Thursday, August 12, 2010

Anti Wrinkle Skin Cream - 5 Powerful Ingredients That Will Help You Get All the Attention You Want

Let's be honest for a second, we all love getting attention, especially if it is because we look beautiful, or because we have that healthy glow about us, but how can we get it? What can we do to look younger, and more beautiful?

The answer is pretty simple. If you're anything like me, you've tried a lot of different anti wrinkle skin creams and you haven't had much luck. It took me several years to find the perfect natural anti wrinkle skin cream, but I finally did it.

In this article I'll share the 5 ingredients that work like a charm, so here they are:

1. Active Manuka Honey

This is a special kind of honey, it is very powerful, and it produces results. Only one company in the world has successfully learned, and patented a process that converts manuka honey effectively into a skin cream. If you can find it, like I have, then that is excellent!

2. Phytessence Wakame

This is a Japanese sea algae which has been prized in Japan for its ability to keep the skin of the Japanese people looking as young as they do. It is filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It should be a part of any anti wrinkle skin cream.

3. Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10

Do not be scared off by the scientific name, this is a special form of Coenzyme Q10. The difference is that Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 can penetrate several times deeper into your skin than standard forms of Coenzyme Q10 can.

4. Maracuja

If you haven't heard of Maracuja, let me fill you in . . . this is a passion fruit extract that comes from Brazil. It helps keep your skin revitalized and nourished. Maracuja will make your skin silky soft.

5. Cynergy TK

Cynergy TK is truly the closest thing to a natural miracle ingredient that can reverse the aging process.


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