential Tips on How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on the Forehead

Once your skin starts losing elasticity, creases and age spots start appearing, especially wrinkles on forehead. Other lines may be found under the eyes, on the neck, hands, etc. For this reason, so many people are doing the best they can just to find working solutions to their wrinkle problems.

Wrinkles on forehead, and any other line on your face can be attributed to a number of factors like the person's skin type, the kind of job one has, lifestyle, among others. Your forehead lines, however, tend to be deeper, making them more serious problems than other types of wrinkles. Sometimes, your forehead wrinkles get to be so deep that they can lead to brow ptosis, a condition that gives you droopy eyes, making you look older.

Tips to help make wrinkles formation slower if you do not have them yet, or advices that can reduce the depth of your lines include:

- Stopping your smoking habit
- Keeping your face protected from the sun's harmful rays by religiously applying sunscreen
- Rejuvenating your skin by generously applying an excellent moisturizer on a daily basis, especially over wrinkles on forehead

In the event that these easy tips are not sufficient, you may also try undergoing wrinkle treatments such as Botox, Facelifts, etc. which can cost you a huge amount of money as those techniques require special equipment and the doctor's professional fee. There are also some side effects that may arise out of the said procedures which you have to be aware of.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Knowing the Causes of Back Acne

Acne may be commonly experienced in the face or on the neck, but acne can occur in the chest, the forehead, the body and the back. At times, acne is specifically referred to depending on where it is located. It may be referred to as facial acne, body acne, neck acne or back acne. These parts of the body where acne usually appears are the parts that have the most sebaceous glands beneath the skin. The sebaceous glands are responsible for the oily secretion called sebum that helps moisturize the skin. Acne appearing in these different parts of the body is also treated differently as the skin can vary from the most sensitive ones to parts that have thick skin.
?br>What are the causes of back acne, and how are they formed?
?br>Back acne, or acne that appears on the back or on the shoulders, develops the same way as acne on the face or on any other part of the body. It develops when there is excess production of sebum in the sebaceous glands found in the skin. Acne starts to develop when excess oil in the skin clog up the pores and trap dead skin cells. When bacteria in the surface of the skin invade these clogged pores, skin infection can start and thus the development skin inflammation and acne.
?br>The skin on the back is thick and tough, and it contains larger sebaceous glands thus it produces more sebum. The back therefore has higher possibility of developing more severe skin lesions than in the face or neck. Back acne is often prone to the formation of acne characterized by nodules and cysts - the more severe type of acne vulgaris.
?br>The causes of back acne and other forms of acne have not yet been determined, but there are factors identified that said to cause flare-ups and worsen the existing skin condition. In the case of back acne, it is often aggravated by constant friction on the back, from clothing, backpacks or sports gear or any object that comes in frequent contact with the back.
?br>Acne also tends to worsen when moist, thus sweat can also make back acne worse. Because ! the back is prone to frequent friction and irritation from clothing and sweat, extra steps should be taken to prevent the skin condition from getting worst.
?br>Although we may not know the causes of back acne and acne in general, there are things we can do to prevent them from getting worse. You can carefully select clothing that do not irritate the skin, avoid tight clothing and if you are using backpacks, you may want to avoid it for the meantime to prevent friction on your back. Make sure also that you dry your back or take a shower after an activity of heavy sweating.
?br>Diet and stress are also identified as triggering factors of acne. Heredity is also considered a contributory factor in acne breakouts, so if your parents have suffered severe acne during their teenage years, there are greater chances that you may also experience the same thing.
?br>Back acne is most often difficult to treat, and of course, self-medication can also be difficult since it cannot be easily reached and seen, so it is always important to check your skin condition or seek dermatologist help if needed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Are Propionibacterium and Their Relation With Acne?

The topic today is on "propionibacterium acnes", short form "P. acnes". It is the common bacteria that causes the acne on our face, when thriving in huge amounts. It is a generally slow growing and harmless bacteria that is a common resident of the skin. However, its destructive nature is activated when your pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, an anaerobic environment where p. acnes thrive.

Propionibacterium acnes is the number 1 cause for pimples (acne vulgaris). There are 2 causes of pimples or acne in general. One is through poor hygiene such as not having a bath immediately after sports activities resulting in the sweat and dirt on your face clogging up all the pores. The other is through hormonal imbalance in your body especially during teenage and pregnancy times when the huge amounts of excess oil produced clogged up your pores. In the latter, propionibacterium acnes forms only a very small role.

