Thursday, June 30, 2011

Does Hair Electrolysis Hurt?

Hair electrolysis is not a painless procedure. It involves sending an electrical current through a probe and into the hair follicle. The purpose of the current is to destroy the follicle so it no longer grows hair. In order to accomplish this, there must be a significant amount of electricity. It usually feels like a small, consistent pinch, though each person's tolerance to pain is different. Some may find it quite painful while others barely notice.

The current isn't high enough to hurt you internally; however, your skin can be burned or scarred from misuse, so it's very important that the machine be used as instructed. Even when used appropriately, some may be unable to continue treatments because they're so painful.

To gauge your pain tolerance level you may want to start out having a small area treated and proceed based on how you respond. This will let you know if you can go through with the procedure without experiencing too much pain. If the pain is something you can handle, continue on with the treatment. If it's too much for you, you may want to look into alternative treatments, such as waxing or plucking. There's no sense in putting yourself through something that causes that much discomfort.

For most people the pain caused from hair electrolysis is minimal and can be tolerated. Once you've undergone a treatment session or two, and know what to expect, the experience will become more manageable. Whatever you do, don't let the concern for potential pain cause you to change your mind without first giving the treatments a try.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cystic Acne Treatment - Leave Them Alone

When it comes to cystic acne treatment, this is what every acne sufferer should know. More specifically, acne cysts are of more trouble than the common acne category. You will be left with darker scars if they are treated improperly. After reading this article, you should be able to know what cystic acne is and what you should pay attention to as far as treatment is concerned.

Cystic acne is one kind of acne that is more annoying than what the word "acne" refers to. This is because that acne cysts are not only growing on the face. They can appear anywhere around the whole body of an individual. Another reason that this kind of acne is more of a trouble is because it takes longer to treat them. They are more stubborn because they are deeper in the skin.

And it's because of the above mentioned reasons that cystic acne can leave scars that are deeper and darker and more stubborn than the common categories of acne.

The permanent scar is one of the frustrating characteristics of acne cysts. Actually, that's not what the acne cysts themselves leave behind. It's bad treatment that contributes to the existence of the permanent scars. So don't rub or scratch or even squeeze it no matter how itchy it is.

Do you see what I mean by "leave it alone"? Most people simple weren't aware of the bad treatment of cystic acne means. I agree that it's difficult to remember what to do or not to do when you are annoyed too much by the itching or bad appearance. However, you should remind yourself of the permanent scars if they are not properly treated whenever you want to do something stupid.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Diet and Neuroplasticity

When people think about losing weight they automatically feel that diet and exercise are the keys to success. But if this were the case, wouldn't everybody have the body that they wanted? The truth is that the mantra "eat less, exercise more" simply doesn't work for most people. The reason behind this is that if you do not change your brain you will never achieve your weight loss goals. The process of changing your brain is called neuroplasticity.

The BrainChanging Diet is all about neuroplasticity. Neuroscientists will tell you that in your brain you have hard-wiring and soft-wiring. The hard-wiring in your brain ensures that structures are connected to one another. The soft-wiring refers to your brains ability to enact change determined by our experience in the world. Through neuroplasticity, our brain reorganizes and restructures itself in response to the demands that we place on it.

This capability is not very surprising. Without neuroplasticity we would not be able to learn anything. The area of your brain called the hippocampus has been dubbed the memory centre of your brain and neuroplasticity allows this area to reorganize itself by creating connections with other areas of your brain, and to restructure by growing more neurons (brain cells). It was only until scientists gave this process a name - neuroplasticity - that people began talk and think about it. Now it has become clear that in order to make any significant long term change in your life and your behavior, you must understand neuroplasticity and how to use it.

So how do we do this? After all until very recently we really didn't know the adult brain was even capable of real structural change. We used to think that learning was all about thinking and the "mental mind", when in reality our brains actually change physically as we live and learn. Simon LeVay summarized this brilliantly with the statement "the mind is just the brain doing it's job". With this new knowledge we can use strategies that can effect real changes in our minds and our behaviors instead of just subtle "tweeks" that typically take place on a day to day basis.

Most people consider learning to be the conscious acquisition of new knowledge or skills. For example studying math problems, balancing on a bike or mastering a piece of music. In reality the vast majority of learning takes place in our brain while we are unaware or even asleep. Our brain is always monitoring our experiences and emotions and making associations so we can make predictions and plans about the future. This is neuroplasticity. You can't turn it off, and you have limited awareness of it most of the time. But there have been many new and exciting studies that show us that we do have a lot of control over this neuroplastic process. This means that your brain can change for the good, but it can also change for the bad. Changing for good literally means both change in a positive direction AND change for a lifetime.

What does neuroplasticity or brainchanging have to do with eating? Eating is one our very first actions and it is repeated over and over again throughout our lifetime. So we make some very strong eating habits which translate to very strong brain associations. Habits are formed by repeating things over and over and they are reinforced by other experiences that support a particular behavior. We know that eating is a highly rewarding action - it needs to be because it is crucial to our survival. So we are always driven to seek food when we are hungry but our brain also rewards us whenever we eat. Well some of life's rewards are small and some are much much more. Of course usually our brain thinks more is better and much more of a good thing is better still. Who wouldn't rather be rewarded with dollar than a nickel? The same hold's true with eating rewards. The basic reward of eating is easily supplemented or amplified by other life experiences.

Lets take an example from your childhood. Excited, and raring to go you take your new bike out for a spin but during the adventure you fall off and hurt your knee. You feel the pain and start to cry. Your mother soothes you, brings you in and gives you an ice cream. All of a sudden you feel better and want to go out and play again. In your brain this translates to, "when I feel bad or something bad happens I can eat some ice-cream and I will feel better!". Now this one incident will not create an addiction. But every time you eat an ice-cream to feel better, that connection in your brain strengthens and makes it more and more likely that the next time you feel bad you AUTOMATICALLY think - "I want ice-cream!"

This process is called myelination or "Neurons that fire together wire together". Every time that you feel bad and use food to feel better you strengthen that connection in your brain. Your brain is all about efficiency. So every time you do something your brain tries to make it a little bit easier for you to do it the next time - you might know this as "Practice makes Perfect". Over time these connections become so habitual and unconscious that we are not even aware of them. This is the power of neuroplasticity. So it is probably more accurate to say "Practice makes Permanent."

There is a flip side. In an attempt to be efficient, strong associations can convert a tangled underbrush of connections into your brain into a well worn easy to follow path. This well worn path can get you "into a rut". Neuroplasticity is not only the process we use to learn by strengthening brain associations it is also the process we use to "unlearn" by weakening associations. Neuroplastic change will only happen if you weaken associations over time and at the same time replace old automatic behaviors with new and better habits. As far as your brain is concerned one of the governing principles is "use it or lose it". But because we are unaware of many of our habits we must make an effort to bring the behaviors we want to change to our conscious awareness. We must practice mindfulness when we want to make intentional neuroplastic changes. Just as "neurons that fire together wire together creating strong habits" the converse "neurons that fire apart wire apart" is an important rule of neuroplasticity. This is great news. If you have learned to love certain foods that you just can't stop eating, you can also unlearn them through the process of brainchanging.

