Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quit Nail Biting For Great Nails

Do you bite or even chew your nails? When you look at our hands do you see bitten nails that look really unattractive? There are so many people who indulge in nail biting and ruin their nails. Not only does it look unpleasant, it can be distressing, embarrassing and painful. But there is hope and you can get your hands and nails back to what they probably were before you started this habit. You can quit nail biting - for good. Follow these few simple tips and stick to your determination to quit.

To begin with you need to realise that you can stop biting your nails. All too often the habit started a long time ago and it has become almost second nature. If such is your case, you probably don't even realise you are biting your nails. So when you become more aware of it, you can control the behavior and stop.

If you bite your nails when you feel nervous accept the fact that the situation is what is making you bite your nails, take hold of the situation and calm yourself in another way. Use something to occupy your hands so they will not migrate to your mouth. Do this and you will not be as tempted to start chewing your nails when the going gets tough. It might seem impossible at first, but as time goes you will soon recognize the behavior be able to be in charge of your emotions, particularly if you are committed to grow your nails again.

You might find help in some of the commercial products that are available. There is a bitter nail polish that does taste awful, and be helpful in reminding you that your hands should stay out of your mouth. It is clear, men as well as women can use it. In time you will find yourself losing the habit and soon it will gone for good.

Now that you know that it is possible to stop nail biting you could have great nails soon. Be patient and try out the methods listed above. Who knows in a few weeks you could have strong nails that could make you really proud.


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