Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Anti Aging Skincare Tips - 3 Ways to Restore Your Youthful Skin and Reduce Those Wrinkle Lines

What is the best way to restore your youthful looks and regain the fabulous looking skin you have previously? Which anti aging skin care products can help you to achieve the kind of glowing and flawless complexion you are after?

Let's face it. As we grow older, one of the most obvious signs are the sagging skin and wrinkles on our face. According to dermatologists, our skin suffers a depletion of collagen and elastin by as much as 10- 20% for every few years or so.

This means that by the time you reach your 50s, you could be experiencing as much as 50% loss in collagen and elastin levels. Unfortunately, when there is a deficiency of these two substances, your skin will lose its elasticity and firmness. That's when wrinkles will come to appear.

Here are 3 anti aging skin care tips to help you reduce those fine lines quickly.


The health of our skin is a direct reflection of what our diet is. By eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B complex, zinc and copper, you can really improve your complexion significantly. Try to eat more foods such as broccoli, spinach and seaweed as these foods contains the added benefits you need to keep your skin glowing.

2.Anti Aging Ingredients

One of the best way for younger clear skin is to make use of active ingredients such as Cynergy TK and CoEnzyme Q10. These two ingredients contains substances that can naturally cause your body to produce more collagen and elastin on its own. By stimulating your body to produce more of these two protein tissues, you will be invigorating your skin renewal system to produce a fresher set of skin.

3.Avoid harmful ingredients

If you are serious about reclaiming your youthful glow, then I would advise you to steer away from harmful skincare ingredients such as parabens and fragrances. Parabens are chemicals are added to prolong the shelf life of the products whereas fragrances are added to entice buyers like yourself. Unfortunately, researchers have found that these harsh substances can cause your skin long term damages which may irreparable.


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