Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Found the Fountain of Youth

As I was outside all day, digging, lifting, pulling, mowing, sinking metal fence posts in the garden and moving the compost pile, I started thinking about how great a gift a physically fit body is. Not only did I have the stamina and energy to work outside all day long, I felt great doing it! And I didn't hurt afterwards.

Make exercise a priority, a part of your every day. Exercise isn't just so you can lose weight and it's not just to get in that special dress for your 25th reunion. Exercise makes your life better. Every time you exercise, you are healthier than you were before you exercised, no matter what the mirror says!

During one of our workouts at Tony Horton's fit camp last July, we were all sweating; hoping we'd survive the workout. So, I don't remember much of what Tony actually said during the workout, but he said at one point, "You are swimming in the fountain of youth..." And that's what I think about every time I plug in one of my workout DVDs or go for a bike ride. Trust me, there are days when I'd really like to sleep in, but I've made a commitment to myself to exercise every day.

I know I can't keep from growing older, but I can keep my body from feeling older by exercising!

So, just do it! And next time you think about skipping your exercise so you can surf the web, or watch tv, or go shopping just remember, you have access to the fountain of youth!
It's up to you!


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