Thursday, March 31, 2011

Face Balance

Wouldn't it be great if everyone's faces were perfectly formed and never changed? Unfortunately there are several things that happen in life that cause the face to change. Have you ever noticed people who drink their fair share of alcohol for years? They can have a bulbous nose, can't they? It is part of the body's process of breaking down. The nose has changed shape and expanded. Years of consuming certain things like medications, processed foods, alcohol and the lack of exercise breaks the entire body down in different areas and ways. Each body part responds differently. Also eating excess amounts of sugar for years breaks the body down. We call this aging.

Pulling on a particular part of the body also stretches that part so it sags or can look distorted. If you only itch one eye continually it will look different from the other. Pulling on the nose, cheeks, neck or any skin stretches it. Our skin especially on the face is delicate and stretches easily. This gives the face an aging look or out of balance look.

There are certain illnesses that cause areas of the face to distort. Shingles can damage the nerves of the face. A stroke can cause certain areas of the face to stop working. How do we fix all of this? First we make a conscious effort to change our habit and think about this. Start off very slowly and think about what you are doing with your hands. Be aware of your fingers rubbing or itching or pulling on your face. When you catch yourself stop and put your hand on the area you were rubbing and lightly pat that area with your finger tips and say to yourself " stop, no more rubbing!" three times. Continue this until you have completely stopped the problem. That time table will be different for each individual.

Secondly you need to think about what you are putting in your body. To love your body enough to want to feed it what keeps it not only working properly but staying or bringing back your youthfulness and health. You are what you eat!

One way to rid your body of the toxicity that builds up because of feeding it wrong is exercise. Every movement of the face and body is made by your muscle. The muscles of the face and neck are the same as the rest of the body. The best form of exercise for this part is face aerobics. Where you sit down and continuously exercise in a class with men and women to music. Like any exercise for the body you will notice your face becoming balanced and more youthful. Exercising is critical to life. You use it or lose it. It is just that simple.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Untold Truth About the Best Anti Wrinkle Products

You might disagree, but hear out on this.The best anti wrinkle products are the lesser known brands that focus primarily on making quality products.

This may be hard to believe since we are accustomed to associate popularity with high standards of quality. This may be relevant in other industries ,however when it comes to cosmetics and anti wrinkle skin care it is far from the truth.

I know this is a really bold statement, so let me explain myself.

The fundamentals of any business are to make a profit. All popular brands have very large advertising budgets. So , the only way they can stay afloat is to cut down on other expenses besides advertising. Unfortunately that is the main reason why most cosmetic companies either use cheap ingredients or they use the quality ingredients in low concentrations.

Some of the lesser known brands primarily focus on using the highest of quality ingredients at the expense of a lower advertising budget. That explains why they are not known as much.

Below are some of the quality ingredients to look out for in the best anti wrinkle products.

  • Cynergy TK - This ingredient reduces the appearance of wrinkles by forming an invisible layer over the surface of your skin.It also improves the brightness and radiance of your skin , giving your face an even toned creamy complexion.
  • Extrapone Nutgrass Root - This substance can naturally lighten the color of your skin without any side effects. It helps reduce the signs of aging and keeps skin looking younger.

Visit my website now to discover more ingredients that are contained in the best anti wrinkle products.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Best Anti Aging Beauty Products - Dr Oz's Essential Guide For Eliminating Wrinkles

What the HECK are the best anti-aging beauty products you may argue?

Dr Oz, Oprah's eminent medical expert, recently reported on three specific brands which he described as "revolutionary" to the world of wrinkle treatment.

Why these products were said to be most powerful were that they were accompanied with an anti-oxidant which helps cleanse and scrub your arteries.

Known as Resveratrol, this longevity pill is not often attributed to eliminating wrinkles, but what Dr Oz described as the "double whammy effect", if certain amino acids are accompanied with a combination of either Resveratrol or Acai (the weight loss berry), or both, this high concentration of anti-oxidants will have a strong impact on how quickly and effectively your skins cell tissue will repair.

Resveratrol is a fungi, found in its highest concentrations in the Muscadine grape skin and Japanese Knotweed and when consumed over a period of time on a daily basis, effectively scrubs your arteries, strengthening your heart, and offers a host of all other attributes including keeping cancer at bay.

Sardinian's and Okinawans who regularly consume Resv each day, have two of the largest centenarian populations in the world, yet it's not only longevity which this supplement treats.

Resv offers what is known as the "Resveratrol glow", as these anti-oxidants help rejuvenate the skin by acting as an anti-aging beauty product in the "tab" version.

America has some of the most appalling artery related fatality numbers on record, so reports that there is now a pill to pop which will essentially clean your arteries and offer your skin revitalizing qualities is welcome news.

That stated, if you were to accompany this anti-aging supplement with one of the beauty products Dr Oz suggests, then eliminating wrinkles will have become that much easier.

Packed with Amino Acids, and anti-oxidants which contain the highest ORAC value per fruit in the world of 70'000 - these are the qualities which help make this specific anti-aging tab extremely popular.

Known as Amino Genesis, still relatively new to the anti-aging beauty products market, but recently featured on a number of news and talk show, including CNN, CBS, NBC and Oprah and others - Dr Oz suggests that when accompanied with Resveratrol, will out perform most other brands at the fraction of the cost.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Does Hair Color Make Your Skin Look Older? - Your Face Will Tell You

We are all stuck in a time warp. We were pretty as a youth with our long flowing blond hair. Now that we are older, we have the same or similar hairstyle. Most of us are guilty of this. The problem is, that this blond color now makes us look faded out and older than our years.

The same with dark flowing hair or even dark short hair. When you were young, you were "hot stuff". Now your hair color makes you look hard, the lines show on your face and you look older.

If you have bright red hair, you might want to soften it up just a little. Bright red hair has always been

your trademark. Now that you are older, you might seem larger than life or look like a cartoon character. Soften it up and have a more natural softer tone.

Photographs do not lie. You thought you looked beautiful that special night. Now in looking at the pictures, you look older than everyone else. Your skin looks nice, but your hair color detracts from your face making you look older.

I see older celebrities changing their hair color often. They too are looking for that color that flatters the skin. If it is too blond, they look older. If it is too dark, they look older. What should we do?

* Go to a professional and ask their opinion.

* Ask your friends what color hair they feel is more flattering on you.

* You might even want to try on wigs. This is an excellent way to see what looks good with your skin.

