Saturday, December 18, 2010

Foods That Promote Weight-Loss - Water

Most people know water is essential for life, but did you know it is also one of the foods that promote weight loss? You could live for a long time without food, but no-one could survive more than a few days without water.

Your body is made up of approximately 75 percent water, which is vital to the normal functions of your life. Quite simply, every bodily system depends on water, which makes it crucial in maintaining total well being. But all the time you are losing water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements.

It is essential that this water is replaced continually or dehydration will soon set in. When you lose as little as 2% of body weight in fluids, you will start to suffer from a lack of energy and tiredness. A 5% reduction in body fluids equates to a 20% fall in usable energy levels. An athlete's performance will be affected by as little as 2% of fluid loss in the body.

Consuming pure water, free of contaminants, in a steady dose of eight glasses each day will improve the removal of toxins and waste products from your body, improve energy levels, keep your skin healthy and glowing, and increase your mental and physical performance.

Water for nutrition:

There are several nutrients found in water and most are at potentially significant levels. They include:

Calcium - important in the health of the bones and possibly in cardiovascular health.
Fluoride - effective in preventing dental cavities.
Magnesium - important both in cardiovascular and bone health.
Sodium - important extra cellular electrolyte.
Copper - important in iron utilization, cardiovascular health and an antioxidant.
Selenium - important in the immune system due to its antioxidant function.
Potassium - important due to its biochemical effects in the body.

How much water your body needs:
Water is essential to your good health, but every individual has different needs. There is no single formula that fits everyone and needs vary depending on your health, how active you are etc. The typical "eight x eight-ounce glasses of water per day" is a common approach. Drinking this amount of water is equivalent to drinking roughly 2 liters of water.

There is no scientific evidence to back this, but it is used by many as a basic guideline in knowing how much water is required daily. However, don't rely on feeling thirsty to let you know when you need more. Be sensible - if you are going to be exercising make sure you drink before, during (if possible) and after.

Water for weight loss:
Water is a natural appetite suppressant. As well as the advantages explained above, developing the habit of drinking water will your desire to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. If you drink a glass of water before you sit down to eat, you will feel less hungry and hence eat less. Your body often confuses hunger and thirst because in both cases it is your metabolism calling out for something to fill an empty space in your stomach.

Next time you feel hungry try a glass of water - it is one of the best foods that promote weight loss because it is calorie-free, inexpensive and readily available.


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