Remember, simply telling yourself "I am not going to eat my favorite food" is not going to work because you are fighting a learned behavior. The neurobiological pathway is carved into the very structures of your brain tissue. Simply dieting and willpower alone will really have no chance of bringing about long term weight loss.

If you can identify these pathways in your brain which create the behaviors that hinder your weight loss goals you can alter them by restructuring your brain. You can put neuroplasticity to work for you, because remember, you are always BrainChanging.

Monday, June 27, 2011

3D Nail Stickers For Instant Beautification of Nails

3D Nail Stickers have become one of the most preferred choices in nail art due to their quick and easy application that saves time. These stickers not only add an elegant look to your nails but also give your nails a complete unique look that is eye catching.

There are several nail art accessories that are available in the market to embellish your nails with and some of the most popular ones are 3D nail stickers, fimo fruit pieces, ceramic flowers, crushed shells, bouncy beads, dried flowers, acrylic stones and rhinestones. These can be used to instantly beautify your nails by just sticking them on and are also non messy. You can find an overwhelming variety of designs and colors to choose from to decorate your nails with style.

The 3D stickers can be found in great shapes like animals, fruits, abstracts, and many more and you can buy them based on your preferences and occasion. This is one of the best accessories to dress up your nails and go along with any occasion, whether it's just a casual day or a party.

There is also an impressive selection of 3D nail stickers studded with Swarovski crystals to give your nails a very exclusive look. The Swarovski crystals have become the hottest fashion now and are used to lend more sophistication and charm to the nails. This is a must have collection for those who wish to enhance their nail beauty with something extraordinary.

High quality 3D stickers are self adhesive and are usually made using super flex rubber and hospital grade adhesives. Some stickers are made by just printing the design on a thin transparent film where the top coating is covered and after a few months you will begin to notice that the glue on the back of the film becomes weak and so does the design printed on the film fades away. This leads to the sticker peeling off faster due to poor quality.

It's therefore important to buy your nail art stickers from reputed suppliers where you can be assured of quality. The best would be to buy stickers that are made using rubber resin ink where the ink is pilled with lots of layers to avoid fading. These stickers will also offer a better bonding to the nail as the glue is superior in quality and also the stickers can be fixed on smoothly and strongly to every curve of the nail without them peeling off.

If you are planning on this instant art, you can buy it online through the comfort of your home. All you need to do is find the colors and designs that fit your occasion and your personality and style and get going with it. It's the best you can do to give your nails an instant make over. This is also the best alternative to quickly covering your dull looking nails and enjoying the new look. Try on the 3D nail stickers and experience the difference in no time.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Best Eye Cream Allure - Tips to Pick the Best Eye Cream by Allure Beauty Experts

The beauty of nature's landscape, sensibilities of a poet's muse, the dramatic movements of a dancer and an artist's masterpiece can be only appreciated by our eyes. They are beautiful and extremely sensitive part of our body. They are eternal and have magical capabilities.

This mysterious part of the body needs proper care. These are constantly exposed to sunlight, pollution and computer screens. A good cream soothes your eyes, pamper and revitalize them. They are extremely friendly and carry no side effects. They give you a clear vision. Allure beauty experts have already declared their best eye creams through an extensive research.

So let's check out these smart tips to pick the best eye cream by allure experts.

?Pat Wexler and Olay made the mark that Relastin's new cult product is phenomenon. They can instantly erase your crow's feet and give you a flawless skin. According to allure, Relastin is the clear winner in the eye cream category, which was their favorite.

?Relastin's eye silk is the best anti aging cream according to Allure. They are lighter and easily absorbed by our skin. They have the capability to penetrate deep inside your skin and promote elastin formation.

?An effective cream always strengthens eyelid's blood vessels. They also help in smoothening and firming of the areas near your eyes. Skin aging is delayed by its application.

?Another product called Eyelastin can remove all your problems with ease. They are excellent for treating dark circles and puffiness, excellent for maintaining an effective long term treatment for dark circles, excellent to strengthening eye lid capillaries and the best for removing those fine lines around your eyes. So whenever you are looking for a good cream, Eyelastin is your best bet.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Take Teeth Whitening to the Professionals

It's a popular belief that the first thing potential partners notice about you is your smile. If that's the case, then ensuring that your smile is always at its best is a logical reaction. One of the most popular ways of enhancing your smile is by making use of teeth whitening techniques. Teeth whitening can be a wonderfully simple way to boost your confidence in your smile; however, the science behind the technique is anything but simple.

Instead there are a variety of ways to whiten your teeth, and each procedure is particularly well suited to particular types of tooth discoloration. Teeth can take on a yellowish tinge for a variety of reasons. From smoking to enjoying tannin rich drinks such as coffee, tea or red wine you could find that your teeth are looking decidedly off-white even if you are stringent with your brushing and flossing routine.

What's more, in the same way that there are many ways that your teeth can take on a yellow tinge, there are a number of teeth whitening treatments that can help restore your smile to its former glory.

Tray based teeth whitening can either be done at the dentists or from home - after an initial consultation with your dentist - and this treatment is suitable for a number of tooth discolorations and typically takes a number of repeated applications. There are also treatments that whiten enamel and dentine in one short visit to the dentist, who will be able to tell you if you are suitable for this advanced treatment. If your teeth are discoloured as the result of a previous root canal treatment, you may find that your dentist recommends you for internal teeth whitening procedures.

With so many options to choose from, it's not surprising that some people are confused which is most suitable for their unique needs. However, as teeth whitening has become a well-loved way for people to add a sparkle to their smile, it's little surprise that many turn to a professional for advice and guidance.

Expert advice ensures that whatever teeth whitening treatment you choose, you'll know that you've had all of the information you need to make an informed decision. After all, if your smile is the most precious thing you own, it makes sense to go to the experts to make sure it's presented in the best way possible.

Friday, June 24, 2011

DazzleWhite Review

Each year consumers spend millions of dollars on tooth whitening products. Sometimes these products work and others they don't. If you are looking for an effective and affordable teeth whitening system, look no further, DazzleWhite teeth whitening system is the answer. This product works quickly, it yields amazing results and it is economically priced.

There are a few things that set DazzleWhite apart from other other teeth whitening systems you can use at home. For one, DazzleWhite works quickly. In as little as six days people who use the system report a transformation in their tooth color. What's more, is that you can achieve these amazing results without having to use any messy dental trays or whitening strips. The DazzleWhite Teeth Whitening system is no fuss, no muss. It can be applied in a few seconds easily in the comfort of your own home.

Whitening your teeth with the DazzleWhite system is simple and takes less than one minute each day. All you have to do to reap the benefits of this product is follow the outlined three steps. You snap the applicator swab tip with the color ring, dip that same applicator swab into the whitening powder and rub the applicator tip on all of your visible tooth surface. It is that simple, three steps and your done for the day.