Have you always dreamed of having a certain hair color. Put on a wig of that shade. You might be surprised. Either you will look wonderful and more vibrant, or you will look older and the color not flattering.

Look at older women you admire, that look young at their age Hair looks good when it is similar to your own skin tone. If you are light blond or have streaked hair, you might find adding a warmer color will look good on you. Add a little honey color. Instead of black, lighten it up just a small amount. A few highlights or lowlights might help soften it up.

Trust me, when you find the right shade, people will tell you how great you look. The color will brighten up your face. Your eyes will come alive. The years will drop off your face almost instantly. Your friends will now tell you how happy they are that you finally changed your hair color. They always hated the color you have been stuck with all these years

Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 Easy Weight Loss Tips

Honestly speaking, there are hundreds of ways out there you can find to lose weight that it can be very confusing to know which approach is the best. However, there are not many practical, sustainable and safe methods of weight loss. The weight loss guidelines should be safe, healthy and not extreme to the point that it is too hard to follow. Seriously, weight loss does not have to be so confusing. Once you have a simple to follow plan, it's more about setting your mind to it. With simplicity in mind, the following are easy to implement weight loss tips you can use to quickly shed the extra kilos.

Replace all Beverages with water
How hard can this be? Grab a filled up water bottle with you or asked for a glass of plain water when you go dinning. The problem with most beverages such as coke, chocolate milk shake, coffee or juices are that they are loaded with sugar and caffeine that gives you the irregular spike and dive in energy level. Obviously, the extra sugar in the beverages not only add inches to your waistline it also add extra weight to the body over time.

Sleep at Least 7 Hours a day
Studies have consistently found that people who are sleep-deprived are out of shape and gained weight easily. It is not only important that you sleep 7 hours but also sleep at the right time. This is because the circadian rhythm which is also known as your "body clock" is disrupted when you stay up late at night and wake late the next day. As a result, the body will be stressed resulting in weight gain.

Eat Heaps of vegetables and fruits
Eat at least 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruits a day. These healthy food are low in calories which helps to keep the weight off the body. They are also bursting with minerals and vitamins and high level of fibers that help maintain a stable sugar level in the body so that there will be no craving for junk food.

Cut Away All Pastry
It is important tip that must be implemented if you are a person that regularly has cakes and cookies. Having all these foods will almost certainly result in weight gain. The worst thing about these foods is that most of them contain trans fat which is the worst fat of all. Consuming trans fat has been found to be associated with easy fat gain and also many undesirable chronic health risk. Because pastry are loaded with high fat and sugar content, it would almost certainly help in weight loss if these foods are cut out from daily consumption.

Studies have shown consistent evidence that the most effective weight loss method is through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. Healthy eating alone can only bring you so far and does not really increase the metabolism in your body as much as exercise. In fact, most people who lose weight through diet alone lose water initially, and lose muscle as well. Losing muscle is undesirable as it means that your metabolism actually drop and weight regain can be very easy once you are off the diet. Increasing metabolism is paramount because it helps to burn more fat in the body. For the fit and active individual, be sure to perform high intensity interval training workout to give your metabolism the extra boost and melt those body fat away. Go easy on exercise if you are unfit and build on the higher intensity gradually.

Eat more lean protein
Lean protein such as chicken breast, turkey breast and egg whites are better options than processed meat. They have lower fat content and helps curb your appetite. Plus, the proteins are important nutrients for repairing the micro muscle damage caused by exercise. Without repair, more damages will occur and muscle breakdown leads to low metabolism. Be sure to add the lean protein into your mix of vegetables.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Get Rid of Those Wrinkles and Look Younger

Wrinkles are caused by the folds and deformations of the skin that occurs as a person ages. They testify to how old we really are although in a negative way. As a person grows older in age the skin begins to lose its elasticity and flexibility thereby causing the appearance of lines or fine marks that is referred to as wrinkles.

As a person get older, the sweat and sebaceous glands which have been working for a long time now will begins to wear out little by little this will cause lack of moisture and oil for the skin, this will in turn produces dryness and cracking of the skin.

The skin will also begins to lose its collagen, Collagen is what keeps the skin in good shape, abnormalities in the skin like sagging of tissues, double chins, lines on the neck, around the mouth, and around the eyes (crows feet), and bags under the eyes. Etc.

Free radicals which are produced by the Sun, the Smog and an inhospitable environment are what destroy these Collagens in the skin, apart from these Free radicals other things that causes skin wrinkles are:

1. Lack of moisture (dehydration)
2. Smog and a dry, damaging environment.
3. Facial expressions.
4. Rough surface of some pillowcases can also lead to wrinkles
5. Lack of Vitamin A, B, C, E as well as minerals.

1. Avoid excessive sun tanning
2. Cover the face with sunscreen protection.
3. Wear sunglasses with large lenses to block sun rays on the skin around the eyes.
4. Drink a lot of water to dehydrate the skin, preferably drinking aloe Vera juice as well.
5. Take multi-minerals and Vitamins A, B, C & E. Beta Carotene (provitamin A) and Vitamins C & E are excellent at blocking free radicals. You can mail me for information on how to get these multiminerals and vitamins.
6. Use pillow with soft fabric
7. Massage the wrinkles with the palm of your hands softly for about 2 minutes on each part of the face to stimulate circulation
8. Use good moisturizing cream.

Key Steps on How to Compare the Best Dental Insurance Plans

There are many different types of dental insurance plans which are available in the market today which varies substantially in terms of the premium cost, plan coverage, benefits, waiting period etc, from one another. Most of the individual dental insurance plan tends to emphasize on the importance of preventive dental care, to save up for the high rising dental expenses nowadays.

Dental insurance plans can be categorized broadly by these key differences :
a. The dental care providers
b. Exceptional out-of-pocket expenses
c. How efficient and flexible these plans work
d. Who is the target customer
e. What are the different monthly premium for different plans

a. Choices of the dental Care Providers :
- Some insurance companies have their own collaborated chain of dental clinics which they partnership with. If your dental plan is from any of these companies, the policy holders can only visit and seek treatments from this list of dental clinics.

If you prefer to continue getting your dental treatments from your current dentist, you need to seek for other insurance company which allows their customers to have such privilege ; however they might charge a higher monthly premium for this case.

b. Exceptional Out of Pockets expenses :
- Some insurance plan does not cover all the basic dental treatments. That's why the monthly premium for their plan is much lower as compared to other companies. For such case, the policy holder will need to pay out of the pocket for those additional dental treatments taken, but have not being covered in the dental plan they have enrolled. This inevitably caused some of them having to pay more money than what they might be paying if they choose for a highly premium dental plan which covers all the necessary basic dental treatments in the first place.

