Sunday, August 1, 2010

Age Spot Cream - Is it Hype Or Does it Work?

It may surprise you to learn what an age spot cream can do to improve your skin. The brown spots that show up on our skin are not always on the face. Some may be on the hands or even your back. Often the result of sun damage they show up more as we age.

There are some types of spots which we may mistake for age spots that could actually be a skin cancer. That is why it is important to have them checked to make sure. Actually age spots do not have anything to do with your age. They really are a result of how many years you have spent soaking up the sun.

Many people call them liver spots but sun spot sounds so much better. Luckily for all of those suffering from this problem there are skin lightening creams that can reduce age spots. Finding one that will work is the next order of business. There are many that say they have the latest ingredients to combat the spots, but do they really work.

The ingredient found in skin care products that have shown effectiveness at reducing age spots is extract of the nutgrass plant. This is a plant that is native to India. The roots have been used for many years in different types of medicines. The research showing this plant is very effective at lightening the skin is very recent.

There are no known side effects and it has also been shown to reduce freckles. This is good news for those who have hated having freckles all their life. This naturally lightening plant root is also an anti-aging product. When the nutgrass root is mixed with glycerine and water it increases the whitening effect.

Although there are alternative methods to rid yourself of age spots, the cream method is preferred because it replenishes the skin as it lightens the spots. When you start noticing the age spots cropping up on your skin, the normal reaction is to think you are getting old. You figure this is just something you will have to live with. Do not resign yourself to the appearance of these spots and think there is nothing you can do about them.

Light complexions are more prone to developing age spots. The lack of melanin pigment is one cause of age spots. This is what the skin uses to protect itself from the sun. When there are virtually no melanin pigment, your skin cannot do the job and the spots begin to pop up.

Learning what age spot cream you should use to take care of dark spots is a matter of doing a little research. Finding the right product to help your skin lose the age spots and feel much smoother will make you feel better about yourself. When you take care of the signs of aging you will be amazed at how much younger it will make you look. Not only that but it will make you feel younger as well.

You are encouraged to visit the author's website which will educate you on how to take care of your skin more effectively.


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