Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What You Need to Know About Acne Bacteria

Acne is caused by bacteria. Specifically, it is caused by the bacteria P. acnes. While many people know what acne is, they know nearly nothing about the bacteria.

P. acnes, or Propionibacterium Acnes, is a slow growing bacteria that not only causes acne, but blepharitis and endophthalmitis. Like many other genomes, this bacteria has had its own sequenced and studies have found that the genes of P. acnes can generate enzymes for degrading proteins and skin, while activating the immune system of the individual. The bacteria is named for its ability to generate propionic acid.

The bacteria is part of the skin flora that is present on most individual's skins and they live on fatty acids. These fatty acids are found on the sebaceous glands on sebum, and are secreted through pores. As well, the bacteria is found in the gastrointestinal tract in humans and other animals.

One thing that has been found with this bacteria is that it is sensitive to light and will even glow when exposed to certain types of light due to the presence of endogenous porphyrins. Ultraviolet light kills the bacteria, which has led to many dermatologists to recommend light therapy to deal with acne breakouts caused by the bacteria. When dermatologists treat the skin with aminolevulinic acid before the light treatment, the overall efficiency of the product is extremely high.

No one likes having acne, but many people don't know about how P. acnes creates bacteria or how it can be eliminated. As mentioned above, P. acnes is killed by UV light and that means by going out and getting some sun, it is possible to remove acne almost completely on the face and other parts of the body. This is why individuals who spend a lot of time outside do not have severe problems with acne.

By keeping skin clean and exfoliated, it is possible to remove this bacteria and keep the face clear of acne. As well, this bacteria thrives in fatty acids, so by eliminating fatty acids from your diet, you can then help yourself in the fight against acne. By eating fruits and vegetables, getting sunlight on a regular basis, drinking water and cleaning the skin, you can keep acne from becoming a major problem for yourself.

It is possible to kill P. acnes and it can be done without antibiotics or other harsh chemicals applied to your face.


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