Saturday, July 11, 2009

Affording a New Swimming Pool

Splashing around in the summer sun is a great way to cool down and relieve stress. The only problem is that a swimming pool can be quite a hefty expense. In addition to finding ways to afford a new pool, it's also essential to narrow down the types of pools that are available.

The Above Ground Pool

There's no doubt that above-ground pools are less expensive than in-ground pools. However, there are some things to consider before installing an above-ground pool. The major drawbacks of above-ground pools are:

- They are generally smaller
- They do not last as long as in-ground pools
- They tend to rip and tear after years of use
- They are not aesthetically pleasing

Then again, above-ground pools also have these advantages:

- They are in-expensive
- Portable
- Easy to install
- Easy to maintain

The In-Ground Pool

In-ground pools tend to have many different advantages and disadvantages too, though the number one disadvantage is the cost of an in-ground pool.

In addition to the initial cost of the pool, there are other costs including maintenance, cleaning, and electricity costs. Also, consider:

- Not portable
- if you sell your home, your pool can't be moved
- Too large for small yards

Advantages of an in-ground pool include:

- They add value to your home
- They can be considered an investment
- They are sturdy


Spending your retirement or savings on a pool may sound like a great idea, but there is a better way to install the pool of your dreams without going broke.

Obtaining a loan in order to install a pool is a fantastic way to purchase the pool that you want without spending all of your money. Traditional banks aren't too quick to approve loans for pool installation, but private lenders are more than willing to offer you the loan that you need.

A private car title loan may be the thing that you are looking for if you want a quick and painless way to gather funds for your new pool. If you own your own car, you can probably gain a car title loan that can be used towards installing your pool. Turning your watery summertime dreams into a reality is easy when you know what kind of pool you are looking for, and where to find the money to put towards that pool - summertime is here, so what are you waiting for?


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