DazzleWhite works because it has a good mix of two powerful whitening ingredients. The first is magnesium peroxide. Magnesium peroxide is a safe, gentle and effective tooth whitening compound that even dentist use professionally. The reason why professionals choose whitening gels with this ingredient is because unlike bleach and other peroxides, magnesium peroxide does not erode the tooth enamel or cause much irritation.

DazzleWhite also has an advantage over other teeth whitening products because it uses aluminum trihydroxide. After the magnesium peroxide whitens your teeth the aluminum trihydroxide puts the finishing touch on them. That is because this ingredient helps polish your teeth, so the surface of your teeth is left white and smooth.

If you want whiter teeth, but can't afford professional tooth whitening, give DazzleWhite a try. If you are tired of wasting money on at home teeth whitening kits, you can try DazzleWhite free of charge. Once you use the trial kit you will surely see that this is the best tooth whitening system available.

Read more about Dazzle White by learning more and understanding all there is to know about how you can benefit from using this teeth whitening system.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Anti Aging Foods - 3 Foods That Will Make You Look 5 Years Younger Fast

Learning what anti aging food to eat can be pretty tricky. I bet you've read many articles on the topic, and many are saying different things, aren't they?

It isn't easy, I know, and this is the reason why I'm writing this article. I have been researching different anti aging foods and how they affect the body. This has lead me to learning a lot about how our skin works.

By the time you've finished reading this article, you will know the 3 most important foods to eat, so keep reading.

1.Berries - All berries are incredible. They are filled with loads of antioxidants, which fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are responsible for damaging your cells and making your skin look older, so when you eat berries the damage is minimized.

2.Carrots - Carrots also contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They help protect your skin against excessive sun damage, and they also help your skin heal, rejuvenate and reduce wrinkles.

3.Broccoli - Broccoli can almost be considered a superfood, it contains so many different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it is incredible. You can gently steam broccoli, or even better, make broccoli jucie mixed with fresh orange juice.

Eating good anti aging food is important, but it is also important that you do not eat any processed junk foods, because these foods will literally strip away vitamins, and minerals from your body.

In conjunction with eating healthy anti aging food, it is good to find natural skin care products, and not use the highly toxic products that are on the market today.

When I made the switch to natural skin care products, my skin really started improving, I literally started to look 5 years younger within a week, it was crazy, I hope you can achieve the same thing!

At-home Hair Color: Seven Tips for Great Results

Doing your own home hair color for the first time can be
intimidating, to say the least. Have I chosen the right
color? What if I make a mistake and wind up with green hair?
What if I end up with overprocessed, dry damaged hair?

The fact is that you can achieve excellent results and save
a lot of money by coloring your hair at home as long as you
know a few basics about how to select the right color and
apply it correctly.

Here are seven of the most common questions and my advice
on hair coloring at home.

Advice on Permanent Hair Coloring at Home

1. How do I know whether I should color my hair at home or
go to a salon?

Most people can successfully color their hair
at home but there are exceptions. You should get a professional
color job if your hair is in poor condition - coloring dry
damaged hair at home can result in uneven color. Also, if your
hair has different shades and you want one even tone, a hairdresser
can apply different formulas to the different areas. Finally, it's
best to leave it to the experts if you want to make a drastic
change to your hair color, say dark brown to platinum blonde, or
you want special color effects or highlights.

2. Are drugstore hair colors just as good as salon hair color

In general, salon hair colors contain higher-quality ingredients
than the drugstore brands. Salons also offer a wider variety of
colors and tones. But home coloring kits are getting better all
the time and can deliver good results if used properly.

3. How do I pick a color that will look natural on me?

When choosing a hair color, your skin tone and natural hair color
are the two most important factors. Whether you're going lighter
or darker, stay within two or three shades of your natural hair
color. Here is a guideline for selecting a compatible hair color
for your skin tone:

    Dark/ol ive skin: Stay with darker hair colors.

    Yellow skin: Dark, rich colors like deep auburn.

    Pale skin: Almost any color.

    Pink skin: Neutral tones like sandy or beige blonde or chocolate brown are best. Avoid reds or golden tones.

If you know what clothing colors suit you, you can also use that to help
in choosing hair color:

    If you look good in warm shades like red, orange, golden yellow, cinnamon brown, olive green, and rust, then warm hair tones like golden blonde, golden brown, strawberry blonde, and auburn will suit you best.

    Cool color favorites like bluish red, fuschia, black, royal blue, and pine green indicate that cool hair tones are best for you: platinum, ash blonde, ash brown, burgundy, and jet black.

    If you look good in true red, purple, charcoal grey, periwinkle, and teal, then neutral tones like sandy or beige blonde, chocolate brown or mahogany will suit you.

4. How do I get ready to color my hair the first time?

It's a good idea to gather a few materials together before starting:
an old T-shirt, a few old towels and a washcloth that you don't mind
getting stained, some hair clips for sectioning your hair, a timer,
and a hand mirror to see the back of your head.

5. If I color my hair at home and hate it, what can I do?

There are some home hair color products you can use to repair the
damage, but it isn't easy. The problem is that if you used a home
hair color kit to obtain a lighter color, your hair has been bleached
and colored in a single process. So the color needs to be added back
in a process called "filling" before using the final color formula.
Whatever you do, don't simply buy a box of your original color and
try to cover over a bad dye job... it won't work. Fixing hair color
gone wrong is a multi-stage process so a trip to the salon may be
in order.

6. I already have permed hair. Can I color it without damaging it?

If your hair has been permed or relaxed, color has to be applied
carefully or it can weaken the structure of your hair. Salons have
colors specially formulated for treated hair. But if you insist on
home hair coloring, choose a shade darker than you want since
processed hair may come out lighter than expected. Then do a strand
test to make sure your hair can handle the chemical stress.

7. I love my new color... now how do I keep it looking good?

You'll probably want to recolor every four to six weeks. Make a
record of the hair color product and shade you used, and how long
you left it on the ends and the regrowth. Use shampoos and conditioners
formulated for color-treated hair to prevent fading. Stay ! out of t he
sun and chlorinated pools. Hair that has been previously been bleached is
prone to such effects and should be rinsed as soon as possible. Don't use
heavy conditioners and oil treatments after coloring... they can lift
the color.

Now go out and enjoy your new look and all the money you saved by doing it yourself!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Tips For Bikini Line Hair Removal

Bikini line hair removal is actually a delicate and sensitive topic but it is very essential for every woman to know the tips to avoid mistakes in the future.

1. Wide selections of methods are available in the market for bikini line hair removal but certainly the most common method is shaving. It is the quickest method but unfortunately, it is not the best one. It is recommended to a moisturizing lotion or gel to ease the friction in the very delicate area of bikini line. Be careful when shaving and the skin must be treated before and after shaving. Lotions can be a lot of help in the treatment to make the skin soft and at the same time avoiding razor burn.