Pimples can form on literally any parts of our body. However, you see them normally happening primarily on your face and secondarily on your chest only because of the sebum (oil) secretion at those areas. That is why, propionibacterium acnes is able to capitalise mainly only on those areas by creating an inflammation within the clogged pores so all the pus filled acne (papules / pimples / cysts) come out.

Something to take note is that acne caused by propionibacterium acnes is not common for adults over 25 years old. Only 25% of this target age group have acne unfortunately into their adulthood with women being more susceptible than men (in teenage years, guys are more susceptible than women isn't it?).

By reducing the P.acnes population, you would be intercepting the bacteria from causing acne. Common ways to do it are through antibiotics, and Benzoyl Peroxide does it as well.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lumineers - The Painless Alternative to Veneers

Looking for a perfect smile? With today's modern technology, flawless-looking teeth have become a reality for more people than ever. Whether you've always hated your teeth or are looking to reverse damage caused throughout your life, innovative dental procedures are making it easier to correct dental problems and get the pearly whites you've always dreamed of.

With so many corrective dental options on the market, how do you decide the best one for you? After all, each has its benefits and disadvantages. And some are targeted at certain problems. For example, if you're looking to straighten your crooked teeth, a whitening procedure is certainly not what you're looking for.

One innovative dental procedure that you may have heard of is the application of Lumineers. More and more dentists are offering Lumineers, and they are becoming a popular choice with those who don't want the wait or pain associated with veneers. Unlike traditional veneers, Lumineers are applied painlessly to correct a number of tooth imperfections, and may even be less expensive.

Could it be true- no pain and lots to gain? Here's the scoop.

What are Lumineers?

Lumineers is a super-thin (approximately 0.2 mm) porcelain veneer that is placed over your existing tooth by a dentist. Lumineers is made from patented Cerinate porcelain and can only be applied by a Lumineers-certified dentist. The veneer is fitted to your tooth structure and may be as thin as a contact lens. Lumineers fits to mold to your tooth or teeth to correct the appearance of dental imperfections.

The Lumineers procedure is usually complete with two visits. During the first visit, a precision mold is taken of the tooth or teeth that will be covered with Lumineers. The desired shade of veneer will also be chosen for a bright but natural look. During the second visit, the customized Lumineers will be checked for fit and shade before being applied to the teeth.

Who Needs Lumineers?

Because Lumineers correct a versatile range of problems, almost anyone who is dissatisfied with the appearance of their smile may want to consider Lumineers. Lumineers correct the appearance of chips, stains, gaps, discolorations, and more. Lumineers can also be applied to give old bridgework or cosmetic dental procedures a new, brighter appearance. Even those who have no real dental problems may consider Lumineers for a straighter or more attractive smile.

People who are looking to correct a cosmetic dental issue quickly (for example, before an upcoming event) may turn to Lumineers because the process can be completed in just two visits.

Because the process is painless and doesn't require any shots, Lumineers may be an especially appealing choice for those who don't deal well with pain, or are adverse to needles.

Lastly, those who are unsure about whether they want or need a cosmetic dental procedure to correct their smile may choose Lumineers. Because the original tooth structure remains unchanged throughout the application, Lumineers are reversible and can be taken off.

What are the Benefits of Lumineers?

One of the major benefits of Lumineers is that they are much less painful than traditional veneers, because they fit over your teeth and don't require a reduction of the actual tooth structure as regular veneers do. Lumineers are applied painlessly. This means no shots and no drilling.

The two-visit process of getting Lumineers is also much quicker than the usual veneer process, which can take months and involve the installation and sometimes painful removal of temporary crowns before your actual veneers are ready.

Lumineers are proven to whiten for over twenty years, and are reversible. Also, while costs vary from dentist to dentist, Lumineers are usually more affordable than traditional veneers.

What are the Risks and Disadvantages of Lumineers?

Because the Lumineers process is so simple, and the teeth are not reshaped or prepared prior to the application of Lumineers, dentists have less of an opportunity to personally design the perfect smile. In some cases, a dentist might encourage his or her patient to go with traditional veneers in order to get a customized desired look. This is especially true in cases where the patient has a particular look in mind, or has problematic dental issues.

Also, because of the lack of tooth preparation, there is likely to be a small bump between the Lumineers and the gum that wouldn't occur with a traditional veneer. In some cases, this small bump may lead to gum irritation, staining issues, or even tooth decay.

The Bottom Line:

If you're looking for fast, lasting results without any pain, Lumineers might be the perfect choice- just don't forget to ask your dentist about the possible risks.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with an appropriate health care provider.