Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grandparenting Tips

It is not always easy to be a grandparent. It can be difficult to get the time necessary with grandchildren in order to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with them. There are many things that grandparents can do to make this process go much smoother. Do not allow yourself to feel discouraged. Kids are busy with school and friends but there is always room for grandparents. There are so many ways to become part of their world without feeling like a nuisance. They are your family and it is understandable that you want to spend more time with them.

When it comes to younger grandchildren it is easier to spend time with them. Offer to babysit on a regular basis so that the parents get much needed time alone and you are then able to spend some time with the kids. It is important to see kids often if you live nearby. Try to visit them at least once a week. Connecting as they grow is vital and you will both benefit from it in so many ways. Play games, watch movies or play in the park together. It does not matter what you do with your grandchildren, as long as you are all enjoying your time together.

It is not always as easy to spend a significant amount of time with older children. They are often quite busy with school and friends. They can be on the go a whole lot. Kids spend a lot of time on the Internet, using email and text messaging. Get on their level by sending an email once a week to see how they are doing. Give them a phone call on their cell phone to touch base and ask what is new in their life. Just hearing from you often will make a great difference in the life of your grandchildren.

Organize an annual visit or stay at your home. Many grandchildren go to visit their grandparents for a few weeks when they are on school holidays for the summer. Consider something like that or perhaps you would find it beneficial to schedule a monthly dinner date. All it takes is for you to reach out and ensure that your grandchildren know how important it is to you that you spend some quality time together. Even teenagers appreciate their grandparents so get on their level if that is what it takes to relate to them.

If you do not live close to your grandchildren, set up a weekly date to have a visit via the Internet. Use a web cam or any instant message program in order to communicate in real time. It is the best way to bridge the gaps of distance. Technology has many fantastic uses, make it work for your needs. There is never a reason not to keep in touch. Being a good grandparent takes only the willingness to do so and taking that first step forward. Your grandchildren will appreciate it and value your time together just as much as you do.


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