Friday, August 6, 2010

How to Make Your Own Natural Anti Aging Mask

You can buy an anti aging mask, or you make your own from natural foods. I recommend trying to make your own natural mask from stuff like fruits, vegetables, oats, and even eggs.

That way you are not subject to preservatives and other harmful chemicals that you can find almost any anti aging mask (except for the natural ones).

Here's one that you can try, it's an anti aging mask with a little bit of oats and one raw egg.

You'll need the follow ingredients:

? Egg
? teaspoon of Olive Oil
暯 cup Oatmeal

Put the oats in a blender until it's a fine dust, then mix everything and you're ready to go. This homemade anti aging mask will sooth your skin, and gently moisturize it.

It's kind of runny so you might need a friend to help you with it. It feels amazing afterwards and it is really cheap to make.

I've also had success with trying natural anti aging masks. In the past I haven't had much success with the commercial ones because they've always irritated my skin with all the harmful ingredients that they put in them.

Recently I found a product that is completely natural, and the company that makes them is very friendly and helpful. So if you're looking to buy a good cleansing mask, they are definitely out there.

The ingredients that I would look for is a special clay from New Zealand called Kaolin, and another one called Bentone gel, which works great together with Kaolin.

Clay might not sound something you want to put on your skin, but clay is very good at absorbing toxins and cleansing your skin.


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