Thursday, July 16, 2009

Scare and Glam Through Costumes

Adults keep tricks and testing aside during Halloween. They don't like to move hither and thither for candies and would not roam around in the neighborhood for that when they already have lots to enjoy. Some do so while in the company of children or parents. They do the antics with their neighborhood for fun. There are much to explore in Halloween which adults don't really spare. Invitations to costume parties organized by colleagues in the clubs are attractive packages they wouldn't miss. Adult Halloween costumes depict mood of celebrities, politicians and sexy vixens. The National Retail Federation has found that spending on Halloween decoration, Halloween adult costumes, candy and such items has grown up in the US even though there is no sound growth in economy.

The National Retail Federation's Halloween Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey conducted by BIG research showed that there are more consumers who celebrated the holiday in 2008 compared to 2007 (64.5% vs. 58.7%). Costumed adults in Halloween sexy costumes or the Halloween men's costumes can be seen raking in the most in sales. Costumes for adults are just not about being scary, its also about giving these adults an opportunity to become someone else- a figure or fantasy that they have always wanted to be.

Economic slowdown hardly have a say in lessening the spirit of Halloween. People enjoy this festival with good spirit and forget their worries to enjoy fun for which they longed. Americans consider Halloween a festival to be celebrated with much fun although its treatment is not similar in other parts of the glob. Historically Halloween grew with the advent of Christianity across the Europe. Traditional Christian festivals including All Saints' Day were boosted with folk and traditions beliefs. Interestingly the evening following All Saints' Day was originally named "All Hallows Eve" then which later became Halloween. Its meaning was developed to streamline sanctified approach. Migrants played key role in brining Halloween into North American region although English North Americans of New England Puritans didn't agree with it. Irish immigrants in Southern colonies boosted it by observing holiday on Halloween. Resultantly this tradition spread faster in 19th century. Today Halloween has emerged tremendously. It is celebrated happily by children who are thankful to their forefather immigrants for introducing it into their culture.

Although many Halloween traditions are in practice on annual basis but the history behind it is hardly known to everybody. The activities like carving pumpkins or dressing like ghosts and goblins are common but why these traditions are in practice is not known to all. Only small number of participants knows the actual reason behind it. Dressing up in ghostly costumes or Halloween sexy costumes are common practice in each Halloween party. They are rather primary charm of Halloween festival.

The custom of dressing up in unique Halloween costume roots back to European and Celtic cultures. A belief prevailed then that ghosts and restless souls would come on earth on Halloween. Such assumptions were whenever this situation arises ghosts must be scared in unique manner by countering through 'other ghouls and ghosts' which humans used to become through special dressing. They used to arrange bones for keeping them away and reached out to specific places and left their homes barren. No ghost should recognize humans hence they dressed up peculiarly to confuse actual ghosts. It was performed to create confusion amongst the ghosts who would consider humans their fellow ghosts in utter mistake. It was interesting presumption and unique method to keep evil spirits away from entering into their own homes. Even food items were kept outside homes to further appease the ghosts and preventing them not to enter into their houses. The tradition of adult costumes for Halloween and dressing up like ghosts were brainchild of such peculiar scary costumes.

Halloween will continue to appeal to people of all ages in America as it provides a gateway to break free from the daily stresses of life and become someone else. Holidays give a positive effect on people and it can be either mentally or physically though physical improvement in terms of a good rest and a refreshed feeling is what most people get from a holiday. So no matter if it's Christmas or Hanukkah or Halloween or Easter, take this time to rest, relax and spend time with your loved ones.


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