2. Creams are also helpful in bikini line hair removal. They are designed to remove the hairs with no pain at all, because you just need to smooth it on skin and later after a minute, remove it with water. Unfortunately, some creams have bad odors and can cause chemical burns to some people with delicate skin. If applying it for the first time, try testing a small amount on a portion of your bikini area and if redness or burning occurred, immediately remove the cream and never use again.

3. Waxing is also an essential method for bikini hair line removal and many beauty salons are offering bikini waxes that are inexpensive and have long-lasting effects. Majority of women waxed their bikini hair when going to a long holiday while some have it done regularly.

4. To avoid the hassle of bikini line hair removal, laser treatment is recommended but its expensive yet very effective method. First, try to have a bit of research and find a professional practitioner who has an experience. This will make you comfortable and secure to entrust an experienced person to do this delicate treatment. Always bear in mind that you are treating a very sensitive part of the body.

5. At least 3 weeks prior to your laser bikini line hair removal, stop tweezing, waxing and electrolysis. Also, avoid artificial or real tanning for 4 to 6 weeks before the treatments. Any color in the skin will cause the laser removal less effective and most of the professional practitioner refused to treat any tanned area for discoloration or blistering may occur. Avoid using prescription drugs that can cause sensitivity to UV rays to avoid being burned during the treatment.

Monday, June 20, 2011

What's Acne Vulgaris and How Does it Cause Acne Breakouts That Leave Your Face Covered With Pimples?

Acne is something that affects almost every individual. You can get acne both in your teenage years as well as in your middle age. Out of the many kinds of acne that can affect you, the most common one is known as acne vulgaris. This form of acne is characterized by papules or comedones, which are not inflammatory and papules, pustules and nodules which are inflammatory.

This form of acne usually occurs in adolescents. In many cases, this acne gets carried on to adulthood as well. The main reason why acne occurs in adolescents is that there is a sudden increase in the male hormones during puberty. This sudden hormonal change often leads to the development of acne on the skin. With time, this gradually disappears. However, there is no way of saying the definite time when acne will disappear. It may fade away in the early twenties, which happens in most of the cases or it can also continue to bother the individual for a certain amount of time.

The areas of the body which are worst affected by acne include the face and the neck. However, this does not mean that the rest of the body is exempt from acne vulgaris. It can also appear on your shoulder regions and upper arms. However, the lesions in the upper arm are shoulder region are not exactly acne but keratosis pilaris. Although acne is characterized by pustules and papules, in some extreme cases, the nodules can become very large. The term used for these large nodules was 'cysts' but nowadays they are known as nodulocystic in medical terminology.

This form of acne is usually caused by the excessive amounts of oil in the skin and the action of bacteria on the skin. There are many ways of combating acne, which include keeping the skin healthy and clean, using cleansers and soaps regularly and in some cases, taking antibiotics. Generally, acne can be cured by ensuring a certain amount of skin hygiene and going for this kind of basic treatment. However, in certain extreme cases, when the acne gets acute, you need to see a doctor and resort to other medicines.

The best way of fighting acne is to take good care of your skin. And as they say, prevention is always better than cure. So you can take a little bit of extra care about your skin in order to ensure that you eliminate the chances of acne. Also remember that there are certain things which aggravate acne, like rubbing and scrubbing excessively.

There are also certain side effects of acne. They include adolescent prevalence, which is a very common thing in teenagers, facial distribution, certain wrong perceptions about etiology and a lot of stress on appearance. These are all psychological side effects of acne, which can be dealt with decent counseling by the doctor.

Due to acne vulgaris, many individuals start suffering from depression, alienation, low self esteem and many other things. The best way to fight this is to take adequate preventive measures, keep the skin healthy and in case of acne, using effective treatment to get rid of it.

For years I was an acne sufferer but I was fortunate because I found a solution that cleared my face up and eliminated all of my acne. You can have acne free skin now using the same solution!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

List of Top Home Remedies For Acne

Almost every person faces acne problems once in their lives and to get rid of this problem, people searches for the best cures and treatments, but majority of the people don't want to put those harsh creams on their skin, so they go out looking for more of the natural treatments for acne. Well fortunately for you readers, I have found some that would suit you, because most of these ingredients are available right in our homes, or if not, the nearest grocery store. So following is the list of top home remedies for acne.

1. Mix of rosewater and lemon
Lemon and other citrus fruits have been known to be excellent cleansing agents for the skin. And we all know that acne is caused by swelling up of sweat pores which are clogged by dirt, oil or unwanted toxins.

2. Toothpaste
You would be surprised with what toothpaste can do for your acne. If you feel like you are getting an outbreak, just rub toothpaste on your pimples before you go to bed every night. You will feel that your skin is all better and your pimples are all gone.

3. Mint
List of top home remedies for acne is incomplete with out mint. There are certain properties associated with mint that gives it cleansing nature for your skin. Also, it absorbs the extra oil from the skin, and these two things are the main reason for causing acne. The juice from mint leaves can prove to be good additive for your skin every night before going to bed.

4. Vinegar
People have been using vinegar for quite some time now for treating their acne problems. But due to the lack of knowledge, many of us think that the apple cider kind is the best for this purpose, however, the regular one works just fine too. You should mix it with salt, make a paste and then rub it on your face. You can wash this mixture out in 30 minutes.

5. Cucumber
Grinded cucumber paste can act like a great cleansing agent and can get your face cleaned in a matter of minutes. Within thirty minutes, you would be feeling all fresh and clean, and with continuous use you will notice that all your acne problems just go away.

In addition to all that, try drinking a lot of water. Water is necessary for your acne diet too, and in addition it also helps out to flush the pores that have been clogged with oil and other dirt. Make sure that you at least drink eight glasses of water per day.

I hope that above mentioned list of home remedies for acne will provide you all the solutions and cures which are necessary for healing acne.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Do You Listen to Your Stylist?

If you ask anyone to list their priorities regarding their personal image, guaranteed their hair will be amongst the top three. For a lady it would probably be clothing, skin products and then hair while a man will probably include the 'wheels' he drives (it's a man thing). But here's the interesting thing - ask each person how much they budget for these priorities and, while it is true, some people spend as little as they can on clothing and skin care, Designer clothes and branded Cosmetics are successful for a very good reason - people invest in the benefits of wearing and using them.

The swing towards professional salon products has gone from being a closely kept 'salon secret' to a home care 'motor plan' to look after and maintain the cut, color, curl and condition of our 'crowning glory'. Quite simply, the role of hair has gone from a means of dragging the female back to the cave, to a fashion accessory which contributes greatly to the individual's self-image, self-confidence and ultimate success.

Today's hairstylists are adept artists skilled at creating a frame for your face that addresses the issues of, amongst others, aging, height, weight, lifestyle and sexuality. They are also armed with years of knowledge and experience from which their clients are given advice on the latest product development, cuts, coloring and styling techniques.On the other hand, today's clients are far more educated about pH balance between alkaline and acidity, the need for protein to strengthen hair and for moisture to nourish and minimize porosity and the importance of protecting hair from chemical, mechanical and environmental damage.