- Only you yourself can tell the right plan for your own needs, therefore please be cautious and remember your main criteria when plan selection is made. The key here is not to choose the cheapest insurance plan, or any famous insurance company, the key is to make sure the plan you bought is ready to cover what you urgently need for now and the future.

c. How effective each plan works :
- With a traditional plan, you pay a periodic premium and receive benefits such as 80-100% of your dental costs covered. The reimbursable amount is made on a "fee-for-service type " basis, which means that a set amount is reimbursed based on the type of dental treatment received.
- With Dental Reimbursement Plan - With this plan, you have to pay for your dental treatment first, then bring the receipt to your employer where they will reimburse you up to a specified limit.
- with dental Discount plans, one would get a specific discount on the dental services they received from any of the dental clinic in the participating discount plan . Discount plan require the member to pay for an enrollment fee and a basic monthly fee to be liable for the discount plan.

d. Who is the target customer :
- One need to define clearly if you need an insurance plan specifically for yourself, for the family or for the group ( such as a company ). The premium and the overall plan coverage vary substantially between one another.

e. What is the monthly premium :
- One of the key factor most people tend to look for when selecting a dental plan is the amount of the monthly premium. Theoretically, the higher the premium, the better the insurance coverage. However, one need to understand that they should not be basing on the amount of the monthly premium alone to decide their dental plan but to review what kind of services and treatments are covered in each of these insurance plan and select the one which best fit your needs.

- When shopping for individual, family or group dental insurance quotes, always remember the key criteria key criteria which need to prioritized. example : for individual, one might be more concern on the basic treatments, whereas for the family, one might wanted to get a plan which cover more orthodontic treatments as your family might required them. Lastly, for group, it is the premium which matter most as company normally will offer basic plan for basic dental treatments only.

There is no one "best" insurance plan for everyone. Some plan definitely works better for you and your family than others. Some plans will require a certain co-payment for services, or meet a specific deductible before the dental insurance company begins payment while others may limit coverage to a specific dollar-amount maximum per year.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wrinkle Prevention For Women - The Feminine Way to Fight Signs of Aging

Are we more concerned about wrinkles than men?

It may seem that women are usually more concerned about the appearance of their skin than men but that is far from truth. It is good to note that due to our different make ups the skin could behave differently in both males and females. Whereas men will have a gradual skin change women are likely to experience a sudden change of their skin especially after they reach menopause. It is therefore important for all to maintain a healthy lifestyle which helps reduce the effects of aging.

Women are usually very keen to reduce the effects of aging on their skin and achieve a wrinkle free youthful appearance. They should therefore take more time to understand their skin types before they decide on which particular products they need to use to address the challenge. Failure to do this will always lead to disappointing and sometimes disastrous results. You will have not only wasted your time and money but could potentially make your problem become worse.

The process is continuous

The most important thing every woman must remember is that cells in the body and those of the skin are always in a transition. They are always dying and are in a constant need of replacement. When we get older, the body systems slow down and it takes longer than normal to replace the cells that need replacement. The production of sufficient nutrients to your body will do you much better than any other procedure you will do to repair damage that has already been done. This is because the nutrients will help the body do its bidding more quickly.

Where do we get the nutrients?

There abundant sources o the requisite nutrients for your skin. You can obtain the right moisturizers, wrinkle prevention creams, and many more. They are in their abundance but then you just need to be careful. Buy only products whose ingredients you know and be sure they are specifically meant for your skin type. Ask all the questions you need to ask because your face is your image and as they say, image is everything. You may also consider taking enough vitamins and minerals to help your skin from inside out. Some of the best vitamins for your skin include Vitamin E, pro-Vitamin B5 and Vitamin b3


A healthy looking skin is also an indication of your general health status. You need to go beyond just erasing those wrinkles with hundreds of skin products when you body could be telling you something you need to listen to. Avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol and also consume plenty of water and your skin will remain youthful for along time to come.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Positive Aging - Healthy Anti-Aging

We've been told aging is natural, so why do so many people dread it? What do you think of when you hear the words 'getting older' or 'old age pensioner'? Is aging, as we perceive it inevitable? It needn't be so.

No one has found a magic potion as yet, over the centuries so much energy and research has gone into the pursuit of the 'fountain of youth' but in recent years much light has been shed on the subject. Thanks to all this effort we now know there is so much we can do to slow down the aging process. The lifestyle you choose can have a profound effect on enhancing or accelerating the degenerative process.

Off-course aging is inevitable but is so much suffering inevitable? Around 85 per cent of diseases are degenerative illnesses, the other 15 per cent are genetic, infectious or trauma. So what causes our body to fall into rapid decline? It never fails to make me wonder why we look after our cars better than we look after ourselves. Yet we can go out anytime and buy a new one when we've out lived the old one. It's not quite as easy for us to trade-in our old bodies for a new one. I can hear you saying "there are bits we can have replaced", yes there are, such as a new hip joint, new heart or just the valves, new liver or new blood from a transfusion, and so much more.

Going back to our car, we don't generally wait for our car to break down, we have it serviced regularly making sure it has very thing it needs to perform its daily task well. 'Well' being the operative word, not 'just spluttering a long'. We should treat ourselves with the same respect, giving our bodies everything it needs to perform its daily task well. Most people will wait until their body breaks down.

So back to the point, why do our bodies fall into decline? Researchers have several theories such as the Hayflick Limit Theory - each cell contains a program that limits the number of divisions a cell may divide before it dies. Another theory is the Waste Accumulation Theory - our cells simply produce more waste than they are capable of eliminating, all helped along by our typical diets and life-styles. As waste and toxins builds up in the cell, it accumulates and eventually the cell drowns in its own toxic waste.

The other main theory is the free-radical theory, first developed as much as 50 or more years ago, offering an explanation that helps us to understand degenerative disease, accelerated aging, and prevention or at the very least slowing down its onset for much later in life. Free-radicals roam about trying to break up stable pairs of molecules by stealing their partners. A little like a bachelor breaking up stable married couples. Once the free-radical manages to steal a partner, the other molecule is now unpaired, unstable and is now a free-radical on the hunt, a bachelor now themselves. This reaction is a little like the domino effect setting off a chain reaction of a cell-damaging viscous circle.

