Thursday, January 20, 2011

Popping Zits - Is it Worth the Risk?

Popping zits is not really a good idea. While it may be pleasurable and could be giving you that natural high that is quite difficult for some to understand, popping zits is something that you should not do when you don't know what you are doing.

Popping Zits is Just Really Zit Popping, Right?

Wrong. If you had thought about popping zits to be just, well, really about popping zits - for all types - then, I bet you are suffering from some really bad skin lesions and acne scars, right now.

Zit popping is only for selected type of zits. I don't want to hear, 'but I pop zits all the time,' which is why most people suffer from the unsightly sight of these scars and red, irritated acne spots all the time. While you may believe to know your skin better than any one else, those ugly scars and really red spots could tell otherwise.

But Those Whiteheads Really Annoy Me, Any Advice

Yes, leave them alone. Soon you'll find them to be gone. Let me tell you some drawbacks in popping zits,

Spread the bacteria

And, this is not good news, right? When you start to spread pimple-causing bacteria, all would just get worse. It's as simple as what had been taught in your Health and Hygiene 101.

Acne scarring

Here's one of the reasons why you just need to practice keeping your hands away from your face. You need to remember that removing acne scars is difficult. Lucky for you if you are a woman and could often (or, always) wear a concealer. Otherwise, it is advisable that you do not pop those zits.

But an ugly scar doesn't really look good behind a concealer. As much as possible, you want a clear, blemish-free, and smooth skin. The least that you could do is to actually keep your hands away from your face.

Pop It: How to Really Pop Zits

If you just really need it, here's one sure way on how to pop zits without getting an acne scar on the way,

Some things you need to prepare

Get the following materials that you need in popping zits,

*Hydrogen peroxide
*Sterile needle (Please, don't use your hands in popping pimples)

How to pop zits

Step 1: Hygiene. Make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly.

Step 2: Sterilize the needle by heating it either using an open flame. However, I am recommending you to place the needle in a boiling water for at least 3 minutes.

Step 3: Pop the zit using the sterilized needle by simply applying pressure in the surrounding area of the zit while you pierce its protruding center. From there you could expect that you could extract the liquid that is almost visible externally. Spot or dab the small, square gauze to remove the liquid; a sweeping motion is otherwise recommended.

Step 4: Clean the area using gauze with 2 to 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide solution.

Remember, not all zits are recommended for popping. A good rule is to see if your zit is during its last stage of development, which is primarily characterized by having a protruding puss or white liquid.


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