Sunday, July 5, 2009

How To Can Food

Many people will produce their own vegetables because they do not use any hurtful chemicals to grow them. Other people will develop them because they enjoy the entire process and they wish to preserve money from having to buy them from the grocery store. What we want to know is what do these people do once they are all grown.

One of the better methods that you are able to preserve this food is to jar it. There is a unique procedure named water canning that if done properly will preserve the food for as long as you need them without them getting ruined or going bad. All you call for are your vegetables, cans, and hot water.

In order to keep the food you need to ensure that germs do not produce on them. These germs are what causes the food to spoil and go bad. The first stp you should do is to cut up your veggies so that they can fit inside of the can that you need to use. Ensure that both the jars and lids are able to be cooked in extremely hot temperatures.

Put the veggies in the cans and make sure that you put air tight lids on them. These will make sure that nothing can get in or out of them. When they are closed you have to put the jar into boiling water. Keep it in till you know that it has killed off all of the existing germs that have been sealed within it.

Water canning is very effective and is utilized by commercial businesses. Once they are properly closed and cooked you will have the ability to put them in your cellar, basement, or pantry.


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