The most attention is focused on the oxygen-based free-radicals called oxy-radicals. It is these tiny molecules that are responsible for the free-radical damage we know as oxidative stress that contribute to degenerative diseases much in the same way they rust metal. We slow down this process by coating the metal with a protective covering, helping to prevent oxygen and moisture from doing its worst, by applying a primer and then a coat of paint we effectively extend the life of the metal. By protecting the metal from free-radials we can extend the life of the metal by many years.

There are things we can do to protect and slow down our own deterioration. We can slow down our own rusting process, however most people choose a lifestyle that speeds up this process.

Having said all of this not all free-radicals are all bad, we do some free-radical activity to help fight infections from bacteria and viruses. These free-radical bachelors are also involved in the production of vital substances such as prostaglandins, hormone-like substances vital to many processes of the body. Our bodies also release free-radicals during energy production like periods of strenuous exercise, during prolonged periods of stress, excitement, anger or during an infection.

However, the vast majority of our oxidative damage in our body comes mostly from excess free-radicals found in our environment and the food we choose rather than those produced within our bodies as a natural by-product of our own metabolism. Air pollution, tobacco smoke, toxic waste, herbicides, pesticides, chemicals in cosmetics or cleaning products, preservatives, additives in processed foods and processed oils all form free-radicals. Then add these factors to too many negative thoughts you have a recipe for accelerated aging and damage. So what can we do to protect yourself from this destruction? What can we do to equip our bodies with the right tools to cope with all this destruction?

Most of us have now heard of anti-oxidants, they prevent or slow down the damage caused by free-radicals. These days our environment places a tremendous strain on our bodies over which we have little choice and often no control. However, we do have a choice over whether to consume anti-oxidants or free-radicals, directly speeding up or slowing down our aging process. Antioxidants act a bit like Kamikaze pilots they sacrifice themselves by donating one of their own electrons. Certain vitamins and minerals, plant compounds are very effective anti-oxidants protecting us from rusting so to speak. Researchers are telling us over and over again how the lack of antioxidants are contributing to degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, eye problems, pain and needless suffering as we age.

The goal is to look at health care as a method of promoting wellness rather than treating illness, this is two completely different things. Prevention is easier and less expensive than waiting to treat a disease. People often say to me in our clinic when discussing lifestyle changes, 'I don't want to live to 110'. I am not saying for one minute that making lifestyle changes will make you live for a very long time. It's the quality of life that is so important and we owe it to ourselves to be as happy and as healthy as possible. Be positive and play an active role in your own health.

What does prevention mean to you? In conversations I have with people about their health, they tell me they are really healthy. So how does one define healthy? Is healthy merely an absence of a named disease? In other words your Doctor has not given you a label, angina or diabetes, a named disease, so therefore you must be healthy. I hear things like - I have my annual check-ups and various tests every year and I am told I am 100% okay. What does this mean 100% okay?

I observe people - they eat and drink all sorts of unhealthy foods and drinks, are not active, are often over weight and put up with many physical annoyances. Annoyances like aches and pains, headaches, migraines, blocked nose, painful digestive problems, asthma, insomnia, fatigue, various skin conditions like eczema, hypoglycaemia, and more. But would definitely consider themselves' healthy. Many people I know consider taking conventional tests as their 'preventative' measure/medicine.

To me this is like 'Russian roulette' you are pulling the trigger until one day, bang! The tests, then one day suddenly, out of the blue come up with some 'negative result'- you've taken the bullet! Just like that. Suddenly you have heart disease or diabetes or suddenly you have a thyroid that has stopped working properly. So why should you worry if the tests keep showing you are in the clear this time, the barrel was empty this time? In truth you don't just wake up one day with a thyroid problem or a heart disease problem. It has taken many, many years to develop. Few tests give you any indication of things in their very early stages, for instance a thyroid that is struggling. The tests will keep showing your thyroid is absolutely fine. Then when 'broken' so to speak you are told your thyroid is under-active and you need medication, what happened in the interim, the time leading up to this problem? Off-course there are always exceptions, where a thyroid could have a problem overnight - for instance in a case of a car accident, where whip lash can dramatically affect the thyroid function.

It is true some cancers can be detected in their early stages of development, and that is wonderful. However, most research shows time and time again that a really healthy lifestyle can cut down our chances of suffering cancer in the first place. And that a typical lifestyle encourages the on-set of cancer. Here is one example - you may decide to take 'hormone replacement estrogens' and as a 'preventative measure' so to speak take an annual mammogram, because artificial oestrogen is known to increase your chances of breast cancer.

Many people consider these mammograms, as their preventative measure, wait and see.

To me prevention is not even considering taking something that would encourage cancer in the first place but to find herbs, supplements and a change in lifestyle to minimise the natural transition and generally make you healthier in the long run improving your quality of life.

Bearing in mind the menopause is natural even though the medical profession have declared it a disease. Eat, drink and be merry, after all the tests keep telling you that you are 100%.

Or maybe you think you are one of those rare people who can cheat that lifestyle of yours and not pay the consequences eventually. Many of the common diseases we are suffering in the developed Western world are preventable in a truly preventable sense, with changes in lifestyles. Change your lifestyle now don't wait until it is serious (a negative test result), before you change things. Get healthy now.

This is where alternative medicine differs from conventional medicine. We see things differently health is not just the absence of a disease, but a real state of wellbeing and vitality. We see all symptoms and signs as significant (no matter how small) as they all add up to reveal a picture about your state - which organs and systems are struggling, what deficiencies, and imbalance you might have.

I would like to make it clear it is important to have tests, but just because your tests reveal everything is okay, don't be complacent remember chronic conditions take years to develop most often undetected until it is well advanced.

Scientific evidence backs up the idea that the type of diet we choose has a very deep and fundamental impact on the way we age, this has far deeper more reaching consequences than the genes we have inherited. We can't choose our genes but we can choose our lifestyles. What does this mean? People tell me they have several close family members who are diabetic. So they have the idea that they have no say in their own destiny, that they too will eventually be diabetic. Yet I see them eat loads of refined carbohydrates - dough-nut, cookies, bread, pancakes, pasta, chocolate, sugary foods, sodas, coffees, with next to no fresh food what so ever. Their diet is so very lacking in enough vital nutrients, but full of foods that will speed up aging and encourage much more suffering. Though this diet will not guarantee diabetes, it will certainly increase your chances of getting diabetes, regardless of our close family members.

However, with close family members with diabetes and that lifestyle the chances are very high. A self-fulfilling prophesy. You inherit genes but you also inherit habits. Born in Japan you might have acquired a taste for raw fish, born in America you might have acquired a taste for doughnuts. That is not genes but acquired taste and habits.

