Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Survive Acne During Adolescence

Adolescence may be your most socially experimenting phase of life, and a heavy load of acne can definitely turn the equation when you hit your friends. Luckily for most, acne will start to regress as early as late teens with as little trouble as you'll let it make. If you do your basics right, acne will only be the temporary phase of changing skin physiology that it is supposed to be.

Teenage acne trouble stems from rising hormonal levels in both boys and girls. Just a rare downturn of growing up or something you should be mortally worried about, the extent of the problem partly depends upon where you place it on your scale of importance. Acne is an upshot of several complex procedures going on in your skin tissue and the associated blood vessels that eventually result in the symptoms. Some are clinical (which means they are a problem in need of a treatment) while others are simply physiological (not really symptoms in their own right but just the way our body reacts to particular conditions).

Hormonal disturbances will wreck some havoc in your blood levels throughout your teens, and then slowly stabilize towards the end of it. Women continue to have hormonal upbeats till menopause, albeit of a lesser degree than during teens. Once you realize that your problem has a normal physiological component to a large extent, most of your worries can dry up fast. Most people around you will have experienced acne troubles, and the core to coping up is to realize it's a natural consequence of changing body chemistry everybody faces.

Acne problems will take its own sweet time to leave you alone with your social life. While it does so, you don't really have to wait on your other social activities. Take the fact that most people around you have experienced or know about acne problems. It is physiologically driven and perfectly normal; even celebrities have it. Once your hormonal levels have rationalized, acne will leave you alone, but till then, you need to leave alone the issue while still sticking to the basics.

The basic thing is to keep your skin free of accumulated oil; any good facial cleanser can help you on this account, though some better brands deliver more. Keep a check on what dries your skin excessively and what leaves it supple and yet clean. Minimize using scrubs or physically irritating the skin surface as that can trigger a reaction that can pile up with a full blown pimple or rash.


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