Products to look out for in some of the leading salons are L'Anza hair care products. Fully imported from the USA, this product sets a very high standard for product quality and performance. Another name taking the market by storm is Nioxin. Originally formulated to address the various forms of hair loss and thinning experienced by both men and women, Nioxin has recently expanded into products for the coarser, curly types of hair.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Rachael Ray's Anti-Aging Tip - Acupuncture Facial

The Rachael Ray show recently did a segment on anti-aging tips and discussed the benefits of acupuncture facials with the Derma Roller. It was discovered that the derma roller actions were based on the concept of ancient oriental acupuncture. The results were a reduction of the appearance of wrinkles, lines, black heads, and white heads. The derma roller is also proven to remove stretch marks and is one of the best ways for removing acne scars.

The benefits of the roller acupuncture facial are compared to results from laser therapy, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. While each individual might get slightly different results, everyone experiences some positive benefits from the derma roller facial.

And, the best part using the roller is much less invasive with less risks and complications than the other anti-aging treatments listed above and is much cheaper. This type of acupuncture facial can be done at home, for just pennies a session.

How does it work? The roller has 192 micro-points that opens the pores of the skin which sets off the natural healing process thus causing extra collagen to be produced - up to 1000% more. Another benefit is the maximum absorption of your best face cream if applied right after a session. Studies show that creams are up to 40 times more than without the roller.

What's even better is the derma roller is guaranteed and is FDA approved for skin rejuvenation, as a scar remover, and for stretch mark treatment. You can see the Rachael Ray interview with a leading dermatologist at the link below.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Choosing the Right Cosmetics For Your Skin

When it comes to beauty, the right cosmetics are a must. After all, choosing the right shade for your skin color will either make it fab or drab. While choosing the right shade is important to your beauty regimen, so is the type of cosmetics. Take, for example, foundations. There are so many foundations available that you could easily become overwhelmed and buy the wrong one for your skin type.

First of all, think about your age and what your skin goes through in a day. Do you have wrinkles? Crow's feet? If so, then you should lean more toward cosmetics that help to disguise the signs of aging. If you don't but perhaps your skin looks tired at the end of the day, look for foundations that help your skin to look bright and alert all day long. If you are in your twenties, with no signs of aging, then skip all of these foundations and go with those that cover things such as being lightweight or all-day coverage. Remember, there's no need to buy a product if you don't need what it is offering.

Day-wear eyeshade for your eyes should typically be the shade opposite of your eye color. This will help your eye color pop. For night time, the smoky look is in. There are a variety of smoky shades, but if possible, try to purchase your smoky shades in the same color family as your day eyeshade.

Finally, you'll need to choose the right shade of blush. Blush should never be overwhelming so when choosing the right shade, try to choose shades that will blend in well with your skin tone.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Look at Black Hairstyle Choices - The Best Haircuts For African Americans

At one time African Americans were stuck with any hairstyle that their particular hair would easily adjust to. There was not much versatility when it came to black hairstyles but it certainly was not from lack of trying. In the beginning, there were crude hair straighteners that hit the market. These were a chemical base solution and played havoc on the hair.

Now there are multiple products on the market to afford the women of color virtually any hairstyle they would like. It can be super curly with no frizz, semi curly or just plain straight. This has opened the door for not only a larger choice of black hairstyles with length as well.

Many of the products that used now for the black hairstyles are not simply products that are applied but equipment as well. Take for example the straightening iron. This has not become just the friend of the afro American woman but for women of many ethnic groups regardless of hair textures.

Where women of color used to be limited in their black hairstyles choices, they now have the best of both worlds. They can still choose to wear their hair as their own ethnic styles dictate or to go with something they could not have before.

Probably the style that many women of color will opt for is the straight hairstyles. This is usually achieved now with the hair iron. Chemical straighteners are still used for a more long-lasting purpose but now they are far less damaging to the hair.

Most often, when straightening is the choice it is usually combined with the longer hairstyles. Women of color who have chosen to wear their hair long with have it straighten or straighten it themselves and will wear it in an upswept style for a more formal look and casually down for a more casual look.

It is not too often that you will see afro American women with exceptionally long black hairstyles. Probably the most common when it comes to length would be should length or just below.

It has now become the habit to straighten the hair out completely with the hair iron then recurl it gently into a soft curl style that they have chosen.

One of the things that must be guarded against is women of color overusing these various products and equipment to achieve new black hairstyles. Although they have many options now with some great products and tools they can be damaging to the black hair if over used. This includes choosing black hairstyles that require a lot of pulling to them as this can break the hair as well. Eventually this will lead to a big problem.

A great advantage of the hair iron for afro American women is that it will give volume to their hair as well. No one wants to straighten their hair just to have it lay flat and limp. So this one piece of equipment itself has allowed for many new looks for the women of color.

The best part of these new options for women of color to be able to utilize these for the various black hairstyles is that they are applicable for any age group.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Best Acne Treatment Can Save Your Social Life

If you think that the best acne treatment can save your from skin that is unattractive, you have to know that it can do so much more. Aside from getting rid of your acne, it can also lead you to a better social life.

The occurrence of acne is not just to be blamed on your age. It is not something that only adolescents experience. In fact, acne can attack anyone, regardless of age and gender. However, it must be clear that acne is caused by the buildup of bacteria on the hair follicles, the overproduction of sebum or oil, and also the irregular shedding of your skin's deal cells. You are more likely to have acne if it runs in your family, if you are pregnant, or if you are in your adolescent years. Acne conditions can go from mild to moderate to severe. Understanding acne can help you search for the best acne treatment that is most suited for your specific case.

Since acne is something highly physical as it most often shows on the face, the neck, the arms, and even the chest and back, having a bad case of it can affect your confidence and self-esteem. You might feel unattractive as you do not have the desired smooth and blemish-free skin. Whether it is temporary or not, finding the best and the most effective treatment for acne becomes essential.

You can search online for possible acne treatments that are easily bought. It would also be wise to consult a dermatologist for possible clinical treatments. Using anti-acne creams, oral and topical medications, and other products can help you lessen and treat your acne. You can also have chemical peels or laser therapies if your budget permits it. In any way, finding the best acne treatment that suits your budget is possible so your social life will surely be alive and kicking soon!

Non Surgical Facial Exercises - Make You Look Younger Without Spending Thousands

You can spend thousands of dollars trying to make yourself look younger, but, you can also make different choices, and some of those include non surgical facial lift exercises that can make you look more healthy, younger, and give your expression a new relaxed look.

Any time you can avoid invasive surgery, you should, as every time you have invasive surgery you're taking risks of infection, scarring, or even muscle damage. Non surgical facial exercises are one way to avoid invasive surgery such as face lifts. In fact, studies are being done all the time on how facial exercises can help tone the face, relax the expression, and give a more youthful appearance.