When we think of aging, we think of it involving some degree of physical and mental decline, however there are many people who maintain comparatively full physical and mental health throughout a very long life. A healthy life depends on many aspects, a person's constitution, their family or society, their past lifestyle, whether they are lonely or fulfilled. Whether they smoke or drink too much. Diet plays a huge part of our physical and mental well-being, but it is not the only aspect we need to consider. Too much research has been done to ignore the facts - aging can be a very pleasant experience. They can be the best years of your life. There is a huge amount to look forward to.

I recently came across a 55 year old man in our clinic with mild diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor digestion, heartburn, overweight, but for him the biggest worry was that he had been refused further medical insurance (he was from the US) due to his state of health, the amount of surgery he'd already had and the large amounts of medication he was taking. The condition this man was in is pretty typical in our Western society.

On the other hand there is a 64 year old who visits the clinic for acupuncture as part of his maintenance program, has none of these problems is taking no medication what so ever, is not over weight and is extremely fit, still riding a bike for many miles up and down the mountains around here. I don't except you to buy a mountain bike for one moment, I am just pointing out that anything is possible you can choose your path, way to go, so to speak. The first man has all the conditions that have been proven to be self inflicted by the life-style he chose, and that these conditions can improve or even reverse with the right choices.

Incidentally, the first man has made vast improvements in many areas since treatment, lifestyles changes and supplements. His recent blood tests have revealed - bad cholesterol down, triglycerides down, blood pressure down and weight down, medication down. He is a different man.

We are all at great risk of not getting adequate nutrients due to refining and processing of food but even more so as we get older, due to the decline in our digestive function. As fewer calories are needed due to a reduction in general activity, and for some appetite declines, which may be in part due to changes in taste and smell. As we get older we can often lose our sense of thirst, so dehydration is more likely. Our digestive system starts to cause us a problem, having been so abused for years. The stomach slows down its production of digestive juices and enzymes this in turn affects absorption of B12, iron and calcium to name just a few. There is a reduction in lactase production, which causes milk intolerance.

Constipation is often a problem as we get older, as more fibre is needed compared to our younger days. Medication can change the way food tastes, cause nausea or the way the bowel works. For some of us just having to eat alone can put us off bothering to cook and eat well. Smoking robes the body of large amounts of vital nutrients. Nutrients that are needed to repair joint 'wear and tear' or maintain healthy bones or even teeth, the list is endless. Try not to drink too much, more than a small amount of alcohol can have a negative effect on your general health and well being. Are your tests showing - high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol, are the scales screaming out "you are overweight" but you knew this before you got on the scales, because your 'lower front' was causing your 'lower back' a problem! They are telling you that you are now prone to diabetes. That the menopause is a disease! What does that make puberty? That osteoporosis is only a matter of time. Prostate cancer, no man gets away with it! That incontinence pads are for life! And soon you will be battling with false teeth!

In our culture we hear of people after a certain age (but now happening at a younger age than before) suffering diabetes or stroke or arthritis or heart disease and hardly batter an eye lid. Yet if we lived in a more traditional society these diseases would be rare at any age, but very rare at as young an age as we are now suffering these now, they would be quite a talking point. For instance, women who eat a traditional diet in Japan hardly ever suffer osteoporosis and few menopause symptoms. Yet the modern Japan woman who lives on a typical western diet suffers osteoporosis and the usual symptoms of menopause! This is not genes.

We need to look at the facts - a speedy decline is not inevitable. There is so much research that proves things can be different, that your life can be different. That your life can be so much better, you can be healthier, happier, slimmer, and more active late into your life. Do not be brain-washed by the advertising companies, by the lure of the addictive ingredients sitting on the supermarket shelves that are aging you.

Think positively, as it is never too early or too late to start an anti-aging program.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Galvanic - The Ultimate Spa Treatment!

Maintaining beauty and youth is not something that we have full control of. In fact, many of us feel frustrated that the visible signs of aging and stress are so evident despite the many ways by which we prevent them. The sad fact, though, is that we cannot stop time and its adverse effects on our skin and body. We will eventually all get to have wrinkles, age and sun spots, facial lines, cellulite, and even dry brittle hair that are all products of the passing of time. While these are all factual, it can also be said that there are ways by which we can reduce time's and age's marks on us. While we cannot totally stop them, we can delay them and we can hide them naturally.

One way to do so is by using the galvanic spa treatment. You have probably heard about it since celebrities and stars get to have them regularly in order to delay the signs of aging and bring out more of their youthful beauties. This kind of skin and hair treatment can be easily acquired in a nearby spa in the city but the sad thing is that not all of us can afford one treatment, much less weekly treatments. But who says that we cannot get the same kind of treatment without having to spend as much? Thanks to the galvanic spa system, we can now bring all the on-site benefits right in our homes.

With your very own galvanic spa system you can have the full benefits of an on-site spa treatment. You no longer have to deal with spa appointments that are becoming more and more expensive each day. With the home spa system, you get to have a complete set of tools that can bring you the same time tested skin and hair treatment at home and practically wherever you go. This also applies best to people who are always on the go. The system's portability allows it for easy packing and you can expect to have your needed beauty treatment anytime, anywhere.

The galvanic spa treatment works by allowing currents to flow through your skin bringing with it the most needed nutrients of your skin cells. These cosmetic ingredients, which are usually just applied topically, can now enter your skin's layers more efficiently because of the various conductors included in the spa system. With your own spa kit, you will be having the luxury to use the facial conductor, the body conductor, the scalp conductor and the spot treatment conductor. All these four conductors provide you a complete system not just for the facial skin but also for the head and the entire body.

The galvanic spa treatment is also best known not only for allowing your skin the full absorption of the most important cosmetic nutrients and ingredients but also in its ability to bring out the skin cells' impurities that show off as wrinkles, spots and lines. With each use, you can expect your skin to be clearer and more elastic.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Honest Truth About Most Hyaluronic Acid Gel Products

Before you pull out your wallet and purchase a hyaluronic acid gel product, you may want to read this article.?It reveals the truth about how effective hyaluronic acid gel products really are, and whether or not they actually increase the amount of this substance in your skin.

Since the benefits of this cellular substance have been discovered and realized, more and more skin care products are choosing to either include hyaluronic acid (HA) in their products or even base some of their new ones solely around it.?And I don't really blame them, because they know people will buy them.

But, there is one big problem with these kind of products....

