Saturday, March 19, 2011

Get Rid of Those Wrinkles and Look Younger

Wrinkles are caused by the folds and deformations of the skin that occurs as a person ages. They testify to how old we really are although in a negative way. As a person grows older in age the skin begins to lose its elasticity and flexibility thereby causing the appearance of lines or fine marks that is referred to as wrinkles.

As a person get older, the sweat and sebaceous glands which have been working for a long time now will begins to wear out little by little this will cause lack of moisture and oil for the skin, this will in turn produces dryness and cracking of the skin.

The skin will also begins to lose its collagen, Collagen is what keeps the skin in good shape, abnormalities in the skin like sagging of tissues, double chins, lines on the neck, around the mouth, and around the eyes (crows feet), and bags under the eyes. Etc.

Free radicals which are produced by the Sun, the Smog and an inhospitable environment are what destroy these Collagens in the skin, apart from these Free radicals other things that causes skin wrinkles are:

1. Lack of moisture (dehydration)
2. Smog and a dry, damaging environment.
3. Facial expressions.
4. Rough surface of some pillowcases can also lead to wrinkles
5. Lack of Vitamin A, B, C, E as well as minerals.

1. Avoid excessive sun tanning
2. Cover the face with sunscreen protection.
3. Wear sunglasses with large lenses to block sun rays on the skin around the eyes.
4. Drink a lot of water to dehydrate the skin, preferably drinking aloe Vera juice as well.
5. Take multi-minerals and Vitamins A, B, C & E. Beta Carotene (provitamin A) and Vitamins C & E are excellent at blocking free radicals. You can mail me for information on how to get these multiminerals and vitamins.
6. Use pillow with soft fabric
7. Massage the wrinkles with the palm of your hands softly for about 2 minutes on each part of the face to stimulate circulation
8. Use good moisturizing cream.


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