As your face continues to age gravity begins to elongate older muscles, this gives your face the droopy appearance. By toning and exercising your face, you can actually get these muscles in better shape, causing your face to look more youthful. It's just like exercising your body, while you cannot stop the advancement of age, you can look youthful, feel better, and be healthier with exercise. Of course, diet plays a big role in how you feel and how you look, so make sure you're paying attention to your diet as well as your exercise routine. Once you've decided that exercise is the way to a more youthful appearance, you can take advantage of the many beauty websites that are now explaining how facial lift exercises can give your face a more relaxed and youthful appearance.

In fact, try one of them now, stretch your face with your eyes wide open and your mouth wide open as wide as you can and hold it for a second or two. Then relax your face, close your eyes and be sure to relax your mouth as well, and you will feel a difference. First, you're going to feel stiff when you stretch your face, this is normal, and after a few of these exercises, your face begins to relax easier, stretch easier, and actually feels good.

Non surgical facelift exercises are easy to do, or you can purchase one of the facial exercisers that are available on the market today. Just as with any other exercise routine, be sure to follow directions, overwork of your facial muscles can happen. Also, while it may seem handy to do them super frequently, you can wind up getting bodybuilders facial expression, with larger facial muscles.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Easy Tips For Healthier Skin

If you want healthier skin, there are several things that you can do, and most of them don't really require that much effort on your part. They are simple things that people can incorporate into their diet quite easily and by doing so they will be able to see better looking, more trouble free skin than they had in the past. Some people are just blessed with good skin, and they have to do very little to make it look great. Others were not so lucky. They may have acne, they may get wrinkles earlier and more easily than some people, or their skin might be very oily, dry and flaky, blotchy, or sallow and dull.

No matter what kind of skin you have, though, you can make it look better with just a little bit of effort. First, you have to keep it very clean. Washing all that makeup off before you go to bed might seem like a big pain, but it's very important. One of the worst things that women can ever do for their skin is to sleep with makeup on. You should also be eating well and drinking a lot of water, because being well hydrated is essential to ensuring that your skin looks good.

Whatever specific problem your skin has, it's important that you pay attention to that and that you find the cleansers and toners and other products that work for you. People with oily skin probably don't want to use the same kinds of cleansers as do people with dry skin. They just won't work that well for both skin types. There are some cleansers and other products that claim to be for all skin types, and they are, but in a very general way. You should learn about the type of skin you have and what's best for it, and then stick with products - cleansers, makeup, moisturizers, etc - that are designed for your skin type.

It will help your skin stay healthier and better looking no matter what your age. You also want to take a good multivitamin and stay out of the sun as much as possible, because the sun ages your skin very quickly. If you can't avoid the sun, using good sunscreen and wearing long sleeves and a large-brimmed hat will help you to protect your skin from damage. Following these tips can give you younger looking skin with a minimum of effort.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Best Wrinkle Cream For Your Face - Here's What to Look For

The best wrinkle cream for your face has to be the best for any part of your body, because what's more important than your face?

The only exception to that rule would be the area right around your eyes -- it's so sensitive that a specialized eye cream is well worth it.

But it's important to know what to look for. It's so easy to waste a lot of money on wrinkle cream. I say this from firsthand experience. For years, I spent too much to fend off any lines or wrinkles from my face and take care of my dry skin. Sometimes it was because the person who cut my hair recommended it as "professional quality" and sometimes it was because the famous brand name and great advertising sold me on the product.

Whatever sold me on the product, no matter what the price, the results were pretty much the same. Except for decent moisturizing, they didn't do a thing.

In recent years, there have been great improvements in skin care science, in my opinion.

And I've learned this: the ingredients are what to look for, not the brand name. The stuff I use is from a small company you probably never heard of. Here are some ingredients are what I suggest you do a little searching for. They're worth finding.

-- Maracuja is a passion fruit extract from Brazil. It's packed with the essential fatty acid linolenic acid, which helps to regulate the skin's production of sebum, the natural skin oil, to prevent your skin becoming either too oily or too dry.

-- Babassu is a light, natural wax made from the Babassu palm, also from Brazil. Babassu is a great, gentle natural moisturizer that has shown in clinical trials it can improve eczema, dry and inflamed skin.

-- Grapeseed Oil is a powerful antioxidant that has been been shown to reduce stretch marks on the skin. Grapeseed oil is rich in linoleic acid and natural vitamin E, and is particularly effective in repairing the delicate skin around the eyes.

-- An extract of the sea kelp from Japan called wakame, used there for many centuries both fresh and dried for its flavor as food and for its healthful benefits for the skin. The specific extract I use is called Phytessence Wakame. This is a powerful aid against wrinkles because it makes it possible for the skin to rebuild hyaluronan, or hyaluronic acid, an essential part of healthy skin that tends to be lost as we get older.

All of those nature-based ingredients are part of the wrinkle cream I use. I believe it is the best wrinkle cream for your face that you can find anywhere.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here's How to Lose Inches Fast!

I want to show you how to lose inches fast from every part of your body.?I sincerely doubt whatever you're doing right now for weight loss is working that great.?And even if it is working somewhat, the results are probably coming way to slow.?In the rest of this short article, I'm going to show you how to lose weight easier and faster.

Keeping reading if you think you need to go back to the drawing board with your weight loss efforts.

How To Lose Inches Fast and Easy

Punt the sodas and replace them with Stevia waters

I know you just love sugar.?And sugar is one hard addiction to break free of.?So, we're going to use Stevia to ease this transition.?/p>

Stevia is a natural substitute for sugar, unlike other sugar substitutes.?Those are man-made chemicals, which are terrible for you.?/p>

Just add a couple of packets of Stevia to every water you drink.?If that's too sweet, just add one packet.?I used to love drinking Mountain Dew and Coke.?Couldn't get enough of the stuff.?I was able to quit both within 3 days of drinking Stevia waters as a replacement.

If you do this, you'll eliminate thousands of calories each and every month.?/p>

Think about that.

Spin in Circles

I want to spin around like a child.?This has nothing to do with exercise or diet.?This is all about balancing your hormones.?/p>

To balance your hormones, all you have to do is spin around in a circle with your arms held out.?Try this for five seconds in the beginning.?See how your body responds to that.?If you are not slightly dizzy after 5 seconds, spin a bit longer.

Find a point where after spinning you feel only slightly dizzy.

If you wanted to know how to lose inches fast, you just got the answer.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quit Nail Biting For Great Nails

Do you bite or even chew your nails? When you look at our hands do you see bitten nails that look really unattractive? There are so many people who indulge in nail biting and ruin their nails. Not only does it look unpleasant, it can be distressing, embarrassing and painful. But there is hope and you can get your hands and nails back to what they probably were before you started this habit. You can quit nail biting - for good. Follow these few simple tips and stick to your determination to quit.

