Friday, January 21, 2011

What Are Brown Age Spots and How Do I Get Rid of Them?

Brown age spots can be one of the most unsightly skin conditions any woman has to deal with. Even though they are called age spots, a woman doesn't necessarily have to be older in order to get them. There are various causes, and solutions for brown age spots, and they can appear as early as our mid to late twenties.

These are also called liver spots and sun spots. As the name suggests, to much exposure to the suns ultraviolet rays is the cause of these unattractive blotches. Other factors that can add to these spots, regardless of a woman's age are smoking, lack of vitamins, eating to much poor quality saturated oils, and a diet high in refined sugars and fats.

These spots are easier to prevent than to cure, however, there are solutions available that can do wonders in reversing the effects of the sun on the skin. When we are exposed to the sun, the melanin in our skin begins to darken our skin. This is the cause of sun tans and spots. When melanin clumps together and darkens, they form age spots.

Our diet can help significantly in reducing your chances of developing these unsightly conditions. Orange vegetables such as yams and carrots are a good beginning. You will also want to eat as many green leafy vegetables as possible such as collard greens, lettuce, and watercress. Garlic, chives, and other foods that are rich in antioxidants are not only great for your health, but are also wonderful for helping to fight off damaging free radicals that are created as the result of too much exposure to the sun.

There are also surgeries available to fix this problem, however, they have major draw backs. Laser surgery is one option, but it only works for extremely dark spots on very light skin. If the spot is a purplish or gray color or your skin is tanned or darker, laser surgery won't get very good results. Also, this technique literally burns the spot away. Not exactly a pleasant experience.

There are also chemical peels that are used to solve this problem. This means that you will have to put an acid on your skin, which again eats away your skin in order to fix the spots. Again, not a very pleasant experience for getting rid of these sun spots.

The best solution is to find an all natural bleaching cream that is safe and reliable. This will use ingredients that don't burn or destroy your skin but instead works to get rid of the excessively dark pigmentation in the skin and return it to it's natural color. A good all natural bleaching cream is the best solution for treating brown age spots and will get results for you in a very short period of time.


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