You see, hyaluronic acid is a very thick and sticky substance.?And just like collagen and elastin, HA molecules are too large to really be absorbed into the skin.?At best, only a fraction of all the HA in a hyaluronic acid gel will even penetrate through your skin.?All the rest just sits on your skin until it's washed off.

Deceiving, right?

To the average consumer, hyaluronic acid gel products seem like a logical solution to increase the amount of this substance in the skin.?But when you actually do some research to find out how effective they really, you learn that it's just another way for skin care companies to capture more of the market.

But nonetheless, HA still is a very important and vital part of your skin, it's health, and it's youthfulness.?If you've already developed wrinkles, then more HA in your skin can help retain more moisture and water, which in turn will plump up your skin and make it look and feel very smooth.

So how can you increase the amount of HA in your skin?

Believe it or not, the best way to do this is by still using a topical hyaluronic acid gel or cream- but one that's structured and developed much differently.?/p>

The whole reason why you never really have the ideal amount of HA in your skin is because of a bodily enzyme called hyaluronidase.?The activity of this enzyme is triggered by exposure of UV radiation and other sources of free radicals.?The more free radicals that are in your skin, the more active hyaluronidase is, and the more HA it breaks down.

An effective hyaluronic acid gel or cream will contain ingredients that stop the activity of this enzyme and reduce the amount of free radicals in your skin.?/p>

The Japanese (who seem like their skin never ages at all!) use skin products with an ingredient called Phytessence Wakame, a unique form of sea kelp.?This special ingredient is what helps preserve their natural HA levels, leaving their skin much more smooth, supple, and age-free.

Does this all make sense??Instead of following the crowd and using hyaluronic acid gel that really doesn't work as well as people think, be one of those people who does make their skin look younger and use skin care products that solve the problems of aging naturally.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Use and Purpose of Hair Extensions

If you grew up in the 1980's you may remember the original introduction of hair extensions and how they were low in quality and high in cost. You may also remember understanding why they were given up and dismissed as a fad. The thing that I bet you didn't expect however is that they would come bounding back onto the beauty scene.

The popularity of hair extensions is colossal, who would have thought that something that was so easily dismissed would now be one of the most sought after hair trends? There are a number of reasons as to why this is the case. One of these reasons is due to the amount of celebrities that have been seen wearing them because let's face it we all want to look like our idols! However another important reason is due to the fact they are now made to a high quality. You now have the option of buying synthetic or human hair extensions, the latter being the highest quality that you can buy. They are that good that unless you tell people you have them in, no one will be able to tell due to the way they match your natural colour and blend so well into your natural locks. And as they look and feel like your natural locks you are able to wash and style them as though they were.

Extensions represent quite a new development when it comes to the field of cosmetology so a lot of people may not have complete knowledge about it. This isn't a problem however and by no means should it put you off considering having them applied. The reason that I say this is because with the help of the right salon and stylist you don't need to know much about them at all as your stylist will inform you of everything that you need to know. Your stylist will be able to colour match your natural locks so it all blends in and they will also be able to demonstrate the best application method for your hair. All of this is done so that you get the most you possibly can out of your extensions but to give you a bit of a head start, let me inform you a little bit about them.

They represent clusters of hair that can be attached to your natural locks. They are used as a means of adding not only length to your locks but also thickness and slices of colour and as a way of creating layers and texture and believe me you will be amazed at the difference that they can make to your overall look. These clusters are generally made up of 30 pieces of hair that are usually joined to your natural locks through aspects such as wefts or bonds. All hair extensions methods are completely safe as long as you go to a trained and experienced salon to have them applied.

If you opt for the best option, which is human hair then your extensions are said to last for an average of four months, after this time you will need to continually re-attach if you want to continue wearing them but with regular visits to your stylist your hair will be kept in the best condition possible.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

All About Eye Creams

The first place that would make aging evident is the skin near the eyes because it is there that wrinkles would start to form. That is why eye creams nowadays have been gaining support since it was created. For those who get wrinkles near their eyes or for people who do not want wrinkles on their faces, this is such a blessing to them. So what are these eye creams? These are moisturizers or solutions that could help lessen or prevent wrinkles from forming near the lower part of the eyes. This would help prevent the soft tissues from damaging.

But knowing the best eye cream for you depends on the kind of skin you have and the only way to find out is to try different kinds of eye creams and see what best fits you. You could either use their samples or just ask people who have tried it. This way you could also learn and help others know what variety they could choose from and what would fit them based on the type of skin they have.

So why are these creams bought? What is in these creams that make it saleable? Eye creams usually contain ingredients that could help increase the blood flow circulation to brighten and alleviate dark circles, firm up the skin, lighten up skin color below one's eyes and offer anti aging benefits. These ingredients are vitamin C, caffeine, hydroquinone or vitamin K and retinol. These would help them maintain their youthful glow and make them feel good about themselves.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Truth About Skin Wrinkling

Ever wondered what can we do about wrinkling? Everyone hates to see the appearance of that first fine line. But, there are ways to delay and possibly reverse these things. There are many things that you can do. Numerous techniques and approaches have been recommended over the years. Some work. Some don't. Here's a look at those that do.

First of all, don't over-wash your face. The use of harsh cleansers and exfoliants may have been okay when you were younger, but not anymore. Tap water alone strips the skin of its natural oils. Wash away too much of this barrier and you lose moisture that protects against wrinkles.

Always follow cleansing with a good moisturizer, regardless of your skin's type. Effective moisturizers will not clog the pores or cause greasiness. Skip the ones that contain petrolatum and mineral oil. Buy the ones that contain grape seed oil, jojoba or Shea butter.

If you want to prevent and reduce wrinkling, take a look at your diet. Fruits and vegetables provide the vitamins A, C and E, as well as antioxidants that protect against photo-aging. Make salads with carrots, avocados and mandarin oranges. The three vitamins are most readily absorbed by the body when they are consumed at the same time.

Drink green tea instead of coffee. Green tea contains catechins that have been shown to improve circulation to the skin's cells, improve hydration and protect against sun damage. If you need to lose a little weight, there are studies suggesting that green tea helps with that, too.

Try to include more fish in your diet. Fish provide omega-3 fats. One study found that increasing intake of omega3s improved the skin's firmness by 10% over a period of three months. The protein in fish can help reverse wrinkling, too, because the skin's cells and fibers are composed primarily of proteins.