To begin with you need to realise that you can stop biting your nails. All too often the habit started a long time ago and it has become almost second nature. If such is your case, you probably don't even realise you are biting your nails. So when you become more aware of it, you can control the behavior and stop.

If you bite your nails when you feel nervous accept the fact that the situation is what is making you bite your nails, take hold of the situation and calm yourself in another way. Use something to occupy your hands so they will not migrate to your mouth. Do this and you will not be as tempted to start chewing your nails when the going gets tough. It might seem impossible at first, but as time goes you will soon recognize the behavior be able to be in charge of your emotions, particularly if you are committed to grow your nails again.

You might find help in some of the commercial products that are available. There is a bitter nail polish that does taste awful, and be helpful in reminding you that your hands should stay out of your mouth. It is clear, men as well as women can use it. In time you will find yourself losing the habit and soon it will gone for good.

Now that you know that it is possible to stop nail biting you could have great nails soon. Be patient and try out the methods listed above. Who knows in a few weeks you could have strong nails that could make you really proud.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Luscious Lips - Make the Most of Your Mouth

There's not much point in applying great lipstick to unhealthy lips, so there are few things you should consider before grabbing for that extensive lipstick.

If you suffer from dry lips, one solution is to exfoliate with a facial scrub applied with the finger or a flannel. You may even consider using an old worn toothbrush. Before you retire to bed you should apply a rich waterproof moisturizer, you can also do this whilst sitting around at home at times when you're not wearing makeup. These tips will help to moisturize the lips and help to keep them supple, this will enhance the appearance of your lipstick.

When it comes to choosing the color of your lipstick, similar techniques can be applied to those used when choosing eye shadow. You only need a handful of colors to work with almost every situation. You should choose colors that complement your own natural skin tones, usually a pink, red and neutral tone are sufficient. When choosing the neutral tone you should go for a matte finish. A warm color such as terracotta is one consideration and also maybe a plum color (the reverse and cooler).

Through these colors would be worn depending on your wardrobe contents, in cases where you are wearing pink or red it is better to match and tone these with your lipstick. You should take care not to confuse your choice of colors, if you are unsure it may be worth consulting with a makeup specialist who can help you choose tones that will work with the contents of your wardrobe.

Lip pencils

A lip pencil is really the only one to correct uneven lips. If you've suffered lipstick bleeding around the edges of your mouth you should use the lipstick pencil to help get the color back under control. Another tip is to use your pencil to make the base for your lipstick, doing this will help prolong the length of the application.

If you have thin lips always use a well sharpened pencil. Don't go out of your way to try and create a new shape, instead try following the outer edge of your natural lip line to enhance it. If you have full lips you should trace along the inner line of the lip edge.

Try these tips for great lips:

-Before you drink from a glass or cup, wet the rim to keep the products on your lips rather than the receptacle in your hand.

-Powder your lips between layers of lipstick application this will keep your lipstick on for longer, you can also use a lip base to achieve a similar effect.

-To get a more dramatic effect, try matching your lip-pencil and lipstick.

-If you have rough or lined lips, avoid using pearlised lipstick as it will always appear lighter and enhance the imperfections.

-For a lighter, more even application try using a lip brush.

-To avoid getting lipstick on your teeth, pop your finger in your mouth and remove any excess product from the inside of your lip.

-If you want your lips to the larger, choose a light gloss shade. Choosing a darker more matte lipstick will make the lips look smaller.

Your lips in the evening

Having moisturized your skin inside and out, one tip is to likely spritz mineral water over your make-up to give a dewy fresh appearance. This works well if you want to avoid a matte a finish. Make sure you let the mist evaporate before touching your face.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to Find the Best Anti-Wrinkle Cream - Fact Vs Fiction

Finding the best anti-wrinkle cream among the thousands of skin care brands can be a confusing and frustrating task. One brand might claim its product is the best since it's being used by Hollywood celebrities and royalty. Another company might claim it's the cream of the crop because its anti-aging wrinkle cream contains collagen. With all the choices out there, how do you determine which one will be the most effective for you?

Let's take a look at some of the claims being made by a number of big beauty companies and compare them with what scientific studies have shown.

Fiction: Our collagen creams will eliminate your wrinkles and make your skin smoother!

Fact: Synthetic collagen molecules in such creams are too big and bulky to be absorbed efficiently by your skin's pores. That type of collagen just sits on the surface of your skin before it's washed away the next time you take a shower.

Fiction: Our anti wrinkle creams contain natural ingredients such as vitamin E that will get rid of your wrinkles!

Fact: While it may be true that many anti-aging skin care products contain beneficial natural ingredients, the concentrations are so low that they make no significant impact on your skin's health whatsoever. Many beauty companies include small amounts of natural substances just so they can justify their claim that they use organic ingredients.

Fiction: Our anti-aging wrinkle cream is safe for all skin types! Even people with sensitive skin can use it!

Fact: Then why does it contain triethanolamine, which in addition to causing dry skin, is carcinogenic? In fact, its use in Europe has been greatly restricted.

Why does it contain fragrances, composed of a cocktail of chemicals that can cause not only allergic breakouts but also neurotoxicity problems?

That's just the tip of the iceberg. If you are tired of all the hype and unfounded claims made by the big cosmetic companies in their marketing campaigns, do yourself a favor and learn which substances are good for your skin and which are not. That way, you'll be able to make the right decision when it comes to narrowing down your search for the best anti-wrinkle creams.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Great Hair, Naturally! (Part Three)

This is the last in our series on hair and today you will learn how to put together all those things that you learned in the past two weeks. In the past two articles I have been naming natural herbs, oils, and foods that you can use to help yourself and improve the condition of your hair, while also improving your general overall health. But we haven't really talked much about how you can actually use these things.

When you are using natural essential oils it's usually best to put them into a base oil. I like to use olive oil (cold pressed extra virgin, ideally), but calendula oil is even better (although it isn't widely available). There are other oils that are nice also, like coconut oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil, and others. Almost any type of oil can be used as a base. All you need is around 3 drops of essential oils to every 5 ml of base oil (which is about 1 teaspoonful. In some cases you might want to add a few more drops if you want more concentration. You may also want to use your essential oils pure, in that case make sure that you are choosing essential oils that will not bother your skin when you use them. Oils like eucalyptus, cedar, sandalwood, lemon and others like that will be fine usually. But, if you have very sensitive skin, be sure to test them first.

When using whole herbs there are several different ways you can use them. You can make a tisane or infusion, which is basically like making a tea out of them. For this all you do is boil water, and then add the herb. You cover it and let it sit for half an hour to a day. The longer you let it sit the stronger it will be of course. When using herbs for hair (not for drinking) you can allow the herbs to sit for a longer time and become quite strong (you wouldn't want to do this with tea, since the taste would become bitter and unappetizing). You can also accomplish this by adding the herbs to water in a jar and leaving it in the sun for a period of time, even up to several days. You will then have a very strong infusion of herbs that can be used for your hair and scalp. These types of concoctions can be used as rinses or soaks and applied directly to the hair and scalp for good results.

