Monday, August 30, 2010

Teeth Whitening - How Often Can I Use Home Teeth Whitening Kits?

Teeth whitening is a procedure of bleaching your teeth chemically. It involves the use of a bleaching agent which is often peroxide based solution. The peroxide solution seeps into the enamel layers of your teeth and oxidizes the stains giving you a shining and bright smile. However it is not possible to whiten your teeth to your expectations in one session. Depending upon your tooth type and stains, it may take a few sessions before you achieve your desired level of whiteness.

Dark stains on your tooth bring down your self esteem and you tend to suppress your smile especially when you are in a group of friends. Discolored teeth are often a result of many life style habits like consuming too much tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco based products.รง‡­hough cutting down on these stimulants is helpful, you need some whitening product to bring back the original whiteness of your teeth.

Home teeth whitening kits are very popular these days because you can use them as and when you wish. It is the ease of its use that prompts many people to whiten their tooth too frequently. As I mentioned above, peroxide is a chemical which should be used sparingly on tooth or any other body part for that matter. Excessive use of bleaching agent may lead to permanent damage to the enamel layer of your tooth.

Usually 2-5 sessions are enough to reach the desired whiteness level. Once you achieve the desired whiteness level you must allow at least 6 month before you try it again. In the meanwhile you can use some of the good whitening tooth paste to maintain the whiteness.


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