Sunday, December 12, 2010

Resveratrol - Face Lift in a Pill?

Few cosmetic interventions have the benefits of Resveratrol, which with long term use can produce an amazing improvement in health and fitness.

Resveratrol is a supplement of nutrients and vitamins to be used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise plan. Those who stick with a program of Reveratrol find it makes a wide range of improvements in their lifestyle, not only in terms of providing added energy but also in diminishing the effects of existing ailments such as arthritis, asthma and allergic reactions.

Some scientists consider Resveratrol to be one of the most significant scientific finds of our age. Its properties for preventing disease and infection are being hailed everywhere as unprecedented.

For hundreds of years, the World has looked on with some impatience as the French consumed vast quantities of red wine on a daily basis and yet retained an amazing resistance to heart disease and a plethora of other complaints. Theories as to why our Gallic cousins enjoyed this seemingly unfair resistance to disease on a diet high in fat and low in nutrients ranged from "Ah, well they are naturally resilient" to "It's the amount of garlic they consume; it wards off disease".

Unsurprisingly, neither of these theories held water; or wine, for that matter!

Red wine is rich in Resveratrol as unlike white wine it contains grape skin and vine extracts. Resveratrol is the link that explains robust French health, despite their consuming large quantities of red wine. It is not the alcohol that provides the benefit; it is the presence of Resveratrol. It is not unusual for an average Frenchman to consume a half to one full bottle of wine per day or more. The amount of Reveratrol maintained in Pierre's system, therefore, is keeping him happy and healthy! Voila! The answer to prolonged good health!

Resveratrol produces a marked improvement in energy levels. This in turn encourages activity. More exercise means a healthier life. Resveratrol also reduces the effects of calories upon the system and thus promotes weight loss. The equation is simple: weight loss + exercise = fitness and health.

As the body enjoys increased flexibility and freedom of movement, so the skin improves, hair becomes stronger, muscle tone improves and Joe Average begins to resemble the average Frenchman - healthy, happy and younger looking! Resveratrol is beginning to gain a reputation for being not only a breakthrough in the prevention of serious disease like cancer, but a pill based facelift, as more and more people adopt a regular intake of Resveratrol to enhance their daily diet and exercise program.


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