Of all the things that you can do, it is clear that the most effective choice is to use a nourishing cream on a daily basis. By providing nutrients directly to the skin, we can stimulate the production of new cells and fibers. Some of the nutrients that have proven benefit for this purpose are peptides and coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that was shown in a recent study to decrease wrinkling by 29% after six weeks of daily use. It was also shown to reduce roughness and dryness. The test was conducted using volunteers with sun damage. If your skin has not been damaged by the sun, you will still see results, but they may be less dramatic.

Make no mistake about it. Peptides are like proteins, only smaller. They have been shown to increase the production of collagen fibers. A proprietary formula called CYNERGY TK was shown to increase the number of new cells present in the skin's layers by as much as 160%, in as little as three days. This improves thickness and reduces wrinkling. If you start to use the right creams, you may look better than you dreamed possible, in a very short time.

To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible natural substances for radiant skin care, visit my website today.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Right Way to Look Beautiful

Everyone just loves to have a perfect body, skin, shape, and "perfect" is the word that we look for... in our compliments. But with the human tendency of wanting something more and more in our body just never seems to be perfect to us. Sometimes, we feel our eyes are too big, nose is too small and the list will go on, but here it is our own attitude that is not perfect, because of ever-growing needs and wants. It is important that you correct the real problems of dry skin, acne, at the right time so that we are at the right pace with the trend.

We all like to master the art of make-up. We need to love, pamper ourselves and prioritize body care as the first option in our busy schedule. Body care will make you feel confident and glowing. This article will serve as a comprehensive guide for body care which includes Hands care and French Manicure. You can discover the key to glowing and appealing skin with the latest beauty products whether you are a teen-age girl or a grand mother.

Body care: Adequate care of our body reflects the health condition. Many people, particularly house wives and physical laborers over-work, hence the same reflects on their hands. In spite of the fact that the hands are exposed to the daily routine, there are good moisturizers and lotions that will help your skin to be soft and supple. Hand massage is quite easy just mere rubbing on the back of hand with the other hand can stimulates blood circulation and it even warms up our hand.

Before you go to bed, apply dermalogica moisturizers or Vaseline on your hands and by the morning you will feel the difference. While, you are doing household cleaning work it is important that you wear rubber gloves because the detergents are extremely harsh on our skin. Cold creams also render you with soft and smooth skin. French manicure is natural nail care where the tips are pure white and it is suitable for all the occasions because it is very natural and the nails look healthy.

Mineral makeup: Fashion statements change along with seasonal changes and make-up is a part and parcel of fashion lifestyle. The mineral makeup is the latest inclusion to the dedicated culture of better living. Mineral makeup is based on hypoallergenic loose powder that naturally nourishes the skin. It does not contain perfumes, talc, dyes or preservatives; no doubt the dermatologists are pleased with the new trend.

Mineral makeup is the best of the kind for sensitive skin; there are lots of women who struggle with acne, allergies and dryness, mineral makeup provides you with effective choices rather than the creation of problems. It is very light and contains the natural ingredients like triple milled minerals of titanium, gold, zinc, magnesium that rejuvenates and relaxes the skin. Minerals are known for the creation of real health and they can revive back the beauty of your teen age.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What You Need to Know About Acne Bacteria

Acne is caused by bacteria. Specifically, it is caused by the bacteria P. acnes. While many people know what acne is, they know nearly nothing about the bacteria.

P. acnes, or Propionibacterium Acnes, is a slow growing bacteria that not only causes acne, but blepharitis and endophthalmitis. Like many other genomes, this bacteria has had its own sequenced and studies have found that the genes of P. acnes can generate enzymes for degrading proteins and skin, while activating the immune system of the individual. The bacteria is named for its ability to generate propionic acid.

The bacteria is part of the skin flora that is present on most individual's skins and they live on fatty acids. These fatty acids are found on the sebaceous glands on sebum, and are secreted through pores. As well, the bacteria is found in the gastrointestinal tract in humans and other animals.

One thing that has been found with this bacteria is that it is sensitive to light and will even glow when exposed to certain types of light due to the presence of endogenous porphyrins. Ultraviolet light kills the bacteria, which has led to many dermatologists to recommend light therapy to deal with acne breakouts caused by the bacteria. When dermatologists treat the skin with aminolevulinic acid before the light treatment, the overall efficiency of the product is extremely high.

No one likes having acne, but many people don't know about how P. acnes creates bacteria or how it can be eliminated. As mentioned above, P. acnes is killed by UV light and that means by going out and getting some sun, it is possible to remove acne almost completely on the face and other parts of the body. This is why individuals who spend a lot of time outside do not have severe problems with acne.

By keeping skin clean and exfoliated, it is possible to remove this bacteria and keep the face clear of acne. As well, this bacteria thrives in fatty acids, so by eliminating fatty acids from your diet, you can then help yourself in the fight against acne. By eating fruits and vegetables, getting sunlight on a regular basis, drinking water and cleaning the skin, you can keep acne from becoming a major problem for yourself.

It is possible to kill P. acnes and it can be done without antibiotics or other harsh chemicals applied to your face.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to Get Rid of Acne Now! Guaranteed Tactics That Let You Keep Your Diet and Remove Acne Fast

Severe acne is often the result of being ignorant to the urgent need for treatment of mild acne. There are many treatments available and the natural ones are effective, as well as easy in treating this severe situation. Some changes to the way you eat may be in order for better results but no drastic changes are necessary.

It is an important part of the cure to increase the amount of water you drink every day. Aim to have at least 2 liters of water so that your skin remains hydrated. Dead skin cells normally cannot be shed effectively and cause blockage of pores, if your skin is dehydrated.

Moreover water consumption in large quantity helps flush out toxins from the body. If you ensure that you undertake sufficient exercises, then the toxins are thrown out of the system with sweat. Ensure that you keep your skin clean and dry after a workout.

There are skin care products which are usually made from synthetic chemicals. Ensure that you use natural products for the skin e.g. tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a known antifungal agent and a good cure against severe acne.

Sunshine and fresh air stimulate creation of vitamin D in the body. Have a 10 minute walk outside to provide the vital oxygen to the skin. It is important to make your skin stronger and healthier.

Stress is a major cause of acne. Exercises, meditation and other stress management techniques help you relax. Did you know that a good night's sleep is a way to relax and de-stress your body and mind?

Antibiotics may cause bacteria from your digestive system to be destroyed which may lead to nutrients being wasted and assimilation of toxins. Probiotics are those foods that provide and establish the good bacteria in the gut. Honey, onions and bananas are great probiotic supplements.