You may prefer to use the herbs themselves directly on the hair or scalp, and for this method you would want to powder the herbs first. You can do this by putting them in a spice mill and grinding them until they are a fine powder. They can be stored as individual herbs or as blends if you have several favorite herbs that you like to keep together in that way. Then when you want to use them you simply add some hot water to them to turn them into a paste. Don't add flour though, when you're using them on your hair, because you will end up with a really messy blob of paste that you will have great difficulty getting out of your hair again later. So, just add hot water that is enough to get a nice thick paste, that isn't too dry or too wet. (If you've ever used henna, the normal consistency of henna is a good measure to work from). Then, let it cool down to room temperature and apply it or store it for later use. If you're going to be storing it for a long period of time, it's probably better to put it in the refrigerator or even the freezer in order to keep the herbs as fresh as possible. You can then put this on your hair and even massage it into your scalp and leave it for a period of time, washing it off later. Light or vigorous massage is fine, depending on what you prefer. This method gives nice results, but it's a little messier than just using a tisane or infusion.

When it comes to using fruits and vegetables as fresh herbal mixes for the hair or scalp (things such as lemons, bananas, cucumbers, etc may be used) you want to blend or mash them into a fine pulp and apply them more or less like a mask to the hair. You may also prefer to massage them into the scalp, which is fine also.

All this methods may be appropriate and effective depending on what you need and prefer. So, be creative and try out different things until you find what suits you and helps the most. Don't get discouraged when one method doesn't work, because another one certainly will. When in doubt, read, or ask, because you don't want to do something that is going to harm you in the long run, and here's to beautiful, thick, shiny hair!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Nurture Younger Looking Skin Naturally

Everyone wants to know how to keep skin young looking, but there are very few reliable resources that will give you the information that you need in order for your skin to be healthy. The majority of the skin care advice that people receive comes to them either through their friends, or through the articles that they read either in magazines, or on the internet.

To be honest with you, I have read some things through these media outlets that actually caused me to be more than a little concerned as to whether people were actually following the advice. Some of the things that people are being advised to do, and some of the products that they are being told to use are not at all conducive with them attaining healthy skin.

Much of the advice so far as how to keep skin young looking has revolved around treatments such as dermabrasion, chemical peeling, Botox and collagen injections, and the repeated use of topical products that feature collagen and elastin as the key ingredients. None of these processes are advisable, since even the ones that work are dangerous for you to use.

Botox and collagen were both ingredients that were relegated to the realm of clinical procedures for a very good reason. A medical professional must be allowed to perform allergy tests on those that wish to be considered qualified to receive the treatments, and there was a recent case in which the patients were actually injected with Botulism, and became temporarily paralyzed because of it.

So far as the other methods advised for how to keep skin young looking I have to tell you that dermabrasion and chemical peeling can cause more damage to your skin than they do good. These procedures remove not only damaged skin cells, but healthy ones as well. This removal of healthy cells exposes cells that are far from ready to withstand the rigors of being on the outer layer.

Then we come to the most popular treatment of all, which is topical collagen and elastin products. These will not possibly do anything to alter your appearance due to the fact that it is impossible for the skin to be able to absorb these two ingredients. They are simply too molecularly dense to be able to pass through the skin.

The advice that you should be following as to how to keep skin young looking is to use all natural products on your skin that contain Phytessence Wakame and Functional Keratin in them. These two ingredients safely increase the amount of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin that your skin has. They work wonderfully, and because they are all natural there is no risk of dangerous side effects.

As far as how to keep skin young looking it is always advisable to seek a solution in that which is all natural, and avoid anything having to do with a visit to the clinic. You can easily and gently change the way that you look without endangering your skin, or your health in any way.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Elastin Collagen Creams - Discover the Real Truth

With the market for elastin collagen creams worth millions each year, it's no surprise that the big name companies don't want you to find out the secret lie they have been perpetuating for years. They sell us all these creams and lotions containing collagen and elastin, promising us that it will help us look younger and is good for our skin. Well, wrong on both counts I'm afraid.

Firstly, the scientific truth is that the molecules of collagen are simply too large to penetrate the skin, so no benefit at all is passed onto you from these elastin collagen creams. It stays on your skin until the next time you wash! Secondly, if you look at your current skin care range, you will probably see some of the following toxic chemicals.

Mineral oil (paraffin wax, petrolatum), parabens (methyl, propyl) and fragrances which could be any number of thousands of chemicals are present, and also dioxane, a carcinogen is normally present. These can strip your skin of its natural oils and can damage your overall health with prolonged use.

If you are thinking of injectable collagen, that's another matter. Personally it is not for me as they are so expensive and normally have to be redone every six months or so. The collagen you normally receive is bovine, so you could have allergic reactions and it also tends to move a little making the whole thing look unnatural.

There is a vastly superior alternative out there to the standard elastin collagen creams, which can turn back the clock naturally and boost your health at the same time.

One such ingredient you may never have heard of is Cynergy TK, a breakthrough substance from sheep's wool. Studies show a sustained 14% improvement in skin moisture retention over 18 days and an improvement in skin elasticity of 42% over 18 days.

It works by boosting your own levels collagen and elastin to those of your youth, removing lines and wrinkles in weeks, not months.

Another one is Phytessence wakame from Japanese sea kelp which is full of antioxidants, calcium and vitamins to moisturize deep down and boost your immune system as well.

So avoid the elastin collagen creams and the injectable collagen routes and research more like I have and you will find these incredible ingredients that can give you healthy younger looking skin, and keep it that way for the future.

To discover more potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy, visit my website today.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why Name Brand Anti-Aging Products Do NOT Work (A Must Read!)

Most name brand anti aging products today contain substances that you absolutely would not put on your skin if you knew what they were, and how they affected your health after prolonged exposure.

This article will expose name brand anti aging products, and show you what you can do instead. The solution is easy, practical, and your skin will start to look amazing once you implement it, just like my skin has seen big results.

If you have any name brand anti aging products nearby, take a look at the ingredients, and see if you can find anything that says parabens, fragrances, sulfates, or alcohols. Chances are that you will, and these ingredients are especially harmful, I'll show you what I mean, here are some information about these ingredients:

1.Parabens are usually used as preservatives in name brand anti aging products. Recent studies suggest that they can cause cancer, mess with your body's internal systems, cause allergic reactions, and even skin disorders if used for prolonged periods of time.

2.Dioxanes are used widely in skincare products. Dioxane is a substance that is known to cause cancer by the state of California. It is also used to make harsh chemicals milder. Why would you want this on your skin?

3.Fragrances are a really tricky term, because it can mean 4,000 different ingredients, and many of these can be very harmful for us in the long-term. For example, many fragrances that you find in our skincare products today can cause depression, irritability, and skin problems.

As you can see, you really do not want these ingredients on your skin. The good thing is that, when you find a natural product, like I have, your skin will immediately start to look better, because it is no longer bombarded with unnatural ingredients and chemicals.