Monday, June 20, 2011

What's Acne Vulgaris and How Does it Cause Acne Breakouts That Leave Your Face Covered With Pimples?

Acne is something that affects almost every individual. You can get acne both in your teenage years as well as in your middle age. Out of the many kinds of acne that can affect you, the most common one is known as acne vulgaris. This form of acne is characterized by papules or comedones, which are not inflammatory and papules, pustules and nodules which are inflammatory.

This form of acne usually occurs in adolescents. In many cases, this acne gets carried on to adulthood as well. The main reason why acne occurs in adolescents is that there is a sudden increase in the male hormones during puberty. This sudden hormonal change often leads to the development of acne on the skin. With time, this gradually disappears. However, there is no way of saying the definite time when acne will disappear. It may fade away in the early twenties, which happens in most of the cases or it can also continue to bother the individual for a certain amount of time.

The areas of the body which are worst affected by acne include the face and the neck. However, this does not mean that the rest of the body is exempt from acne vulgaris. It can also appear on your shoulder regions and upper arms. However, the lesions in the upper arm are shoulder region are not exactly acne but keratosis pilaris. Although acne is characterized by pustules and papules, in some extreme cases, the nodules can become very large. The term used for these large nodules was 'cysts' but nowadays they are known as nodulocystic in medical terminology.

This form of acne is usually caused by the excessive amounts of oil in the skin and the action of bacteria on the skin. There are many ways of combating acne, which include keeping the skin healthy and clean, using cleansers and soaps regularly and in some cases, taking antibiotics. Generally, acne can be cured by ensuring a certain amount of skin hygiene and going for this kind of basic treatment. However, in certain extreme cases, when the acne gets acute, you need to see a doctor and resort to other medicines.

The best way of fighting acne is to take good care of your skin. And as they say, prevention is always better than cure. So you can take a little bit of extra care about your skin in order to ensure that you eliminate the chances of acne. Also remember that there are certain things which aggravate acne, like rubbing and scrubbing excessively.

There are also certain side effects of acne. They include adolescent prevalence, which is a very common thing in teenagers, facial distribution, certain wrong perceptions about etiology and a lot of stress on appearance. These are all psychological side effects of acne, which can be dealt with decent counseling by the doctor.

Due to acne vulgaris, many individuals start suffering from depression, alienation, low self esteem and many other things. The best way to fight this is to take adequate preventive measures, keep the skin healthy and in case of acne, using effective treatment to get rid of it.

For years I was an acne sufferer but I was fortunate because I found a solution that cleared my face up and eliminated all of my acne. You can have acne free skin now using the same solution!


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