Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to Find the Best Anti-Wrinkle Cream - Fact Vs Fiction

Finding the best anti-wrinkle cream among the thousands of skin care brands can be a confusing and frustrating task. One brand might claim its product is the best since it's being used by Hollywood celebrities and royalty. Another company might claim it's the cream of the crop because its anti-aging wrinkle cream contains collagen. With all the choices out there, how do you determine which one will be the most effective for you?

Let's take a look at some of the claims being made by a number of big beauty companies and compare them with what scientific studies have shown.

Fiction: Our collagen creams will eliminate your wrinkles and make your skin smoother!

Fact: Synthetic collagen molecules in such creams are too big and bulky to be absorbed efficiently by your skin's pores. That type of collagen just sits on the surface of your skin before it's washed away the next time you take a shower.

Fiction: Our anti wrinkle creams contain natural ingredients such as vitamin E that will get rid of your wrinkles!

Fact: While it may be true that many anti-aging skin care products contain beneficial natural ingredients, the concentrations are so low that they make no significant impact on your skin's health whatsoever. Many beauty companies include small amounts of natural substances just so they can justify their claim that they use organic ingredients.

Fiction: Our anti-aging wrinkle cream is safe for all skin types! Even people with sensitive skin can use it!

Fact: Then why does it contain triethanolamine, which in addition to causing dry skin, is carcinogenic? In fact, its use in Europe has been greatly restricted.

Why does it contain fragrances, composed of a cocktail of chemicals that can cause not only allergic breakouts but also neurotoxicity problems?

That's just the tip of the iceberg. If you are tired of all the hype and unfounded claims made by the big cosmetic companies in their marketing campaigns, do yourself a favor and learn which substances are good for your skin and which are not. That way, you'll be able to make the right decision when it comes to narrowing down your search for the best anti-wrinkle creams.


Anonymous said...

We spend countless hours each year analyzing and trying to improve our appearances. Looking young and beautiful is a cultural obsession.
Relift XS

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