Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why Do Gums Become Sore? Do You Have Gum Disease?

Why do gums get sore? This is a question a lot of us have. At a time when fewer and fewer people can afford dental insurance, any problems involving the teeth or the gums are a cause for concern. However, a lot of different things can cause your gums to get sore. We are going to take a look at some of the most common causes. Hopefully recognizing them will be able to set your mind at ease.

It has to be said at the onset that sore gums can point to poor oral health. They are common in teenagers and adults alike. In general, there are six things which commonly cause this problem. Injury is the first cause. If the teeth or gums have been impacted by a hard object, soreness can result. Sports typically cause such injuries. Mouth guards provide protection against this problem.

Gum disease is the second cause. It is also known as periodontal disease. This problem is quite common in adults. It is actually the most common cause behind sore gums. The gums' attachment to the teeth is reduced. Infection can cause the problem, like gingivitis. Next: Follow the links below to stop or prevent this disease and stop it from coming back again.

In children - and sometimes adults, in rare cases - teething is the source behind sore gums. A tooth will force its way past the gum, through its tissue. Wisdom teeth can cause teething in adults.

Cancer of the mouth is another cause of sore gums. In fact, soreness of the gums is often the first sign. Bad breath and the teeth moving around are also signs. This often occurs with people who smoke, but it is not limited to smokers.

Having an impacted tooth can also cause sore gums. This is when teeth emerge at an incorrect angle. The sixth and final most common cause of sore gums is ulcers in the mouth. If the ulcer appears on the gums or if it rubs against your mouth, sore gums can result.


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