Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Honest Truth About Most Hyaluronic Acid Gel Products

Before you pull out your wallet and purchase a hyaluronic acid gel product, you may want to read this article.?It reveals the truth about how effective hyaluronic acid gel products really are, and whether or not they actually increase the amount of this substance in your skin.

Since the benefits of this cellular substance have been discovered and realized, more and more skin care products are choosing to either include hyaluronic acid (HA) in their products or even base some of their new ones solely around it.?And I don't really blame them, because they know people will buy them.

But, there is one big problem with these kind of products....

You see, hyaluronic acid is a very thick and sticky substance.?And just like collagen and elastin, HA molecules are too large to really be absorbed into the skin.?At best, only a fraction of all the HA in a hyaluronic acid gel will even penetrate through your skin.?All the rest just sits on your skin until it's washed off.

Deceiving, right?

To the average consumer, hyaluronic acid gel products seem like a logical solution to increase the amount of this substance in the skin.?But when you actually do some research to find out how effective they really, you learn that it's just another way for skin care companies to capture more of the market.

But nonetheless, HA still is a very important and vital part of your skin, it's health, and it's youthfulness.?If you've already developed wrinkles, then more HA in your skin can help retain more moisture and water, which in turn will plump up your skin and make it look and feel very smooth.

So how can you increase the amount of HA in your skin?

Believe it or not, the best way to do this is by still using a topical hyaluronic acid gel or cream- but one that's structured and developed much differently.?/p>

The whole reason why you never really have the ideal amount of HA in your skin is because of a bodily enzyme called hyaluronidase.?The activity of this enzyme is triggered by exposure of UV radiation and other sources of free radicals.?The more free radicals that are in your skin, the more active hyaluronidase is, and the more HA it breaks down.

An effective hyaluronic acid gel or cream will contain ingredients that stop the activity of this enzyme and reduce the amount of free radicals in your skin.?/p>

The Japanese (who seem like their skin never ages at all!) use skin products with an ingredient called Phytessence Wakame, a unique form of sea kelp.?This special ingredient is what helps preserve their natural HA levels, leaving their skin much more smooth, supple, and age-free.

Does this all make sense??Instead of following the crowd and using hyaluronic acid gel that really doesn't work as well as people think, be one of those people who does make their skin look younger and use skin care products that solve the problems of aging naturally.


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