Monday, August 9, 2010

Want to Look More Attractive and Have a Brighter Smile?

Your smile is the first thing people notice when you meet someone. They way you smile can instantly make a connection or it can turn someone off. It's one of the few features of the human body that all cultures find attractive, and getting the perfect smile can help you make your perfect match.

The moment you meet someone they judge you by your confidence and looks. Your looks, posture and smile, however, are a reflection of your confidence, which means by just improving your smile you can increase your attractiveness and confidence. It's a method that not only works with relationships, but will increase your overall ability to get ahead and influence people. Your smile can help you at work, with making friends, and being more persuasive.

It's something that Hollywood actors and models figured out a long time ago, which is why you will always find them to have brilliantly white teeth. Over time, your teeth naturally loses the enamel coating on the surface of your teeth and allows the true, brownish color to show through. That's why older people that don't properly care for their teeth have that dark, rotting color - a feature that is not appealing in any way.

In the past, restoring that pearly white color to your teeth involved multiple trips to the dentist and as much as $600 in teeth whitening trays and solutions. The same companies that provide this professional grade material, however, have brought this same solution to the public marketplace. Now it is an affordable, at-home process that be done for less than the cost of your dinner on your next date.


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