Without changing your diet just add a larger variety of fresh fruits and vegetable, whole foods, nuts and seeds to your diet. Find some interesting recipes from these foods. You can get rid of severe acne and lead a healthier life if you follow all these tips.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting Rid of Acne the Quick Way - 3 Tips to Make it Work Like Magic

Acne causes you to have second thoughts about attending a party or special events. It not only affects you and your work life but also makes you feel depressed and less confident. Everyone wishes to have clear and beautiful skin without having any association with acne.

If you are finding solutions to help you get rid of your acne problem so that you can attend your event confidently, these tips may come in handy.

Always drink sufficient water daily, you should have an intake of at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water helps flush out toxins from our body and acne are caused by toxins in the body. Few days before the event, start drinking lots of water to ensure that toxins are been flushed before the actual day.

Before you wash your face, use warm water to clean your face first. This allows your pores to open up. Remove dirt and excessive oil on your skin by washing thoroughly with a facial cleanser. Rinse and wash off completely with cold water to close up the pores. Apply toner to the skin after washing your face.

If you can see the pus of the acne, you may apply gentle force with your fingers to squeeze it out. If you encounter some difficulty in getting the pus out, use a sterilized needle to remove the pus from the acne.

Make full use of toner to help close the pores on your skin to prevent bacteria and other dirt from getting to the skin. Acne can be caused by many factors from your hygiene or even inherited from your parents. However, by maintaining good diet and healthy lifestyle, you will definitely be able to get acne cured.
Always believe in curing acne the natural way as medications do have their side effects on you.

Find out more about some effective natural acne remedy below.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tips For Choosing a Hair Straightener

There are many types of hair straighteners and finding the right one for your hair can be a task in itself as well as quite pricey. Straight hair has definitely become the new trend so it is important that you take your time on finding the best one for your hair and hopefully with the best price tag. Many people run to the local store and grab one off the shelf and become quickly disappointed and lose hope in their hair looking the way that they want.

Your hair type depends on the type and range of straightener. If your hair is already semi-straight, then you probably will not need the hottest or most expensive straightener. If your hair is extremely curly and thick, then you might want to look into getting a hair straightener that tends to get to a higher degree.

After doing some research, hair straighteners range from as low as 15 dollars to as high at 200 dollars. There are many stands in malls that will try to sell you a straightener and tell you how much it originally costs and then they will say how much they will give it to you for. You will probably think that you are getting the best deal, however you probably are not and most likely it is not the best one for you. This is not something that you should take lightly, it is important that you do not dry your hair out or break it off by burning it.

The best rated hair straightener is the Sedu Ionic Ceramic Tourmaline. You can find it online for approximately $120.00. The temperature ranges from 240 degrees to 410 degrees. There is also another highly reviewed straightener that will cost you less than $30. This one reaches 375 degrees and has 30 different settings. That is the Andis Ceramic Clamp Flat Iron. It is important for you to do your research and maybe even ask your stylist what type of hair you have to help make the best decision. However, it is never a good idea to buy it from them because they are trained to sell the products that they have. If they really sell you on theirs, tell them you will think about it and then go home to purchase the same product online. It will save you a lot of money, try it and see.

Hair straighteners also come in different sizes. The actual straightening part can range from one to two inches. The wider the part, the more that gets straightened at a time. There also hair straighteners sold that come in mini sizes. This might be a good idea to buy as a back up or to take with you when you travel.

When you decide to start straightening your hair, you should also look into getting a proper straightening gel. This will protect your ends as well as avoiding breakage. There are many brands of hair straighteners that sell their own gel or protectant. This is something else that will save you money by buying online.

Picking out a straightener should be a fun process! It is always fun having a new look, especially when it is the new trend!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

General Information About Acne Scars

Acne scars can result from untreated acne or cysts. Factually speaking, the acne scars can chiefly be categorized into two types: the scars which are caused due to tissue loss, and the scars which are caused by an increment in tissue formation. An increment in tissue formation may result in raised and lumpy scars which are popularly known as hyper tropic or keloid scars. But these types of scars are hereditary more often, and aren't quite common. On the other hand, scars that are caused by tissue loss are quite common, and they can be found in various forms as described below:

Follicular macular atrophy - This type of scar occurs mostly on back or chest. They can be seen as whiteheads which haven't developed as a whole or completely.

Ice-pick scars - This type of scar is small, but a profound indentation is generally found in the cheek. The scar belonging to this type gets its name due to the indentation it resembles like the puncture of an ice-pick.

Depressed fibrotic scars - The scars belonging to Ice-pick could change into a kind of depressed fibrotic scars with time. Similar to ice-pick, even the depressed fibrotic scars have steep sides and sharp edges, but are usually larger and broader at the base.

Atrophic macules - This type of scar is soft when touched, and has a wrinkled base. It often gives a purplish look when newly formed, but this can even fade eventually with time.

Soft scars - This type of scar is gentle and soft when touched, and has sloping edges which blend along with the skin surrounding it.

Boxcar - This type is oval or round in shape, and has sharp as well as vertical edges.

A large variety of treatments are available for curing acne scars. It's recommended that you should consult your dermatologist to understand the best treatment for you.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why Should You Go For Dental Implants?

Dental Implants help replace a lost tooth. You might have lost your teeth for a variety of reasons - age, disease or accident. Whatever the reason as long as you have healthy gums you can get teeth implants that are substitutes for natural teeth.

Dental Implants restore your smile, ability to speak and eat comfortably and also raises your self-esteem and improves your self-confidence. The science of implants has made rapid progress in the last several years and recent advances have made teeth implants more reliable and easier to integrate

Teeth Implants help replace missing tooth, uncomfortable dentures, help to cover up gaps and mend your smile. Technology improvements have made teeth Implants more affordable and successful.

As dentists gain more experience in treating tooth implant patients they have been able to avoid the mistakes that lead implant failure in previous patients. As more research data and information is available cosmetic dentists are going in for advance implants training and continue to update their knowledge and gain from experience of others.

Tooth Implant is an artificial substitutes for natural tooth roots. The implants- small anchors shaped like screws or cylinders- are placed into the jawbone. Replacement teeth are attached to the part of the implant that projects through the gums. Used for many years, dental implants are effective, natural-looking replacements for missing teeth.

Through a process called the bone integration the cosmetic dental implant becomes part of your jaw. You no longer have hide your smile behind your hand or stop socializing just because of missing tooth. Even if you have gum disease it can be treated and new dental implants put in after treatment of the problem.